Dendrological examination. Dendrology: objects of study

Dendrological examination. Dendrology: objects of study
Dendrological examination. Dendrology: objects of study

Forests are essential in human life. They not only form the parameters of the air environment necessary for life, but also act as a source of a valuable resource - wood. And that's not to mention the role the forest plays in the overall ecosystem.

Given the above, it is logical to assume that in a developed society there should be instruments that regulate human activities in terms of controlling the territories occupied by forests. In Russia, this function is determined by dendrology - this is a branch of science dedicated to woody vegetation. Experts in this field study trees, shrubs, vines, etc.

On the basis of this discipline, practical mechanisms are also based, focused on the study of forest resources, as well as the regulation of human activities in order to optimally manage these arrays.

What is a dendrological examination?

dendrological examination
dendrological examination

Any actions with areas occupied by tree plantations should be carried out only after appropriateresearch. Dendrological expertise, in particular, involves a thorough check of plantings in a particular area with the identification of rare specimens, the general condition of trees, etc. In each case, the purpose of the event is initially determined. This can be cutting down, landscaping, preparing the area for future construction, as well as reorienting the area in terms of nature management. In turn, the dendrological examination makes it possible to determine which operations will best implement the plans. So, if it is supposed to maintain the flora, then specialists develop measures aimed at compensatory landscaping. That is, if necessary, new trees with shrubs are planted in the future.

Who conducts the survey and how?

dendrological survey of the territory
dendrological survey of the territory

Obviously, such research is impossible without special knowledge in botany, biology and dendrology as such. Specialists in this field should be able to navigate in the types of plants growing in the territory entrusted to him. As a rule, surveys are carried out by teams for which arrays of a certain scale are allocated. A common task that may be faced by such a group of specialists may be to identify the species composition, as well as the diversity of forms of trees and shrubs growing on a given site. In practice, a dendrological survey can be a walk around the forest, first along the perimeter, and then by shuttle. In the process of thisresearch group members identify and mark the necessary plant species. At the end, a report on the work done is formed, which can later become material for drawing up a dendrological project or plan.

Research objects

To begin with, you should decide on the subject of study, which can be almost any woody plant located in the jurisdictional zone. So, in addition to trees, it can be various types of shrubs and semi-shrubs, vines of tree species, as well as pillow-shaped and creeping plants. If we move on to objects, then the study of forests, park areas, nature reserves and specialized farms is usually carried out. It is important to note that the goal of the researcher is not to analyze the state of a particular specimen, but to draw up a general picture of the current situation within a particular territory. That is, a single instance can be considered as one of the many features that form a general idea of the array.

survey of forest areas
survey of forest areas

Types of studies

Two types of surveys of forest areas are practiced - preliminary and main. In the first case, experts analyze plantings at the stage of developing a project for future construction. The main task in this event is to determine areas that are acceptable for felling and clearing, where direct construction, laying of roads and, in general, infrastructure development is possible. The main survey of forest areas is carried out for the subsequent drawing up of a detailed plan of the area, in whichreflect the species composition of plantations, the condition and location of woody plants.

Dendrological project

dendrological plan
dendrological plan

Actually, the end product of any survey is a package of documentation, which is compiled for one purpose or another. Again, this could be a project being developed for further construction within a wooded area, or a document commissioned by a conservation organization. The following information may be reflected in the project: the state of green spaces growing on the site, the presence of rare specimens, the parameters of individual plant species, recommendations for felling or preserving certain species, and other data. It can be said that the dendrological survey of the territory is the main source for drawing up projects, but there are also special points that are not related to the direct study of the forest. This, for example, can be sections indicating the cost of compensatory landscaping. The inclusion of such items is usually provided when it comes to the purposeful improvement of a particular territory.

Dendrological plan

dendrology is
dendrology is

Usually a plan is part of a project, but it can also be a separate document. It most fully and accurately reflects the state of woody vegetation within the boundaries of the surveyed area. Photographic equipment is usually used to compile this material. There is also a special area of cameral work, which focuses on the development of such plans. Regarding the appointmentdocument, it may be different. Like a dendrological survey of the territory, a plan can be drawn up in order to rationally distribute construction and infrastructure facilities on the ground, or to select landscaping tactics.


forest study
forest study

Performance of dendrological research requires a lot of effort and time on the part of performers. Of course, much depends on the scale of the project, but even in a small area, a qualitative study is impossible without the use of technical aids. However, they are only of an auxiliary nature, since dendrological examination, even today, relies on the experience and knowledge of a person. Only a specialist can determine where and how best to cut down, and where to organize a new planting area. This takes into account many factors, including species range, plant age, climatic conditions and various nuances of the array operation.
