The role of the English language in the modern world is invaluable. It is considered the most commonly used language. More than 450 million people consider him native. Another 600-650 million citizens use English as an additional language for communication. It is considered to be in demand in many countries of the world. Knowledge of the vocabulary and grammar of this language is essential in order to study abroad. Not to do without it and wishing to find a prestigious and well-paid job. In our article, you can get acquainted with all the features of the English language, as well as find out why it is so in demand.
The history of the emergence and development of a foreign language
To understand the role of the English language in the modern world, first of all, you need to know the history of its creation. Creator of the most popular andThe highly demanded Oxford Dictionary identified 5 main events that influenced the formation of the language.
It's no secret that finding out exactly how a language was formed is almost impossible. The Germanic invaders are known to have arrived and settled in Great Britain in the 5th century AD. They spoke the Germanic language. Specialists have little information about this period. This is due to the fact that written archives and documents of that time were not found. The formation of dialects is confirmed by sources from the 7th-9th centuries. They all refer to the language that Alfred the Great called English in the 9th century.
Some experts believe that the development of the English language was influenced by Celtic. From the middle of the 9th century, Norwegian invaders settled in Great Britain. It is believed that the speech of the Scandinavians strongly influenced the development of the English language.
In the centuries following the Norman Conquest, significant changes took place in the English language. The inflectional system that was formed in that period is still used today. According to her, the generic endings of words characteristic of grammar are almost never used in English. Changes also affected vocabulary. Borrowings from other languages are known, which eventually began to appear in written speech.
In the late medieval and modern period, there were steady processes of standardization of the English language. Written and spoken language continued to change. There was a so-called great vowel shift.
Since the beginning of the seventeenth century, the influence of the English language has been felt throughout the world. Over time, people from different countries began to use it.

The role of English in the modern world. Work and travel
The importance of the English language in the modern world is quite high at the moment. More recently, it was a foreign language for us, and today it is international. In all countries of the world, learning English is of great importance. Almost everyone dreams of learning it at least at an elementary level. Today, children begin to learn this language at preschool age.
Many do not understand whether English is needed in the modern world. However, it is no secret to anyone that today he plays an important role in finding a job. People who wish to find a prestigious and highly paid position must have a good knowledge of English. This is due to the fact that large firms often cooperate with foreign partners. Today, English is the international language. They need to be proficient enough to fully negotiate and close deals with foreign partners.
Traveling in English-speaking countries is possible only if you know and understand foreign speech. It is no secret that today almost every person wants to go on vacation abroad. Thanks to the knowledge of English, you can easily communicate with people not only in English-speaking countries. Anywhere in the world there is a certain percentage of the population that can understand foreign speech. English is also well spoken by people whose workassociated with tourists. In the event that you know a foreign language, you can always easily ask for help in a foreign country. That is why you will feel confident abroad.
The role of English in education
The role of English in the modern world is obvious to students who want to get a decent education. His knowledge allows you to study at absolutely any university. The received document on education is quoted in all countries. It is no secret that having, for example, a diploma from the University of London, a graduate can get a prestigious job anywhere in the world.

Almost every major library has books in English. Detectives, novels, poems and other works can be read in the original, knowing a foreign language. It is no secret that the translation of books is not always accurate and literal. No less valuable are the originals of technical literature. Thanks to the knowledge of English, you can study the technique or equipment of interest in more depth.
The role of English in the world of technology
The relevance of learning English can also be explained by the rapid development of technology. Every year, experts from all over the world create new inventions. They are given names that are most often in English. Surprisingly, the words familiar to us, such as laptop, computer, scanner, mobile and others, came from English.
Thanks to the rapid development of the Internetrepresentatives of different nations began to communicate closely on the Web. They use English to understand each other.

The role of English in the lives of young people
English plays an important role in the lives of teenagers and young people. Computer games in English are very popular among gamers. It's no secret that many young people spend a considerable amount of their free time using them. As a rule, new foreign games do not have a Russian translation at first. At this moment, only knowledge of a foreign language can help a gamer. Thanks to this, he will be able to try out the new product without feeling any discomfort. There are also useful programs in English. Knowing a foreign language allows you to easily use not only games, but also applications.
A large number of English words are present in youth speech. Experts believe that this is due to the stereotypes and ideals that were created in the teenage society. Young people are sure that the standard of living in America is much higher than ours. Using English borrowings in their speech, they in a certain way approach their ideal. Anglicisms include the following words:
- shoes;
- boots;
- comp;
- friend;
- face.
Profession "translator"
A translator from English into Russian is a profession that is becoming more popular and in demand every year. Often chosen by alumniwho know the foreign language well. The profession originated in antiquity. Its formation is associated with the emergence of economic relations between countries. During the collapse of the USSR, the profession did not have much popularity, since the work of such workers was low-paid. Today, a translator from English into Russian is characterized by a high and stable income. As a rule, such specialists work in large and influential companies.
The profession of a translator is great for those people who have:
- predisposition to foreign languages;
- good memory;
- good diction;
- perseverance;
- social skills;
- diplomatic qualities, and also have a developed ear and know how to imitate.
A qualified specialist is often sent abroad to earn money. He can easily apply for citizenship there, as well as have a stable and high income.

Jobs for people who speak English
Knowledge of English plays an important role in many areas. Many students underestimate its importance. Most often, specialists with knowledge of a foreign language are needed in the field of education and science. The highest level of English proficiency should be for students who wish to connect their lives with information technology.
Jobs for English speakers are almost always available in large companies. They need professional translators. Some firms are willing to train promising candidates for theiraccount.
Knowledge of English is also necessary for secretaries, since in large companies they often come into contact with international partners. You can not do without foreign and tourism workers.
English proficiency and salary
Not everyone knows that many employers are willing to pay more for employees who speak English. According to studies, candidates with knowledge of a foreign language earn about 10-40% more than their colleagues. It is worth noting that in some companies, only those employees who speak English are hired for a position.
English speaking students have a huge advantage. Some firms, including large ones, are ready to hire inexperienced specialists and provide them with high wages if they speak a foreign language.
Anglicisms in Russian
English today is an integral part of the development of the Russian language. Borrowings are one of the sources of replenishment of the lexical composition. They reflect the facts of ethnic, social, cultural and economic contacts between representatives of different language groups. This phenomenon is due to a number of reasons:
- need for naming new objects and phenomena;
- lack of equivalents in Russian;
- lack of the most accurate name;
- provide stylistic effect.
The growth of borrowings in Russian became noticeable at the end of the last century. This is due to the collapse of the USSR andchanges in all spheres of society. Many linguists claim that the phenomenal expansion of anglicisms is observed in the following areas:
- power and politics;
- economy and business;
- science and technology;
- sport.
The greatest influence of English is observed in advertising. Every year more and more firms, goods and shops are called by foreign words.

Relevance of study
The role of English in the modern world is obvious. It is the most important communication tool at the international level. A modern person without certain linguistic knowledge cannot use the latest benefits of civilization. All areas of our life in one way or another require knowledge of the English language.
Learning English is becoming more in demand every year. Any modern person should own it at least at the initial level.
How to learn a foreign language?
Today, English is taught as early as preschool age. Almost all parents realize that knowledge of a foreign language is extremely important. That is why they work hard with their child in this direction. To teach a schoolchild or preschooler, they hire a tutor or send him to special courses.

Recently, many adults also want to learn English. To achieve this goal, you can use the servicestutor or enroll in relevant courses. However, you can learn English on your own. To do this, we recommend using educational literature or special video and audio courses.
Summing up
English plays an important role in our lives. His knowledge is necessary for people of all ages. English is associated with all spheres of life. Those who want to get a prestigious education or find a well-paid job cannot do without it. According to the information provided in our article, we can conclude that employees who speak English earn more than those who do not know it. This fact can serve as an excellent incentive for learning foreign vocabulary and grammar.