Diametrically is an invariable adverb used in Russian. It is derived from the adjective "diametrical". The stress in the word falls on the second letter "a" (4th syllable). In total, the word has 5 syllables, 12 letters and 11 sounds. "Diameter" is the root, there are also two suffixes in the word: "-aln-" and "-o". Synonyms for this word are "completely", "completely", "on the contrary".
Etymology and meaning of the word
The word comes from the concept of "diameter" (in mathematics) - a line passing through the middle of a circle and touching the circle.

Basically the word is used in mathematics to indicate the opposite direction or finding something on the opposite end of the diameter, at the maximum distance from a given point. In this case, in the sentence "diametrically" is an adverb of place, and answers the question "where?".
However, there is also a figurative meaning, and, often, it is it that is used both in book speech and in everyday life: completely, completely. Sometimes it is also combined with the word "opposite". In this case, diametrically - this is a circumstance of quality, and answers the question "how?". Usage example: "This girl's beliefs, although she is of high moral character, are diametrically opposed to mine, and she is too persistent and straightforward to give in to them.

Stable expressions
Basically, the word "diametrically" is used in conjunction with the adjective "opposite". Diametrically opposite - i.e. located at the other end of the diameter, as far as possible. Usage example: "These sentences have diametrically opposite meanings."
Another example of the use of the adverb "diametrically" can be seen in the following sentence: "These people are going in a diametrical direction." This expression also means the opposite direction, i.e. we can say that "diametrical" is the opposite direction.