"Economic heart of the state", "workshop of the nation" - this macro-district of the United States of America is called differently. In scientific literature, it is called the Northeast of the United States. The region has played and continues to play an important role in the life of the most powerful country on the planet. In this article, we will look at the main features, problems and prospects of the US Northeast, as well as highlight the factors contributing to its sustainable economic development.
US Economic Regionalization
The United States of America, in addition to the traditional division into states, is also divided into economic regions. Until the 1980s, there were only three of them. These are West, North and South. At the end of the 20th century, American economists and geographers began to distinguish four such regions. Since that time, the so-called Northeastern United States, or Northeast for short, has appeared on economic maps.

So, the modern micro-zoning of the state provides for the allocation of four economic regions on its territory. This is the SouthWest, Midwest and Northeast USA. All these areas differ from each other not only in terms of socio-economic development factors, but also in historical and cultural characteristics.
Northeast USA: characteristics of the area
The Macrodistrict includes New England as well as the Mid-Atlantic states. Within its boundaries is located both the political (Washington) and the financial and economic capital of the state (New York). The northeastern United States consists of nine states. This is:
- Pennsylvania;
- New York;
- New Jersey;
- Meng;
- New Hampshire;
- Massachusetts;
- Connecticut;
- Vermont;
- Rhode Island.
According to a different zoning, the following counties are also included in this macro-district: Columbia, Delaware and Maryland.
Northeast: interesting facts and statistics
Some of the most interesting features of the American Northeast can be identified:
- The region occupies only 5% of the country's territory. At the same time, about 20% of all Americans live in it.
- The Northeast is a very rich economic region in the US. Maryland, New Jersey and Connecticut have the highest median incomes in the nation.
- This macro-district accounts for up to 25% of the state's GDP.
- It was this territory that became the starting point of European colonization of the entire mainland.
- Within the region is the largest megalopolis of the Earth "Boswash" with an area of about 170,000 square meters. km.

US Northeast: natural resources and geographic location
The natural resource potential of the macrodistrict is quite poor. However, it is more than offset by an unusually favorable economic and geographical position. The relief and climatic conditions are ideal for life and business activities. The northeast has extensive access to the Atlantic Ocean. It is here that the largest seaports of the country are located - Boston, B altimore, Philadelphia and others. In addition, the continent's most important railroad runs through the region, linking Detroit to the Atlantic coast.
Features of the resource base of the Northeast of the United States are as follows. The main raw material we alth of this region is coal. The macrodistrict is located within the Appalachian coal basin, which stretches for more than 1000 kilometers along the slopes of the mountain system of the same name. The development of deposits here began in 1800.

In addition to coal, the US Northeast also has some non-ferrous ores (aluminum in particular) being actively mined. The shortage of many mineral resources in the region is compensated by favorable neighborhood. So, from the South and the Midwest, the United States supplies oil, gas, iron and copper ores, phosphorites, building materials, etc. Many branches of the manufacturing industry successfully operate on this raw material: ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical industry and others.
Northeast –US economic heart
In the Northeast of the United States, the heavy industry (coal business, metallurgy, various branches of engineering), food, clothing, and the printing industry have received the greatest development. The agrarian complex of the region is dominated by dairy farming and narrow-profile horticulture. The main drivers for the development of the US Northeast are as follows:
- Geographical advantage.
- The richest coal deposits.
- Historical features related to colonization.
Perhaps the most important factor in the economic development of the region is the advantage of its geographical position. Indeed, this part of the state is the closest to Europe. Four centuries ago, this feature was extremely weighty. In 1620, the first ship with European colonizers moored off the coast of New England.

Thousands of settlers passed through the Northeast - adventurers and romantics who arrived on the continent from the Old World in search of a new life. Many of them settled here, forming the backbone of the future powerful financial and economic system. The northeastern United States has always been as open to the outside world as possible. Within this region, great corporations arose and developed - the "monsters" of modern capitalist society.
Main centers of the macro-district
New York is the main financial, industrial and commercial center not only of the Northeast, but of the entire country. According to statistics, thisthe metropolis provides over 10% of the total GDP of the state. Here are the offices of the world's largest banks and insurance companies. In addition, a huge seaport operates in New York, which annually passes through several thousand cargo ships.

Washington is the administrative capital of the United States. The main product of this city, as the Americans joke, are laws and various regulations. In addition, Washington is an important scientific, educational and cultural center of the country. A unique feature of the city is that there are no skyscrapers here! And all because in Washington it is forbidden to build buildings that will be higher than the Capitol.
If Washington is the legal capital of the United States, New York is the financial capital, then Pittsburgh can safely be considered the metallurgical capital of the country. The city on the Ohio River is the main center of the "American Ruhr" - the largest coal and metallurgical base of the mainland. Alas, today many factories and mines in Pittsburgh are closed. However, other industries are actively developing in the city, in particular, services and communications.

The Northeast of the USA is the smallest macro-region of the country. It is located in the northeastern part of the state, which directly follows from its name, and includes nine states. The region occupies an important place in the US economic system. It was here that the main industrial belt of the country was formed. And it is in the Northeast that the largest metropolitan areas andindustrial centers of the USA. These are the cities of New York, Washington, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Boston.