The moon is the only satellite of the planet Earth. We see it daily in the sky. The moon has a fairly strong influence on the planet and even on the psyche of people. The study of the satellite has been going on for more than 2,000 years, and continues today. Despite the latest technology, scientists still have many questions. Today we will study how many times the Earth is larger than the Moon and what would happen if the planet lost its faithful satellite. Let's get started!
The moon is…

Although the Moon has always been considered a natural celestial body, there have recently been suggestions that it was created artificially. The thing is that some objects on the moon seem man-made to scientists.
It is known that the sky above it is always black, the atmosphere is absent, and the sounds are not heard at all. At the same time, there are seas, oceans (created by solidified lava) and even craters on the Moon. scientists so farworries about how the satellite formed and why it is where we see it today.
The satellite regularly "runs away" from the Earth by 3.8 cm. Some scientists even believe that in 50 billion years the Moon will simply "run away". However, this theory does not find support among many other researchers.
It is also assumed that inside the satellite there is a metal core covered with three layers of mantle and heterogeneous crust, the thickness of which can reach 100 km.
How many times larger is the Earth than the Moon?
Scientists have long found out that the satellite is 6 times smaller than the blue planet. How many times the Earth is larger than the Moon can be seen by looking at the photo. After all, visual information is perceived much better. That's how many times the Earth is larger than the Moon in size. The difference is huge!

If you look at the satellite from the Earth, it seems quite small - about 30 cm in diameter. However, if you admire it from the horizon, the dimensions seem more impressive.
The radius of the moon is 1737.1 km. While the average radius of the blue planet is 6371.0 km. Thus, the satellite is 3,667 times smaller than the planet.
How many times the Earth is larger than the Moon in diameter (it is equal to two radii)? This figure is 3,476 km. It is in these figures that the distance from Moscow to Tomsk is calculated. As you know, the equatorial diameter of the blue planet is 12,757 km. That is, in its diameter, the Moon is four times smaller than the Earth. More precisely, the diameter of the satellite is 0.272 of the diameter of our planet.
How many times larger is the Earth than the Moon in terms of area? The surface area of the satellite is 37.93 million square meters. km. While the area of the Earth is 510.1 million sq. km. That is, the area of the satellite is approximately equal to the total size of the three countries - Russia, Canada and China.
How many times the Earth is larger than the Moon in volume? The satellite is almost 50 times smaller than our planet, that is, it occupies only 2% in space.
The density of the satellite is 3.34 g/cm³. This is only 60% of the Earth's density. The difference in density is due to the fact that our planet is larger and its bowels are under great pressure. After all, the interior of the Earth consists of a massive core, in which 32% of its mass is concentrated. While the core of the Moon cannot contain more than 5% of its mass. That is, its size is approximately 350 km.
How many times the Earth is larger than the Moon in mass? 81 times. Newton tried to calculate the mass of the satellite. But as a result, I received data that exceeded the actual ones by 2 times. We remind readers that the mass of any body characterizes the amount of matter contained in it for a given volume. The more substance inside, the greater its weight. This means that the more effort must be applied to, for example, to lift or move it.
Gravity on the Moon's surface is 6 times lower than Earth's.
Glitter Planet
It's worth taking into account the shine of the satellite. The reflectivity (that is, the brilliance that we see from the Earth) of the Moon is 3 times lower than that of the blue planet. It follows from this that the illumination that the satellite gives is 41 times weaker than that of the Earth, if you admire it from space. This iscorresponds to a difference of 4m magnitudes.
If there were no Moon…

Perhaps without her, life on the blue planet would never have arisen. The change of seasons is due to the moon. Without it, temperature fluctuations would be so intense that the African summer could easily be replaced by an Arctic cold in one area. The nights would be much darker than they are now, especially when we see a full moon in the sky.
Without the Moon, earthlings would not be able to enjoy the unique spectacle - a solar eclipse. This is because it is so well positioned that it completely obscures the star when it is in line with Earth.
On the planet, the year would be very different. After all, the Moon not only controls the tides, it also slowed down the rotation of our planet several times. Without it, a day would only last 8 hours. Thus, the length of the year would be about a thousand days.
That is, the Moon not only decorates the sky and inspires a romantic mood. Despite the great distance (it takes 3 days to fly to it), the satellite has a huge impact on the blue planet. Without it, the relief of mountains and plains, life forms would be completely different.

There are many interesting facts about the satellite of our planet. We examined the most interesting of them and found out how many times the Earth is larger than the Moon.