The most striking events in history can rightfully be considered the campaigns of the Vikings, just as they themselves would rightly be called very interesting figures in the period from the 9th to the 11th century. The very word "Viking" roughly means "sailing in the sea." In the native language of the Normans, "vik" means "fiord", which in our opinion will be "bay". Therefore, many sources interpret the word "Viking" as "man from the bay." A common question is "Where did the Vikings live?" would be as inappropriate as the statement that "Viking" and "Scandinavian" are one and the same. In the first case, we are talking about the occupation of a person, in the second - about belonging to a certain people.

As for belonging to a certain ethnic group, it can be difficult to identify it, since the Vikings settled down in the occupied territories, soaking in all the local "benefits", as well as saturating the culture of these lands. The same can be said about the titles awarded to the "people of the fort" by various peoples. It all depended on the place where the Vikings lived. Normans, Varangians, Danes, Russ - such names were given to the "naval army" on more and more new shores, where it landed.
Many myths andmisconceptions hovering around the bright historical characters, which were the Vikings. Where the Norman invaders lived, what they did, besides their campaigns and raids, and whether they did anything other than them at all are very delicate questions that torment the heads of historians to this day. However, to date, at least seven misconceptions can be deduced regarding the “Scandinavian barbarians.”
Cruelty and thirst for conquest
In most films, books and other entertainment resources, the Vikings appear before us as bloodthirsty barbarians who cannot imagine their life without everyday sticking their ax into someone's skull.

The initial reason for military campaigns among the Normans was the overpopulation of the Scandinavian lands where the Vikings lived. Plus constant strife of clans. Both forced a large part of the population to go in search of a better life. And the river robbery was nothing more than a bonus to their hard way. Naturally, poorly fortified European cities became easy prey for sailors. However, as for other peoples - the French, the British, the Arabs and others, who also did not disdain bloodshed for the benefit of their pockets. Suffice it to recall that all this happened in the Middle Ages, and this way of making money was equally attractive to representatives of various powers. And the national propensity for bloodshed had nothing to do with it.
Another statement that the Vikings were hostile to everyone but themselves is also a delusion. In fact, foreigners couldtake advantage of the hospitality of the Normans, and join their ranks. Many historical records confirm that French, Italians and Russians could meet among the Vikings. An example of Ansgar's stay in the Scandinavian possessions - the envoy of Louis the Pious - is another proof of the hospitality of the Vikings. You can also remember the Arab ambassador ibn Fadlan - the film "The 13th Warrior" was made based on this story.
Although, contrary to the above remark, the Vikings are equated with the Scandinavians - this is a deep delusion, which is explained by the fact that the Vikings lived on the territory of Greenland, Iceland, as well as France and even Ancient Russia. In itself, the statement that all "people of the fiord" are from Scandinavia is a mistake.

Where the Vikings lived at the beginning of the Middle Ages is an irrelevant question, since the “maritime community” itself could include different nationalities, from different lands. Among other things, it is worth noting the fact that the French king freely gave part of the lands to the Vikings, and in gratitude they became the guards of France when it was attacked by an enemy “from outside”. It is not uncommon that this enemy was the Vikings from other lands. By the way, this is how the name "Normandy" appeared.
Dirty heathen savages
Another oversight of many narrators of the past years is the image of the Vikings as dirty, unscrupulous and wild people. And again, this is not true. And the proof of this is the finds that were extracted duringexcavations in various places where the Vikings lived.

Mirrors, combs, baths - all these remnants of an ancient culture found during excavations confirmed that the Normans were a clean people. And these finds were extracted not only in Sweden, Denmark, but also in Greenland, Iceland and other lands, including the Sarskoye settlement, where the Vikings lived on the banks of the Volga, which was located on the territory of Ancient Russia. In addition to everything else, it is not uncommon for the remains of soap made by the hands of the Normans themselves to be found. Once again, their cleanliness is proved by the English joke, which approximately sounded like this: “Vikings are so clean that they even go to the bath once a week.” It does not hurt to recall that the Europeans themselves visited the bathhouse much less frequently.
Two-meter blondes
Another false statement, as the remains of the bodies of the Vikings say otherwise. Those who are presented as tall warriors with blond hair, in fact, reached no more than 170 centimeters in height. The vegetation on the head of these people was of different colors. The only thing that is indisputable is the preference for this type of hair among the Normans themselves. This was facilitated by the use of a special coloring soap.

Vikings and Ancient Russia
On the one hand, it is believed that the Vikings were directly related to the formation of Russia as a great power. On the other hand, there are sources that deny their participation in any event in the history of the ancient Slavs. Historians are especially controversialRurik's belonging to the Scandinavians, and vice versa. However, the name Rurik is close to the Norman Rerek - this is how many boys were called in Scandinavia. The same can be said about Oleg, Igor - his relative and son. And wife Olga. Just look at their Norman counterparts - Helge, Ingvar, Helga.

Many sources (almost all) unanimously state that the possessions of the Vikings extended to the Caspian and Black Seas. In addition, in order to reach the Caliphate, the Normans used crossings across the Dnieper, Volga and many other rivers flowing in the territory of Ancient Russia. The presence of trade transactions in the area of the Sarsky settlement, where the Vikings lived on the Volga, was repeatedly noted. In addition, raids were often mentioned, accompanied by robberies in the region of Staraya Ladoga, the Gnezdovsky mounds, which also confirms the presence of Norman settlements on the territory of Ancient Russia. By the way, the word "Rus" also belongs to the Vikings. Even in the "Tale of Bygone Years" it was said that "Rurik came with all his Rus."
The exact location where the Vikings lived - on the banks of the Volga or not - is debatable. Some sources mention that they were based right next to their forts. Others argue that the Normans preferred a neutral space between water and large settlements.
Horns on helmets
And another misconception is the presence of horns on the top of the military vestments of the Normans. For all the time of excavations and research in the places where the Vikings lived, no helmets with horns were found, forwith the exception of a single one, which was found in one of the burial grounds of the Normans.

But a single case does not give grounds for such a generalization. Although this image can be interpreted differently. It was in this way that it was beneficial to represent the Vikings to the Christian world, which classifies them as the offspring of the devil. And everything that has to do with Satan, Christians for some reason always have horns.