The main danger of gaseous toxic substances is that some are odorless, and the vast majority of them are transparent and colorless. Toxic gases quickly fill the room, and freely enter the body through the lungs, skin and mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes. This is their deceit and difference from liquid poisons. These substances are used as military poisons. They were first used during the First World War.
Colorless poisonous gases with a pungent odor

- Chlorine. Probably known to all housewives. Even from ordinary detergents with the addition of chlorine, you can get household poisoning. Bitterness in the mouth, burning eyes, sore throat, headache are symptoms of poisoning. It is part of the gas chlorine cyanide, a chemical warfare agent, from which even gas masks do not save.
- Hydrogen sulfide. This gas smells like rotten eggs. Its danger is a person’s quick addiction to the smell, which after a while is no longerfelt. A metallic taste in the mouth is a sign of hydrogen sulfide poisoning.
- Mustard gas. Has a mustard smell. It was successfully used during various military conflicts. It quickly affects the body, leaving ulcers on the skin. Initially, bubbles form on the affected area. Then they burst. Ulcers heal up to two months.
- Sour gas. This is sulfur oxide, known to us from school chemistry lessons. The gas formula is SO2. It smells very sharply and unpleasantly of burning sulfur. Affects the respiratory system. When exposed to gas on the body, swelling of the lungs and larynx may occur. The symptom of poisoning is difficulty breathing.
- Zarin. Combat gas. Initially, it has the form of a liquid, but instantly evaporates as soon as it heats up to a temperature of 20 ° C. Very dangerous, causes severe consequences, fatal to the body. This gas, unlike the above, has no smell.
If an unpleasant pungent smell suddenly appears in the room

Leave the room with at least the door open. Ideally, you need to open all available windows, providing ventilation. It is necessary to act without delay, each breath of poisoned air lowers the chances of a successful outcome. There is a danger of completely losing consciousness.
After reading the article, you learned more about poisonous gases. However, hopefully you won't have to put this knowledge into practice.