The gas giant is the fifth planet in the solar system, if we count from the luminary. Jupiter's mass makes it the largest object orbiting our star.
This celestial body is the so-called giant. It contains more than 2/3 of the planetary matter of our entire system. Jupiter's mass is 318 times greater than Earth's. In volume, this planet exceeds ours by 1300 times. Even that part of it that can be seen from the Earth is 120 times larger than the area of our blue "baby". A gas giant is a hydrogen ball, chemically very close to a star.
The mass of Jupiter (in kg) is so huge that it is simply impossible to imagine. It is expressed in this way: 1, 8986x10 to the 27th degree of kg. This planet is so large that it far exceeds the mass of all other bodies combined (excluding the Sun) in our star system.

The structure of the planet is multi-layered, but it is difficult to talk about specific parameters. There is only one possible model to consider. The planet's atmosphere is considered to be a layer starting from the top of the cloud and extending to a depthabout 1000 kilometers. At the lower edge of the atmospheric layer, the pressure is up to 150 thousand atmospheres. The temperature of the planet at this border is about 2000 K.
Below this area is a gas-liquid layer of hydrogen. This layer is characterized by the transition of a gaseous substance into a liquid as it deepens. Science currently cannot describe this process in terms of physics. It is known that at temperatures exceeding 33 K, hydrogen exists only in the form of a gas. However, Jupiter completely destroys this axiom.
In the lower part of the hydrogen layer, the pressure is 700,000 atmospheres, while the temperature increases to 6500 K. Below is an ocean of liquid hydrogen without the slightest gas particles. Under this layer is ionized, decayed into hydrogen atoms. This is the reason for the strong magnetic field of the planet.
Jupiter's mass is known, but it's hard to say for sure about the mass of its core. Scientists believe that it can be 5 or 15 times larger than the earth. It has a temperature of 25,000-30,000 degrees at a pressure of 70 million atmospheres.
The red hue of some of the planet's clouds indicates that Jupiter includes not only hydrogen, but also complex compounds. The atmosphere of the planet contains methane, ammonia and even particles of water vapor. In addition, traces of ethane, phosphine, carbon monoxide, propane, acetylene were found. Of these substances, it is difficult to isolate one, which is the cause of the original color of the clouds. It is equally likely to be compounds of sulfur, organic substances or phosphorus.

Lighter and darker bands parallel to the planet's equator - multidirectional atmospheric currents. Their speed can reach up to 100 meters per second. The boundary of the currents is rich in huge turbulences. The most impressive of them is the Great Red Spot. This whirlwind has been raging for more than 300 years and has dimensions of 15x30 thousand km. The timing of the hurricane is unknown. It is believed to have been raging for thousands of years. A hurricane makes a complete revolution around its axis in a week. Jupiter's atmosphere is rich in similar eddies, but they are much smaller and live no longer than two years.
Jupiter is a planet whose mass is much larger than Earth's. In addition, it is full of surprises and unique phenomena. So, on it there are polar lights, radio noise, dust storms. The smallest particles that have received an electric charge from the solar wind have an interesting dynamics: being an average between micro- and macro-bodies, they almost equally react to electromagnetic and gravitational fields. These particles form the ring that surrounds the planet. It was opened in 1979. The radius of the main part is 129 thousand km. The width of the ring is only 30 km. In addition, its structure is very rarefied, so it can only reflect thousandths of a percent of the light that hits it. It is impossible to observe the ring from the Earth - it is so thin. In addition, it is constantly turned with a thin edge towards our planet due to the slight inclination of the axis of rotation of the giant planet to the plane of the orbit.

The mass and radius of Jupiter, coupled with its chemical composition, allows the planet to have a giant magnetic field. Its intensity greatly exceeds that of the earth. The magnetosphere extends far into space, for a distance of about 650 million km, even beyond the orbit of Saturn. However, towards the Sun, this distance is 40 times less. Thus, even at such vast distances, the Sun "does not give way" to its planets. This "behavior" of the magnetosphere makes it completely unlike a sphere.
Will he become a star?
Strange as it may seem, it may still happen that Jupiter becomes a star. One of the scientists put forward such a hypothesis, coming to the conclusion that this giant has a source of nuclear energy.

At the same time, we know perfectly well that no planet, in principle, can have its own source. Even though they are visible in the sky, this is due to reflected sunlight. Whereas Jupiter radiates much more energy than the Sun brings to it.
Some scientists believe that in about 3 billion years, the mass of Jupiter will be equal to the sun. And then a global cataclysm will happen: the solar system in the form in which it is known today will cease to exist.