We invite you to a skit: what is a skit

We invite you to a skit: what is a skit
We invite you to a skit: what is a skit

Imagine that you were suddenly announced that a skit will take place in the kindergarten on the occasion of the end of the year, the transition of the child to the next group and were asked to prepare a performance. There are a lot of questions related to the name of this event:

  1. What is a skit?
  2. Which speech should be prepared for it?
  3. How to dress on this day?

Kapustniks are at school, at the university, at the research institute, the House of Culture, the club and just with friends. But the most interesting are acting skits. These are fun concerts where anything is possible. The most unexpected roles and props, often an interactive game with the audience, a buffet with wine. An obligatory solemn part on the occasion of the organization of a skit is the closing or opening of the theatrical season, dedication to students, congratulations to someone on conferring a title, the anniversary of the theater, director, author of the play, and much more. The celebration takes place with humor, teachers take part in it, no officialdom - only jokes, practical jokes and laughter.


An indispensable attribute of such holidays is cabbage - or a literal head of cabbage, ora symbolic reminder of her (possibly a slang term for dollars).

History of skits: three versions

The word "kapustnik" is originally Russian, it comes from the name of a vegetable. So they used to call pies with cabbage, various dishes with it, as well as gatherings, during which cabbage was sour for the whole winter. It was customary to invite all the youth of the village to have fun, ditties were immediately composed, funny stories and anecdotes were told. The name of humorous evenings came from the peasant environment.

The founders of modern skits were the actors of the Vakhtangov Theater - generally a very cheerful theater. In the 1920s, they gathered at B. V. Shchukin’s house for friendly parties, where, in their words, they “stranged” - played short performances in which they expressed their opinion about theatrical life, the acting profession and everything connected with it.. Satire, parodies, clowning are the main genre of such gatherings. The Shchukins served pies with cabbage to the guests, and this is how the second meaning of the word "cabbage" appeared.

actor with cabbage
actor with cabbage

There is also a third version of the origin of the concept of "fun theatrical evening": during Great Lent in the acting environment, starting from the middle of the nineteenth century, it was customary to gather in a narrow circle and give free rein to those of their talents that were not used on stage. Creative people could play the roles of Hamlet, Juliet, sing the arias of Mephistopheles and Lucia, read their own poetry and prose, perform mazurka and other dance numbers, parody their own performances - and all this under one motto, whichwas chosen for the skit for the day.

Synonyms for a skit - a theater party, an evening of humor, a fun concert, a satirical revue. This genre is now flourishing: skit festivals are held in St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod, university students love to organize them, a culture of intelligent fun holidays is being brought up in educational institutions under the auspices of the RONO.

What is a skit at school

A teacher can have a fun evening at the end of a term or a year based on the material covered. If it is Russian, funny scenes are prepared with a distortion of spelling and spelling rules.

Kapustnik in kindergarten
Kapustnik in kindergarten

A. Livshits and A. Levenbuk did something similar when they parodied lazy people in their radio program "Baby Monitor". Here is a song they composed to remember the spelling of the invariable ending in some words:

We went in the meter

Look at the kangaroo.

And I took off my pince-nez for a long time, laughed at the kangaroo.

You can arrange a playful competition by dividing the guys into two teams and giving them the task to make words from the word "skit". Whichever team gets the most wins.

What is a skit among students

As the famous song goes, students live happily between sessions, which only happen twice a year.

Just after the session, it's a good time for a skit. Especially after graduation, when former students receive a bachelor's or master's degree. On the offici althe parts passing by afternoon are all serious. And in the evening, everything that was held back during the day spills out on the stage: the joy of being recognized as a specialist, and regret from saying goodbye to friends, and responsibility in the profession.

Student graduation skit
Student graduation skit

You can't do this day without parodies of associate professors and professors. But they, too, were once students and can even participate in some skits. The spirit of unity, familiarity reigns at the evening, and everyone is considered a talent. This is a student fraternity, generated by an alma mater - a university or technical school.


Even if you didn't know what a skit was before, you probably took part in it. At the wedding, there are humorous numbers about family life, for which amateur actors from among relatives dress up as characters. In a school concert, the guys perform a humorous genre act in which they ridicule shortcomings, laziness and absenteeism. The KVN contest, which everyone loves so much, is filled with the atmosphere of a skit.

Scene from the skit program
Scene from the skit program

Have a skit in a close circle of friends. Explore your talents, try something new. This is how some performances began, variety shows opened, and the Russian custom of the cabbage party was born.
