Peter Ivanovich Bagration, whose brief biography will not cover all the important events that occurred in his life, was an outstanding person. He forever left a mark in history as a talented commander. Descendant of the Georgian royal house.
Peter Bagration, whose biography (with a photo of the monument) is in this article, was born on 1765-11-11 in the North Caucasus, in the city of Kizlyar. He came from a noble and ancient family of Georgian princes. The boy was the great-grandson of the Kartalian king Jesse Levanovich. Peter's father, Prince Ivan Alexandrovich, was a Russian colonel and owned a small plot of land in the vicinity of Kizlyar. In 1796, Peter's father died in poverty.
Their family was not rich, despite the noble title and royal kinship. There was only enough money to provide the most necessary, but there was no longer any money left for clothes. Therefore, when Peter was called to St. Petersburg, young Bagration did not have “decent” clothes.
To get acquainted with Potemkin, he had to borrow the butler's caftan. Despite the clothes, Peter, when meeting with the prince of Taurida, behaved confidently, without timidity, although modestly. PotemkinI liked the young man, and an order was given to enroll him in the Caucasian Musketeer Regiment as a sergeant.

In February 1782, Pyotr Bagration, whose portraits are photographed in this article, arrived at the regiment, which was located in a small fortress in the Caucasian foothills. Combat training began from the first day. In the very first battle with the Chechens, Peter distinguished himself and received the rank of ensign as a reward.
He served in the Musketeer Regiment for ten years. Over the years, he went through all the military ranks up to captain. Repeatedly received combat distinctions for clashes with the highlanders. Peter was respected for his fearlessness and courage not only by friends, but also by enemies. Such popularity once saved Bagration's life.
In one of the clashes, Peter was seriously wounded and left in a deep faint on the battlefield among the dead bodies. Enemies found him, recognized him and not only spared him, but also bandaged his wounds. Then they carefully delivered to the regimental camp, without even asking for a ransom. For distinction in battle, Peter received the rank of second major.
For ten years of service in the musketeer regiment, Bagration participated in campaigns against Sheikh Mansur (false prophet). In 1786, Peter Ivanovich fought with the Circassians under the command of Suvorov for the river. Labu. In 1788, during the Turkish War, Bagration, as part of the Yekaterinoslav army, participated in the siege, and then in the assault on Ochakov. In 1790 he continued military operations in the Caucasus. This time he opposed the highlanders and the Turks.
Military career
In November 1703, Bagration Pyotr Ivanovich, whose brief biography cannotfit all the interesting facts from his life, became prime minister. He received a transfer to the Kyiv Carabinieri Regiment as a squadron commander. In 1794, Peter Ivanovich was sent to the Sofia military unit, where he received a division under his command. Bagration went through the entire Polish campaign with Suvorov and at the end received the rank of lieutenant colonel.
Feats of Bagration
The biography of Pyotr Bagration is full of many feats that have gone down in history. For example, one of them was committed near the town of Brody. In a dense forest, a Polish military detachment (1000 foot soldiers and one gun) was located, as they were sure - in an inaccessible position.
Bagration, distinguished by his courage from childhood, rushed at the enemy first and cut into the enemy ranks. The Poles did not expect an attack, and Peter Ivanovich's attack came as a complete surprise to them. Thanks to the tactics of surprise, Bagration and his soldiers managed to kill 300 people, and take 200 more prisoners along with the head of the detachment. At the same time, the carabinieri grabbed an enemy banner and gun.

Another memorable feat took place in front of Suvorov. This happened in October 1794, when Prague was stormed. Bagration Pyotr Ivanovich, whose photo is in this article, noticed that the Polish cavalry was going to attack the Russian assault columns during a fierce battle.
The commander waited for the moment when the enemies began to move. Then Bagration, having made a swift throw to the flank with his soldiers, threw the Poles back to the Vistula River. Suvorov personallythanked Peter Ivanovich, and since then he has become his favorite.
Getting the rank of general
In 1798, Bagration received the rank of colonel and was appointed to command the sixth chasseur regiment. He stood in the Grodno province, in the city of Volkovysk. Emperor Paul ordered all military reports to be delivered to him. Any deviation from orders resulted in suspension from service.
Many shelves have been “cleansed”. She did not affect anyone only in the military unit of Bagration. Two years later, for the excellent condition of his regiment, the commander was promoted to the rank of "general". Pyotr Bagration, whose biography did not turn off the military path, continued to serve in a new capacity.
March to glory with Suvorov
In 1799, he and the regiment entered the disposal of Suvorov. The latter, when the name of Bagration was called, in front of the whole hall, happily embraced and kissed Pyotr Ivanovich. The next day, the generals led the soldiers in a surprise offensive in Cavriano. The two great warlords continued their ascent to glory and greatness.
Suvorov sent a letter to the emperor, in which he praised Bagration's courage, zeal and zeal, which he showed when taking the fortress of Breshno. As a result, Paul I granted Peter Ivanovich a holder of the Order of St. Anna, first class. Later, for the battle of Lecco, Bagration was awarded the Commander Order of St. John of Jerusalem. So Pyotr Ivanovich got the M altese Cross among his awards.
For the defeat of the French near Marengo, he received the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky. After the victory at Trebiathe emperor granted Peter Ivanovich the village of Simy as a gift. It was located in the Vladimir province, in the Aleksandrovsky district. There were 300 peasant souls in the village. Bagration became one of the youngest generals who had high insignia.

Feat near Shengraben
In 1805, Peter Ivanovich accomplished another feat. It happened near Shengraben. The enemy troops, it seemed, would definitely win, but Bagration, with 6,000 soldiers, went out against a 30,000-strong army. As a result, he not only won a victory, but also brought prisoners, among whom were one colonel, two junior officers and 50 soldiers. At the same time, Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration also grabbed the banner of the French. For this feat, the great commander was awarded the Order of St. George of the second degree.
Military talent
Pyotr Ivanovich was able to prove his military talent during his service. Bagration distinguished himself in the battles near Friedland and Preussish-Eylau. Napoleon spoke of Pyotr Ivanovich as the best Russian general of that time. During the Russian-Swedish war, Bagration led a division, then a corps. He led the Aland expedition, went out with his troops to the Swedish coast.
Royal disfavor
Glory and imperial favor increasingly increased the circle of envious Peter Ivanovich. The ill-wishers tried to make Bagration, while he was on campaigns, a "fool" in front of the tsar. When in 1809 Peter Ivanovich commanded troops on the Danube (already in the rank of infantry general), envious people were able to convince the sovereign ofthe inability of the commander to fight. And they achieved that Bagration was replaced by Alexander I with Count Kamensky.
Patriotic War
After the Russian-Turkish war, for which Peter Ivanovich was awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, he became the commander-in-chief of the second Western army, consisting of 45,000 soldiers and 216 guns. When it turned out that the war with Napoleon was inevitable, Bagration showed the emperor the offensive plan.
But since Barclay de Tolly received preference, the Western armies began to retreat. Napoleon decided to first destroy the weak army commanded by Bagration Pyotr Ivanovich (1812). To carry out this plan, he sent his brother from the front, and in front of him - Marshal Davout. But he could not overpower Bagration, he made his way through the enemy barriers near Mir, defeating the foot troops of the Westphalian king, and near Romanov - his cavalry.
Davout managed to block Pyotr Ivanovich's way to Mogilev, and Bagration was forced to go to Novyi Bykov. In July, he linked up with Barclay's forces. There was a tough battle for Smolensk. Bagration, despite the fact that he had to conduct offensive tactics, nevertheless deviated a little to the side. With this strategy, Peter Ivanovich saved his army from unnecessary losses.
After the troops of Bagration and Barclay united, the generals could not work out a common battle tactic. Their opinions differed greatly, disagreements reached the highest limits. Peter Ivanovich offered to fight Napoleon's army, and Barclay was sure that luring the enemy deep into the country was the best solution.

The last for Bagration - Battle of Borodino
General Pyotr Bagration participated in the Battle of Borodino, which was the last in his military career. Pyotr Ivanovich had to defend the weakest part of the position. Behind Bagration stood Neverovsky's division. During a fierce battle, Peter Ivanovich was seriously wounded, but did not want to leave the battlefield, and continued to command, being under enemy fire.
But Bagration was losing more and more blood, as a result, weakness began to increase and Pyotr Ivanovich was carried away from the battlefield and sent to a Moscow hospital. Rumors quickly spread among the soldiers about the wounding of Bagration. Some even claimed he was dead.
These messages led the soldiers to despair, confusion began in the army. Bagration's place was taken by Konovitsyn. He, seeing the reaction of the soldiers and the loss of morale, decided not to take risks and withdrew the army behind the Semenovsky ravine.
Death of a great commander
First, in the hospital, General Pyotr Bagration, whose biography (the photo of the monument to the commander is in this article) which, it seemed, could continue, felt better. The initial treatment was successful. Then Bagration went to recover from his wounds at the estate of his friend, Prince Golitsyn. It was autumn, the weather was disgusting, the road was very bad.
All this, and even the decadent mood of Bagration, had a negative impact on his he alth. Petr Ivanovich began to develop a life-threatening complication of the disease. On September 21, Bagration underwent a surgical vein expansion. At the same time, doctors removed bone fragments, rotting flesh and parts of the core from the inflamed wound. This surgical intervention did not help, the next day gangrene was discovered in Bagration.
Doctors suggested that the prince amputate his leg, but this aroused the anger of the commander, and his condition worsened even more. As a result, Bagration Petr Ivanovich, whose biography is full of victories, died of gangrene in September 1812. The commander was first buried in the village of Sim, inside the local church. His body lay there until July 1830
The commander was forgotten due to the absence of his wife, who went to live in Vienna back in 1809. Bagration was remembered only 27 years later, after the accession to the throne of Nicholas I. He loved history and personally studied all the events of the Patriotic War. As a result, writings about this era began to appear and the heroes were finally given their due.
Nicholas I ordered the ashes of the great commander to be delivered to the foot of the monument on the Borodino field. The lead crypt in which Peter Bagration rested was transferred to a new coffin. Then a memorial service and liturgy took place, which were attended by a sea of people who came from different places. A large memorial table was laid in the garden.

Many nobles and officers gathered. To honor the memory of the great commander, people went day and night, in a continuous stream. The body of Peter Ivanovich was accompanied by an honorary escort in a richly decorated chariot to the very destination. The procession was very solemn. People have been askingpermission to pull the chariot. The clergy walked ahead of her, behind the Kyiv hussar regiment.
Trumpeters played a funeral march all along the way. The procession ended at the borders of the village. Then horses were harnessed to the chariot, and then the procession continued in solemn silence. Despite the scorching sun, the people followed the coffin of Bagration for 20 versts. So, finally, with truly royal honors, the ashes of Peter Ivanovich were delivered to the Borodino field.
Later, Emperor Alexander III once again perpetuated the memory of the hero: the 104th Ustyuzhensky Infantry Regiment was named after Bagration. In 1932, his grave was destroyed and the remains scattered. Between 1985 and 1987 the monument has been restored again.
Among the debris next to the former monument, there were fragments of the bones of Peter Ivanovich. In August 1987 they were reburied. Now the crypt of Bagration is located on the site of the Raevsky battery. The found buttons and fragments of the hero's uniform are on display at the Borodino Military History Museum.
Peter Ivanovich Bagration: interesting facts about his lifestyle
He was similar to Suvorov. Bagration slept only 3-4 hours a day, he was unpretentious and simple. Any soldier could wake him up without any ceremony. On campaigns, Pyotr Ivanovich only changed clothes. He slept always dressed, in his general's uniform. Bagration never parted with his sword and whip even in his sleep. Out of 30 years of service, Petr Ivanovich spent 23 years in military campaigns.
Character of Bagration
Peter Ivanovich Bagration, whose biography was closely connectedwith the war, however, had a meek disposition. The commander shone with a flexible and subtle mind, anger was alien to him, he was always ready for reconciliation. These qualities were surprisingly combined with a decisive character. Bagration did not hold evil on people, and he never forgot good deeds.

In communication, Petr Ivanovich was always friendly and polite, respected his subordinates, appreciated and rejoiced at their success. Bagration, although he had considerable power, never showed it. He tried to communicate with people in a human way, for which he was simply idolized by soldiers and officers. They all considered it an honor to serve under him.
Despite the lack of a good education, which, due to their extreme poverty, the parents could not give their son, Pyotr Ivanovich had a natural talent and a good upbringing. He received all the knowledge during his life, he especially loved military science. The great commander was fearless and brave in battles, never lost heart, and treated dangers with indifference.
Bagration was Suvorov's favorite student, so he knew how to quickly navigate in a combat situation, make the right and unexpected decisions. Repeatedly, they saved not individual lives, but the troops as a whole.
Private life
Among the favorites of Emperor Paul the First was Bagration Pyotr Ivanovich. Briefly about his personal life do not tell. It was the emperor who helped him marry his beloved. Pyotr Ivanovich has long been in love with the court beauty, Countess Skavronskaya. But Bagration diligently concealed hisardent feelings. And besides, Pyotr Ivanovich was held back by the coldness of the beauty towards him.
The Emperor found out about Bagration's feelings and decided to repay his faithful commander with mercy. The sovereign ordered the count with his daughter to arrive at the palace church. Moreover, the beauty was supposed to come in a wedding dress. At the same time, Peter Bagration received an order to appear in church in full dress. There, on September 2, 1800, young people were married.
But the proud beauty still remained cold to Bagration. Then the emperor appointed him commander of the Jaeger regiment. The sovereign hoped that the heart of the countess would finally melt. But her love had long been given to another person. The story of Bagration and his wife did not end there.
In 1805 she went to live in Europe, in Vienna. She led a free life and no longer lived with her husband. Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration begged his wife to return, but she remained abroad, ostensibly for treatment. In Europe, the princess enjoyed tremendous success. She was famous at the court of many countries.

In 1810 she gave birth to a girl, presumably from the chancellor of Austria, Prince Metternich. In 1830 the princess remarried. This time for an Englishman. But their marriage soon fell apart, and the princess again took the name of Bagration. She never returned to Russia. Despite everything, Pyotr Bagration loved his wife very much until his death. Before his death, he managed to order her portrait to the artist Volkov. The couple had no children.
In high society there was talk that the sovereign's sister, princess, was in love with BagrationEkaterina Pavlovna. This caused great irritation in the emperor's family. According to some reports, Bagration was not given a respite from the war precisely because of Ekaterina Pavlovna's love for him. Emperor Alexander the First decided to remove Peter Ivanovich from her eyes and keep him away from the princess. Pyotr Bagration fell into such disgrace shortly before his death.