In 2018, the film "Temporary Difficulties" was released. The film told about a boy with cerebral palsy and his stern parent, who, wanting to raise his son as a strong, he althy person, treated him like an ordinary child, subjecting him to harsh criticism and upbringing.
Criticism and criticism
Viewers' opinions about the plot were the most controversial: some supported the father's line of conduct, others condemned his rude attitude towards the sick boy. Harsh criticism and unquestioning behavior towards his son helped the boy become stronger, developed courage and determination in him, at the same time gave rise to hateful feelings towards a heartless parent.
Undoubtedly, reasonable criticism helps a person realize his shortcomings and encourages him to move forward, but empty criticism and constant nit-picking aggravate a person's self-esteem, sow bitterness and emptiness in the soul.
Psychologists say that "special children" need the right attitude towards themselves. Excessive lisping and indulgence hinder their development, make them helpless andunsuitable for independent living. Reasonable remarks, an objective assessment of actions and behavior will indicate to a person of any age his mistakes and mistakes.

Reasonable criticism
Do not forget that there are significant differences between criticism and criticism.
Criticism is an analysis of the positive and negative qualities or actions of a person, aimed at improving them, increasing a positive result. It can be taught in various forms and intonations, but never carries negative, humiliating aspects.
Constructive criticism is wise advice, thanks to which a person understands how to achieve a certain success in business. Criticism can be direct or indirect. Meeting with direct criticism, the subject receives an opinion directed personally to his actions, words, actions. In indirect criticism, a similar example is given, which expresses the essence of the matter of a similar situation or person.

Deadly words
Criticism is harsh criticism directed nowhere. She does not carry any positive aspects. A rough assessment and insults in relation to a person, nitpicking, ridicule, humiliation, emphasizing shortcomings and weaknesses of a person is criticism.

Criticism in the family
Unfortunately, all segments of the population are subject to harsh, inexorable criticism: the elderly, women, men, children. Most parents believe that criticizing is the key to successful parenting. They mercilessly injure the psyche and self-esteem of the child, subjecting him to insulting remarks, constant nit-picking and humiliation.
Harms the baby if this criticism is directed by parents at each other in his presence. When a father and mother shout hurtful words, find fault with each other, the whole world collapses for a child.

In the world of strong personalities and cold-blooded parents, there is an opinion that it is impossible to raise a good person with "calf tenderness". From kindergarten, their child understands that he is doing something wrong, that he is a slob, careless, clumsy, slow, too quiet or mumbling. A stream of endless nit-picking lays in the soul of a growing citizen a lack of self-confidence, a fear of developing and achieving something. Getting a bad mark, vulnerable A students are ready to jump off the bridge, leave home, just not to meet the stern look and contempt of a strict parent.

Wisdom and patience
Unfortunately, criticism is the disease of the century, every family faces it. Instead of support and understanding, wise hints and advice, native people are ready to destroy each other, disgrace, trample, fill with negativity. Maybe that's why so many unhappy people and pessimists grow up in every generation.
In a happy family, parents are full of not only love, but also patience for their offspring. If a "special child" is brought up in a family, patience and wisdom are doubly necessary. Reasonable tactics and correctcriticism will point out to the child not only his mistakes, but also tell you what to do to correct them or prevent them.
Unconditional acceptance of an imperfect personality gives impetus to move forward, not being afraid to make mistakes in your actions. While empty criticism introduces melancholy, despondency, humiliates the existing advantages and does not help fight shortcomings.
A child achieves great success in adulthood, regardless of his mental and physical abilities, if his parents have invested in him a solid foundation of faith in himself and his abilities.

Differences in criticism
Parents should clearly realize that picky criticism when raising a child affects the perception of the world and personality in a detrimental way.
She has a number of significant differences:
- calm, friendly tone;
- emphasizing positive aspects;
- suggestions and wishes to improve the positive result;
- assessment of actions that do not affect the personal qualities of a person;
- aims to help, not humiliate the individual;
- creative, assists in further development;
- justifies an opinion by pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of the situation or detail under consideration.
Severe criticism works differently:
- points out flaws without giving a clear explanation;
- humiliates and insults a person;
- contains signs of self-affirmation;
- shows the superiority of the parent over the child.
Howbeing a critic?
- not able to listen, accept someone else's point of view, acts with an unconditional method;
- speaks in rude terms, uses intimidating moments;
- filled with picky little things;
- acts in a destructive way, interferes with development.

Both children and adults are subject to criticism. Feeling the desire to resort to this remedy, a person should be as careful as possible in order to help with words, and not harm.