Who discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity and how did it happen?

Who discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity and how did it happen?
Who discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity and how did it happen?

The article tells about who discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity, when it happened and under what circumstances.


The modern world and industry are unlikely to be able to do without nuclear energy. Nuclear reactors power submarines, provide electricity to entire cities, and special energy sources based on radioactive decay are installed on artificial satellites and robots that study other planets.

Radioactivity was discovered at the very end of the 19th century. However, like many other important discoveries in various fields of science. But which of the scientists first discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity and how did this happen? We will talk about this in this article.


who discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity
who discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity

This very important event for science took place in 1896 and was made by A. Becquerel while studying the possible connection between luminescence and the recently discovered so-called x-rays.

According to the memoirs of Becquerel himself, he got the idea that, perhaps, any luminescence is also accompanied by X-rays? To test his guess, he used severalchemical compounds, including one of the s alts of uranium, which glowed in the dark. Then, holding it under the sun's rays, the scientist wrapped the s alt in dark paper and put it in a closet on a photographic plate, which, in turn, was also packed in an opaque wrapper. Later, having shown it, Becquerel replaced the exact image of a piece of s alt. But since the luminescence could not overcome the paper, it means that it was X-ray radiation that illuminated the plate. So now we know who first discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity. True, the scientist himself did not yet fully understand what discovery he had made. But first things first.

Meeting of the Academy of Sciences

which scientist first discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity
which scientist first discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity

A little later in the same year, at one of the meetings at the Academy of Sciences of Paris, Becquerel made a report "On the radiation produced by phosphorescence." But after some time, adjustments had to be made to his theory and conclusions. So, during one of the experiments, without waiting for good and sunny weather, the scientist put a uranium compound on a photographic plate, which was not irradiated with light. Nevertheless, its clear structure was still reflected on the record.

On March 2 of the same year, Becquerel presented a new work to the meeting of the Academy of Sciences, which spoke about the radiation emitted by phosphorescent bodies. Now we know which scientist discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity.

Further experiments

which scientist discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity
which scientist discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity

Further researching the phenomenonradioactivity, Becquerel tried many substances, including metallic uranium. And each time, traces invariably remained on the photographic plate. And by placing a metal cross between the radiation source and the plate, the scientist obtained, as they would say now, his x-ray. So we sorted out the question of who discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity.

It was then that it became clear that Becquerel discovered a completely new type of invisible rays that can pass through any objects, but at the same time they were not X-rays.

It was also found that the intensity of radioactive radiation depends on the amount of uranium itself in chemical preparations, and not on their types. It was Becquerel who shared his scientific achievements and theories with the spouses Pierre and Marie Curie, who subsequently established the radioactivity emitted by thorium and discovered two completely new elements, later called polonium and radium. And when analyzing the question “who discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity”, many often mistakenly attribute this merit to the Curies.

Influence on living organisms

who first discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity
who first discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity

When it became known that all uranium compounds emit radioactive radiation, Becquerel gradually returned to the study of the phosphor. But he managed to make one more important discovery - the effect of radioactive rays on biological organisms. So Becquerel was not only the first to discover the phenomenon of radioactivity, but also the one who established its effect on living beings.

For one of the lectures, heborrowed radioactive material from the Curies and put it in his pocket. After the lecture, returning it to its owners, the scientist noticed a strong reddening of the skin, which had the shape of a test tube. Pierre Curie, after listening to his guesses, decided on an experiment - for ten hours he wore a test tube containing radium tied to his arm. And in the end he got a severe ulcer that did not heal for several months.

So we sorted out the question of which scientist first discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity. This is how the influence of radioactivity on biological organisms was discovered. But despite this, the Curies, by the way, continued to study radiation materials, and Marie Curie died precisely from radiation sickness. Her personal belongings are still kept in a special lead-lined vault, as the dose of radiation accumulated by them almost a hundred years ago is still too dangerous.
