Every year, many Russians are increasingly asking themselves: "Where to start learning English?" Our life realities dictate this need. A number of factors contribute to this. English-language cultural products are at the forefront of our day everywhere: literature, goods, cinema, education, and so on. Moreover, today many of our fellow citizens have very real opportunities to travel abroad for tourism purposes, in search of work, or for the sake of changing their permanent place of residence. Before such people, the question necessarily arises, where to start learning English? How to achieve good results in the shortest possible time?

Of course you can go to language courses. There you will be given all the necessary instructions and will guide you throughout the learning process. If for some reason this is not for you and you are wondering,where to start learning English on your own, then for sure you will find some useful tips in this article. So let's get started.
How to start learning English? Of course, with the basics of grammar
First of all, you must master the simplest grammar rules and the most necessary everyday words. How to start learning English should be the same in all systems. Although it is often presented in different forms. First of all, you should stock up on perseverance, because this is a rather lengthy process. At least a few months will pass before you begin to understand a native speaker fluently enough and express yourself on any topic. In the first step of self-study, you just need to get a beginner's book.
Among the array of such literature, two volumes of "English Step by Step" by Natalia Bonk, as well as the textbook "Cambridge English Grammar" are very solid. They are readily available in both electronic and printed versions. After a month of hard work, you will already be able to recognize all the numbers in English or types of times. As well as many other subtleties like active or passive voices. By the way, at the first stage of learning words, use word cards. It is very effective for learning English. An old but effective way.

Be sure to use books to learn English
After the first weeks of learning the basics of the language, be sure to start reading. No, don't be scaredyou don't have to read complex texts, looking up the translation of almost every word in the dictionary. There are specially adapted texts for this purpose. Such, for example, are books by Ilya Frank. Here, each English-language paragraph is accompanied by a further Russian-language one with a separate translation and analysis of complex words. This will help you after some time to be quite tolerably oriented in English texts without the help of a translator.

And of course, you can't limit yourself to reading
Remember that the study of any language should be not only visual, but also auditory. To learn to listen to English speech, you need to constantly work on it. At the initial stages, you can use, for example, the lessons of the famous American linguist Jay Hoag. The course is called "Effortless english" and is also freely available on the Internet. At the same time, translate for yourself the texts of your favorite English songs, watch movies with sub titles. Surely, this, in addition to being useful, will also be interesting for you.