It often happens, we hear a political scientist say: “Reports and reality cannot be confused, they cannot be identified!”. This last verb usually causes difficulties. We will analyze it, find out the meaning, origin, synonyms, make sentences and explain the meaning.

We don't know how old the dream of equality really is, but it's still out of reach. Reality does not allow us to enjoy brotherhood, harmony and general prosperity, so we will analyze for now the history of what allows us to equalize one and the other at least at the level of language. One note: it is not certain that equality will lead to happiness and prosperity, but it is commonly believed.
So, the noun originated from Old Church Slavonic, where there was the word "identity". The ancestors took the Latin identitas as a basis, apparently thought that we have “too” here (of course, the spelling was somewhat different), and created a noun. And if we learn the meaning of the noun, then we will understand the content of the verb.
The meaning of the noun,adjective and verb

Why is that? The reader will soon find out. To reveal the meaning of the verb "identify" is not a field to pass. In the previous section, we promised the meaning of a noun. Here it is:
- Full similarity, coincidence.
- In mathematics: an equality valid for any numerical values of its constituent quantities (special term).
It is clear that we, ordinary people, rarely operate with a mathematical term. Therefore, we leave the second meaning to professionals, and we still need the first one.
Immediately, in order not to lose the fuse, let's define an adjective:
- Same as identity.
- Same, quite similar.
And now the verb: "Recognize any phenomena as the same, not having any differences."
We simply would not be able to understand anything if we did not descend to such linguistic depths. In this case, the words are interdependent and connected, "bound by one chain." And this chain is the noun "identity". We will still need the meaning of the other parts of speech presented here, because our journey is just beginning.
Synonyms for verb and noun

When it comes to such difficult words, then, of course, you want everything to be as fast as possible. But any, even the simplest, study cannot be done in a hurry. Here it is important to move step by step. After we have learned the meaning of "identify" (this is for us, of course,help in the future), we can give a list of replacements:
- call;
- similarize;
- identify.
The list, frankly, is small, and the last word raises questions. But they should be discarded. Because we are used to the fact that identification concerns a person, for example, him and his photograph. But after all, one can identify (in other words, recognize, identify) not only a person by his photograph, but also a writer's book by style, by a characteristic selection of words. Therefore, if you are interested in synonyms for "identify", then there is no error or inaccuracy in them.
We think it makes no sense to write another section to please the reader with substitutions for a noun. We will provide them immediately:
- match;
- similarity;
- unity;
- equality;
- community.
And here, too, one cannot say that one can swim in the twin cities of a noun, like Scrooge McDuck in gold. But from what little we've been able to gather, we'll need some in the next section.
Sentences and interpretations

It is clear that the assimilation operation can be carried out with any two objects, the whole question is how justified it is. When two objects are compared, it cannot be a complete coincidence. For example, one can come across such an idea that husband and wife are identical. It is clear that from the point of view of sex they are different. It speaks of a certain unity (synonymous with identification) of views, psychological attitudes and values. That is, if we remember the meaningadjective, the objects that are compared are quite similar, but do not completely match in all respects. Of course, practice and common sense protect against mistakes. But we will not rely on chance, and now that it is clear how to identify it, we will move on to sentences:
- The ideal team is when the coach and players can be identified.
- Frequently changing the field of activity prevents a person from identifying himself with his work. When first he works as a loader, then as a fitter, then as a baker, there is no way to realize his belonging to any professional workshop.
- Do not rush to identify two friends, their views may be different.
We hope you understand what it means to identify. The topic is not easy, but we tried.