Any ocean holds many secrets hidden in its depths, but this is especially true of the Pacific, the largest and deepest. Do you know interesting facts about the Pacific Ocean? In how many ways does it outperform other oceans? Or what is a yeti crab? Not? Then you definitely need to learn a lot of new and interesting things.
Pacific General Information
Interesting facts and general information, any data about this ocean attracts the attention of both adults and children. The area of the Pacific Ocean makes up more than half of the entire World Ocean, and the average depth here fluctuates around 4 kilometers, which already indicates an impressive size. It stretches from Japan to America, and the role of the discoverer belongs to Vasco Nunez de Balboa, a Spanish sailor who, in 1513, fell into these waters on his way to the south of Colombia. The Spaniard decided to give this place the name of the South Sea.

Other facts about the Pacific Ocean and its discovery refer to Magellan, who fell intoits waters in 1520. Having circled the mainland of South America, Magellan fell into unknown waters. During the journey through these waters, the ship did not get into a single storm or storm, so Magellan decided to call the Pacific Ocean, how could the sailor then be mistaken in such a name.
Facts about the Pacific. Animal world
Due to the vast area that this ocean covers, the world of flora and fauna is especially diverse here, and it also varies in each area. About a hundred species of animals live here. For comparison, there are only about thirty thousand species in the Atlantic Ocean. Want to learn more interesting facts about the Pacific Ocean? There are several places where the depth reaches ten kilometers and there are extremely mysterious animals. The researchers managed to identify only two dozen representatives of such a deep-sea fauna. Of course, the fishing industry is widely developed here. The Pacific Ocean is a good source of sardines, mackerel and anchovies. In fact, it provides the world with half of all seafood consumed.
Briefly about the main thing. Records
Interesting facts about the Pacific Ocean are varied and surprising. Here are some of the most notable.
- Here is the largest concentration of corals - the Great Barrier Reef, which is located next to Australia.
- In addition to its ferocity, it is also known for high tides that can reach almost a dozen meters.
- Not at all the Pacific Ocean is also known for its devastating tsunamis, the wave speed of which can carry seriousdestruction for coastal cities.
- Other facts about the Pacific Ocean concern an incredible amount of water. If, for example, it is evenly distributed over the entire planet, then its depth will be about 2700 meters.
- It's not just that there are very deep places that scientists have not yet explored at all, because they can not get to the bottom. Here is the deepest place in the world - the Mariana Trench, the depth of which is greater than the height of Everest and reaches almost 11 kilometers.
- But this is not the only record. The Pacific Ocean also has the largest number of islands, more than in all other oceans - about twenty-five thousand.

Amazing Facts
Not all the islands of this ocean are of natural origin, in the northern region, more and more islands began to appear from garbage that is not properly disposed of or simply dumped into the ocean.
interesting facts about the oceans the pacific ocean - Although such facts do not scare surfers at all, who really like such waves. There are some positive interesting facts about the Pacific Ocean.
- The Museum of the facts of this ocean has many funny stories to tell. For example, there was one story with rubber ducks. In 1992, a ship carrying toys was shipwrecked in the Pacific Ocean. Until now, some of these rubber toys are found on the shores around the world. In particular, this helped to obtain new data on ocean currents.
- Before the Pacific Ocean was called that in 1845, it was calledGreat.
- Another fact about the Mariana Trench. There is no sand at its bottom, but everything here is covered with slime.
- Can you figure out the shape of the Pacific without clues? Of course, it is very conditional, but it appears as a triangle, narrower in the north and wider in the south. Its widest area falls on the equatorial zone.
- All the coral islands of the ocean formed on the tops of flooded oceans.
- Here you can find chains of underwater volcanoes.
- Some interesting facts about the Pacific Ocean apply to the islands that are located here. For example, on the island of Yap, huge stone rings are used instead of money. Oh, and this brings a lot of inconvenience!
- One Frenchwoman even decided to challenge the Pacific Ocean. Despite the dangers of the journey and the ferocity of the waters, she crossed the ocean in 72 days alone in a small boat.
- In addition to being the largest on the planet, the Pacific Ocean is also the warmest.
- More than half a century ago, an abandoned ship was found in the Pacific Ocean. Where did the crew go and what happened to the cargo, so far no one has been able to find out.
- The ocean has other mysteries. For example, the well-known Bermuda Triangle.
- No wonder it hides so many mysteries, because it is also the oldest ocean in the world.

In addition to huge safe fish, here you can meet very dangerous representatives of the fauna. For example, the so-called sea wasp lives in the waters of the Pacific Ocean.- the most poisonous jellyfish in the world. Although, of course, it is better not to date her.
general information about the pacific ocean interesting facts - Due to the diverse world of flora and fauna, here you can find quite unusual species. For example, the hairy crab has been discovered in the Pacific Ocean. Scientists have not been able to figure out why he has wool, probably it is somehow connected with evolution, but he got the appropriate name - yeti crab.
- Not only unusual crayfish are found in these waters. Also here you can get acquainted with giant fish, the weight of which can reach half a ton.
What could be more mysterious than interesting facts about the oceans! The Pacific Ocean still hides many secrets, but one day they will be solved.