Vikings… This word became a household name several centuries ago. It symbolizes strength, courage, courage, but few people pay attention to details. Yes, the Vikings won victories and became famous for them for centuries, but now they got it not only due to their own qualities, but primarily through the use of the most modern and effective weapons.

A bit of history
The period of several centuries from the 8th to the 11th centuries in history is called the Viking Age. These Scandinavian peoples were distinguished by militancy, courage and incredible fearlessness. Courage and the physical he alth inherent in warriors were cultivated in all possible ways at that time. During the period of their unconditional superiority, the Vikings achieved great success in martial art, and it did not matter at all where the battle took place: on land or at sea. They fought both in coastal areas and deep in the continent. Not only Europe has become for them the arena of battles. Their presence was noted andpeoples of North Africa.
Excellence in the details
Scandinavians fought with neighboring peoples not only for the sake of mining and enrichment - they founded their settlements on the reclaimed lands. Vikings decorated weapons and armor with a peculiar finish. It was here that artisans demonstrated their art and talent. To date, it can be argued that it was in this area that they most fully revealed their skills. The Viking weapons belonging to the lower social strata, the photos of which amaze even modern craftsmen, displayed entire plots. What can we say about the weapons of warriors belonging to the highest castes and having a noble origin.

What were the weapons of the Vikings?
The weapons of the warriors differed depending on the social status of their owners. Warriors of noble origin had swords and various kinds and forms of axes. Viking weapons of the lower classes were mainly bows and pointed spears of various sizes.
Protection features
Even the most advanced weapons in those days sometimes could not fulfill their main functions, because during the battle the Vikings were in fairly close contact with their opponent. The main defense of the Viking in battle was the shield, since not every warrior could afford other armor. He protected mainly from throwing weapons. Most of them were large round shields. Their diameter was about a meter. He protected the warrior from knees to chin. Often the enemy deliberately broke the shield in order to deprive the Viking ofprotection.

How was the Viking shield made?
The shield was made of boards 12-15 cm thick, sometimes there were even several layers. They were fastened together with specially created glue, and ordinary shingles often served as a layer. For greater strength, the top of the shield was covered with the skin of dead animals. The edges of the shields were reinforced with bronze or iron plates. The center was an umbon - a semicircle made of iron. He protected the hand of the Viking. Note that not every person could hold such a shield in their hands, and even during the battle. This once again testifies to the incredible physical data of the warriors of those times.
The Viking shield is not just protection, but also a work of art
To prevent the warrior from losing his shield during the battle, they used a narrow belt, the length of which could be adjusted. It was fastened from the inside on opposite edges of the shield. If it was necessary to use other weapons, the shield could easily be thrown behind the back. It was also practiced during transitions.
Most of the painted shields were red, but there were also various bright paintings, the complexity of which depended on the skill of the craftsman.
But like everything that came from ancient times, the shape of the shield has undergone changes. And by the beginning of the XI century. the warriors had the so-called almond-shaped shields, which favorably differed from their predecessors in shape, protecting the warrior almost completely to the middle of the lower leg. They were also distinguished by a significantly lower weight compared to their predecessors. However, they wereinconvenient for battles on ships, but they took place more and more often, and therefore they did not receive much distribution among the Vikings.
The warrior's head was usually protected by a helmet. Its original frame was formed by three main stripes: 1st - forehead, 2nd - from the forehead to the back of the head, 3rd - from ear to ear. 4 segments were attached to this base. On the top of the head (where the stripes crossed) there was a very sharp spike. The warrior's face was partially protected by a mask. A chain mail mesh, called aventail, was attached to the back of the helmet. Special rivets were used to connect the parts of the helmet. From small metal plates they formed a hemisphere - a helmet cup.

Helmet and social status
At the beginning of the 10th century, the Vikings had conical helmets, and a straight nose plate served to protect the face. Over time, one-piece forged helmets with a chin strap came to their place. There is an assumption that a fabric or leather lining was fastened inside with rivets. Cloth balaclavas reduced the force of a blow to the head.
Ordinary warriors didn't have helmets. Their heads were protected by hats made of fur or thick leather.
Helmets of we althy owners were decorated with colored marks, they were used to recognize warriors in battle. Headdresses with horns, which abound in historical films, were extremely rare. In the Viking Age, they personified higher powers.
Vikings spent most of their lives in battle and therefore knew that wounds often became inflamed, and the treatment was not always qualified,which led to tetanus and blood poisoning, and often death. That is why the armor helped to survive in harsh conditions, but to afford to wear them in the VIII-X centuries. only we althy warriors could.
Short-sleeved, thigh-length chainmail was worn by the Vikings in the 8th century.
Clothes and weapons of different classes differed significantly. Ordinary warriors used leather jackets for protection and sewed on bone, and later metal plates. Such jackets were able to perfectly reflect the blow.

Especially valuable component
Subsequently, the length of the chain mail increased. In the XI century. cuts appeared on the floors, which was very welcomed by the riders. More complex details appeared in chain mail - this is a facial valve and a balaclava, which helped protect the lower jaw and throat of a warrior. Her weight was 12-18 kg.
The Vikings were very careful about chain mail, because the life of a warrior often depended on them. Protective robes were of great value, so they were not left on the battlefield and not lost. Often chain mail was inherited.
Lamellar Armor
It is also worth noting the lamellar armor. They entered the Viking arsenal after raiding the Middle East. Such a shell is made of iron plates-lamellae. They were stacked in layers, slightly overlapping, and connected with cord.
Also Viking armor includes banded bracers and greaves. They were made from metal strips, the width of which was about 16 mm. They were fastened with leather straps.
The sword takesdominant position in the Viking arsenal. This is an indisputable fact. For warriors, he was not just a weapon that brought inevitable death to the enemy, but also a good friend, providing magical protection. The Vikings perceived all other elements as required for battle, but the sword is a different story. The history of the family was associated with it, it was passed down from generation to generation. The warrior perceived the sword as an integral part of himself.
Viking weapons are often found in the graves of warriors. The reconstruction allows us to get acquainted with its original appearance.

At the beginning of the Viking Age, patterned forging was widespread, but over time, thanks to the use of better ore and the modernization of furnaces, it became possible to make blades that were more durable and lighter. The shape of the blade has also changed. The center of gravity has moved to the handle, and the blades taper sharply towards the end. This weapon made it possible to strike quickly and accurately.
Double-edged swords with rich handles were the ceremonial weapons of we althy Scandinavians, and were not practical in battle.
In the VIII-IX centuries. Frankish-style swords appear in the arsenal of the Vikings. They are sharpened on both sides, and the length of the straight blade, tapering to a rounded point, was a little less than a meter. This gives reason to believe that such a weapon was also suitable for cutting.
The handles on the swords were of different types, they differed in hilts and the shape of the head. Silver and bronze were used to decorate handles in the early period, as well ascoinage.
In the 9th and 10th centuries, the hilts are decorated with ornaments of copper strips and tin. Later, in the drawings on the handle, one could find geometric figures on a tin plate, which were inlaid with brass. The contours were emphasized by copper wire.
Due to the reconstruction on the middle part of the handle, we can see a handle made of horn, bone or wood.
The scabbard was also made of wood - sometimes they were covered with leather. The inside of the scabbard was lined with a soft material that still protected from the oxidation products of the blade. Often it was oiled leather, waxed cloth or fur.
Surviving drawings from the Viking Age give us an idea of how the scabbard was worn. Initially, they were on a sling thrown over the shoulder on the left. Later, the scabbard was hung from the waist belt.
Melee weapons of the Vikings can also be represented by the Saxons. It was used not only on the battlefield, but also in the household.
Sachs is a knife with a wide butt, in which the blade is sharpened on one side. All Saxons, judging by the results of the excavations, can be divided into two groups: long ones, the length of which is 50-75 cm, and short ones, up to 35 cm long. It can be argued that the latter are the prototype of daggers, most of which modern craftsmen also bring to the status works of art.
The weapon of the ancient Vikings is an axe. After all, most of the warriors were not rich, and such an item was available in any household. It is worth noting that the kings also used them in battles. The ax handle was 60-90 cm, andcutting edge - 7-15 cm. At the same time, it was not heavy and allowed to maneuver during the battle.
The Viking weapon, "bearded" axes, were mainly used in naval battles, as they had a square ledge at the bottom of the blade and were great for boarding.

A special place should be given to an ax with a long handle - an axe. The blade of the ax could be up to 30 cm, the handle - 120-180 cm. No wonder it was a favorite weapon of the Vikings, because in the hands of a strong warrior it became a very formidable weapon, and its impressive appearance immediately undermined the morale of the enemy.
Viking weapons: photos, differences, meanings
The Vikings believed that weapons had magical powers. It has been kept for a long time and passed down from generation to generation. Warriors with we alth and position decorated axes and axes with ornaments, noble and non-ferrous metals.

Sometimes the question is asked: what is the main weapon of the Vikings - a sword or an ax? The warriors were fluent in these types of weapons, but the choice always remained with the Viking.
Viking weapons cannot be imagined without a spear. According to legends and sagas, northern warriors greatly honored this type of weapon. The acquisition of a spear did not require special expenses, since the shaft was made by ourselves, and the tips were easy to manufacture, although they differed in appearance and purpose and did not require a lot of metal.
Any warrior could be armed with a spear. The small size allowed it to be held with both two and one hand. used spears inmainly for close combat, but sometimes as a throwing weapon.
It is especially worth stopping at the spearheads. At first, the Vikings had spears with lancet-shaped tips, the working part of which was flat, with a gradual transition to a small crown. Its length is from 20 to 60 cm. Later, there were spears with tips of various shapes from leaf-shaped to triangular in section.
The Vikings fought on different continents, and their gunsmiths skillfully used elements of the enemy's weapons in their work. The weapons of the Vikings 10 centuries ago have undergone a change. The spears were no exception. They became more durable due to the reinforcement at the transition to the crown and were quite suitable for ramming.

In fact, there was no limit to the perfection of the spear. It has become a kind of art. The most experienced warriors in this business not only threw spears with both hands at the same time, but could also catch it on the fly and send it back to the enemy.
To conduct combat operations at a distance of about 30 meters, a special Viking weapon was needed. Its name is a dart. He was quite capable of replacing many more massive weapons with skillful use by a warrior. These are light one and a half meter spears. Their tips could be like ordinary spears or similar to a harpoon, but sometimes there were petiolate with a two-thorn part and socketed.
This weapon, common in the Viking Age, was usually made from a single piece of elm, ash or yew. It served to fight at a great distance. Bow arrows up to 80 centimeters long were made from birch or coniferous trees, but always old ones. Wide metal tips and special plumage distinguished Scandinavian arrows.
The length of the wooden part of the bow reached two meters, and the bowstring was most often braided hair. Great strength was required to work with such weapons, but it was for this that the Viking warriors were famous. The arrow hit the enemy at a distance of 200 meters. The Vikings used bows not only in military affairs, so the arrowheads were very different, given their purpose.

This is also a Viking throwing weapon. It was not difficult to make it with your own hands, since you only needed a rope or a belt and a leather "cradle" where a rounded stone was placed. A sufficient number of stones were collected when landing on the coast. Once in the hands of a skilled warrior, the sling is able to send a stone to hit the enemy a hundred meters away from the Viking. The principle of operation of this weapon is simple. One end of the rope was attached to the warrior's wrist, and he held the other in his fist. The sling was rotated, increasing the number of revolutions, and the fist was unclenched at the maximum. The stone flew in a given direction and hit the enemy.
Vikings always kept weapons and armor in order, as they perceived them as part of themselves and understood that the result of the battle depended on it.
Undoubtedly, all of the listed types of weapons helped the Vikings to gain fame as invincible warriors, and if the enemies were very afraid of the weapons of the Scandinavians, then the owners themselvestreated him very respectfully and reverently, often endowing him with names. Many types of weapons that participated in bloody battles were inherited and served as a guarantee that a young warrior would be brave and decisive in battle.