Growing up vocabulary: hubbub is

Growing up vocabulary: hubbub is
Growing up vocabulary: hubbub is

What the word "hustle" means is not known to everyone. But everyone understands that this word is a masculine noun. I would like to add that this noun is a common noun and inanimate. In addition, "hustle" is an uncountable noun, therefore, only the singular form is used in speech. The exception is poetry. But, as you know, she lives by special laws.

Humbling is…

To clarify the meaning of the noun "buzz", we turn to well-known venerable linguists for help, and for this we look at explanatory dictionaries:

What is hubbub
What is hubbub

A whistle is a vague, loud sound made by a large number of human, bird, or animal voices.


Like all other nouns ending in a consonant, the word "buzz" is inflected according to the second type.

Case Question Examples
Nominative What? It was almost eleven o'clock in the evening, but the uproar did not stop.
Genitive What? The parents of the second grade could not determine the source of the hubbub.
Dative What? The deafening dog barking joined the children's hubbub, and then the screech of a parrot.
Accusative What? Amaliya Avgustovna repeated that she couldn't stand noise and hubbub.
Instrumental What? Meeting of representatives of the concerned public ended in a chaotic uproar.
Prepositional case About what? I don't find anything touching and funny in this terrible hubbub, how do you endure it.

Gw alt: synonyms

If there were no synonyms in the world, speech would be boring and monotonous.

To the noun "hustle" you can also pick up a few words that are close to it in meaning:

Gw alt is
Gw alt is
  • buzz;
  • gam;
  • talking;
  • noise;
  • bustle;
  • hub;
  • hum;
  • hum;
  • scream;
  • op;
  • scream;
  • roar;
  • chatter.

Obviously, not all the words presented above are one hundred percent identical in meaning with the word being studied. But they allow you to choose the most accurate name for the phenomenon.
