What is "kron" in life and in myths?

What is "kron" in life and in myths?
What is "kron" in life and in myths?

What is a cron? It is not possible to answer this question unambiguously, since the word has many interpretations. It is used in chemistry, geography, and mythology. More on what cron is below.

Dictionary definitions

"Cron" has several meanings. It looks like this in dictionaries:

  1. In the myths of the ancient Greeks, this is a deity who was considered supreme until the moment when he was overthrown by Zeus, who was his son. He was the son of Uranus, god of the sky, and Gaia, goddess of the earth.
  2. Optical glass with low refractive indices.
  3. Dry pigment in yellow, red and orange.
  4. The name of a mountain located in Russia, in the Sverdlovsk region.
  5. Ancient Greek philosopher 4th c. BC e., belonging to the Megara school.
yellow pigment
yellow pigment

Next, in order to assimilate the meaning of the word "kron", some of these interpretations will be considered in more detail.

Mountain in the Urals

Krugozor or Kron is a mountain located in Russia, in the vicinity of the city of Yekaterinburg. More precisely, to the south of it, not far from the village underthe name of Raskuiha. This is the southern part of the Sverdlovsk region. At some distance from the mountain is the Chusovaya River. This place is very popular with local tourists.

This mountain has gentle slopes. They are completely covered with forest, mostly pine trees. At the very top there are blocky rocks called remnants. Shallow caves have been discovered on the slopes close to the summit.

The southern slope looks like a rocky cliff of low height. At the foot of Mount Kron flows the river Chusovaya. Its shores, located near the mountain, are swampy and overgrown with mud.

In continuation of the study of what krono is, it will be said about the ancient Greek philosopher.

Offensive nickname

Statue of philosopher and goddess
Statue of philosopher and goddess

Diodor Kronos is a philosopher who lived in the 4th century. BC also known as Diodorus the Dialectic. Like other adherents of the Megarian school, he preferred sophistry and argued that existence and movement are impossible. There is little information about his biography. But Diogenes Laertes has one interesting case concerning Diodorus.

When he was at the court of the Egyptian king Ptolemy I Soter, he was offered to resolve a dialectical trick. Its author was another philosopher of the Megarian school, Stilpon. Diodorus was not immediately able to solve the riddle right away, and the impatient Ptolemy named him Kronos. There is a play on words here, since in Greek it means both a god and a dumbass, a blockhead.

Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece

It is believed that the philosopher is notsuffered such shame and died. Such a case was described in his "Experiments" by the French philosopher and writer, whose work belongs to the Renaissance, Michel de Montaigne. However, there is another version, which says that the offensive nickname was received by Diodorus from his teacher Apollonius. Although the reason was the same. This version is expressed by Strabo, an ancient historian and geographer.

In conclusion of the consideration of what a kron is, it will be told about the deity who bore such a name.

Supreme Deity

Kronos represents time
Kronos represents time

This is exactly what Cronus, or Kronos, corresponding to Saturn among the Romans, according to the information provided by ancient Greek mythology. At first he was revered as the god of agriculture, and in the later, Hellenistic period, he was identified with the deity personifying time, that is, with Chronos. It should be noted that in the myths, the period of his supremacy is regarded as a golden age.

Kronos gained supreme power among the Greek gods after he castrated Uranus, his father. The mother, Gaia, persuaded her to do this, since Uranus again returned her children to her bowels. He was afraid to die from one of them. Uranus predicted to Kronos that one of the children of the latter, whom Rhea gave birth to him, would overthrow him. And he began to devour them, so he swallowed Poseidon, Hades, as well as Demeter, Hestia and Hera.

Rhea, being pregnant with Zeus, gave birth to him in Crete in a cave, and Krona slipped a stone instead of the child that he swallowed. Zeus, who grew up and matured, started a war with his father. She shook the universe to its foundations. After ten years of confrontation, the son overthrew his father and placed him in Tartarus along with the titans who came to his defense. With the help of Gaia, Zeus forced Kronos to regurgitate his sisters and brothers, absorbed by the parent, making them the Olympian gods.

Hestia became the patroness of the hearth, Demeter - the goddess of fertility and fields, Hera married Zeus and became the queen of the gods. Poseidon became the ruler of the seas, and Hades became the god of the kingdom of the dead, located underground.
