Representatives of the Vorobin family are well known for their attachment to humans. Such organisms are also called synanthropes. In our article, you will get acquainted with typical representatives, the features of their organization and life.
Sparrow family: characteristics
Birds of this systematic unit are small and medium in size. Their maximum weight reaches 40 g, and their length is up to 18 cm. Sparrows are easily recognizable by their dense, rounded body and short legs. With their help, they jump on the ground.
The shape of the beak of the representatives of the Sparrow family is determined by the nature of their food. And these birds prefer seeds. Since sometimes they have to be obtained from hard fruits, the passerine beak is quite powerful and has a cone-shaped shape.
A characteristic feature of the family is also the plumage of the lower leg and the presence of large plates on it. At the same time, the tarsus of birds is devoid of cover. Passerines have four fingers that end in sharp and curved claws. Three of them are directed forward, and one is opposed to them. Sparrow's sharp tailconsists of 12 tail feathers.

The Sparrow family, whose photos and names are presented in our article, live almost everywhere. They are found in all climatic zones except the Arctic. They can live in bushes, trees, soil, rocks.
Passerines belong to the group of nesting birds. This means that their chicks hatch helpless. They are blind and deaf, completely or partially devoid of plumage. Therefore, of particular importance in the life of this family is the arrangement of nests in which the chicks spend a long time. It starts in early spring. Passerines build nests mainly in trees, and both the female and the male participate in this process. And already in April, the first offspring is born.
Birds incubate their eggs for about two weeks. After hatching, passerine chicks still spend up to 17 days in nests. During this period, they manage to get stronger enough for an independent life.

Of course, you recognized the brightest representative of the Vorobin family in the photo. And the name in Russia of this bird was interpreted incorrectly for a long time. Allegedly, the sparrow comes from the phrase "thief bey." In fact, in many languages of the world it has the same root. The sparrow got its name from the characteristic sounds it makes - cooing.

Sparrow family includes about 30 species. Systematists combine them into several genera:
- Short-toed - live in the mountains and rocks, where they equip their open nests in the shape of a bowl. They lead a secluded life. In search of food, they move on the ground in dashes.
- Real - mostly represented by species whose life activity is connected with humans. Nests are built on branches, various structures, in hollows. The male is distinguished by a dark spot on the throat, which in females is colored in nondescript gray tones.
- Stone - nest in rock crevices and stony steppes. A characteristic feature is also the presence of a white stripe along the edge of the tail.
- Earthlings - prefer to nest in small colonies of several dozen pairs. Their nest is a ball of twigs, down, feathers and grass with a side entrance.
- Snow finches are sedentary alpine birds. The habitat determines the light color of the covers and dense plumage, which protects from the cold. Elongated body with pointed wings.
Interesting facts found out by scientists about sparrows. Just imagine, their number on the planet is already approaching a billion. Among birds, centenarians aged 10-11 years are known. They are so active and mobile that during the flight their heart beats a thousand times a minute.