Process modeling: approaches, methods, stages

Process modeling: approaches, methods, stages
Process modeling: approaches, methods, stages

Process simulations are movements of the same nature that are generalized into a prototype. Thus, this term describes development at the type level. The same process modeling is used repeatedly for application development. A large number of copies is of fundamental importance. One possible use of motion is to prescribe how things should or could be done. Process modeling is a rough expectation of what an application will look like. The move itself is determined during the actual development of the system.

Modeling Goals

management approach
management approach

Firstly, it is needed in order to keep track of what is actually happening during work. It is necessary to take the point of view of an external observer who looks at how the process is being performed. The next step is to identify improvements that need to be made to improve efficiency or effectiveness.


management approach business process modeling
management approach business process modeling

Define desired processes and how they should or could be done.

You need to establish rules, guidelines and cognitive behaviors that, if followed, will lead to the desired performance. These can range from strict enforcement to flexible leadership.


process approach
process approach

Provide explanations about the validity of processes. Several possible courses of action based on rational arguments need to be explored and evaluated.

Establish an explicit relationship between processes and requirements that the cognitive model must meet. Predefines points where data can be retrieved for reporting.


From a theoretical point of view, process modeling explains the key concepts needed to describe what happens during development. From an operational perspective, the meta-processes aim to provide guidance to methodologists and application developers.

Business process modeling activity usually involves the need to change or identify problems that need to be fixed. This transformation may require IT involvement. Although this is a common reason for the need to implement business modeling. Change management programs are desirable to put processes into practice.

With the development of technology from major platform providers, the concept of businessprocesses becomes fully feasible (and capable of two-way design). She is getting closer to reality every day. Supported technologies include unified language, model-driven architecture, and service-oriented development.

The concept of modeling involves aspects of enterprise business architecture processes, resulting in a comprehensive application. Relationships in the context of the rest of the enterprise systems, data, organizational structure, strategies, etc. create greater opportunities for analysis and change planning. One real-life example is corporate mergers and acquisitions. A detailed understanding of the processes at both companies allows management to identify redundancies, leading to a smoother merger.

The concept of modeling has always been a key aspect of business process reengineering and continuous improvement approaches seen in Six Sigma.


There are five types of coverage where the term process model has been defined differently:

  • Activity-Oriented: A related set of actions taken for a particular product definition outcome. A set of partially ordered steps designed to achieve the goal of a simulation.
  • Product Orientation: A series of activities that result in sensitive transformations helping to achieve the desired result.
  • Decision-oriented: a set of related regulations established to define a commodity.
  • Strategy orientation:allows you to create models that are multi-purpose processes and plan all possible ways to develop a product based on intent and strategy.


process approach to management process modeling
process approach to management process modeling

Processes can be of different types. These definitions correspond to different ways of process simulation. So:

Strategic. They are meant to explore alternative ways to do things and develop a plan. Often creative and require human cooperation. Thus, creating alternatives and choosing from them are very important activities

Tactical processes. This is to help you achieve your plan. They care more about the tactics that will be adopted to actually complete the tasks than about development

By granularity

Detail refers to the level of detail of the process model and affects the kind of guidance, explanation and follow-up that can be provided. Coarse specification limits them to a rather narrow level, while fine granularity provides a more detailed opportunity. The level of detail required depends on the specific situation.

Project manager, customer representative, senior or middle management need a fairly rough description of the process, because they want to get an idea of the time, budget and resource planning for their solutions. On the contrary, software developers, users, testers, analysts will prefera detailed process model where each item can provide them with instructions and important execution dependencies.

While there are designations for fine-grained patterns, most traditional processes are rough descriptions. Models should provide a wide range of detail.


process approach to management business process modeling
process approach to management business process modeling

This is another process modeling method. It has been found that although these models are prescriptive, there may be deviations in actual practice. That is why the framework for adoption has evolved in such a way that system development methods are suited to specific organizational situations and thereby increase their usefulness.

Process approach to management Business process modeling can be organized in a range of flexibility from "low" to "high". At the "lower" end of this spectrum lie hard methods. Whereas on the "top" there is a modular design. Rigid methods are completely predetermined and leave little room for adaptation to the existing situation. On the other hand, modular systems can be modified and expanded to suit a particular strategy.

Finally, choosing and customizing a method allows each project to create methods from different approaches and customize them to suit needs.

Quality of methods

In most of the existing structures created to understand the properties, the line between the nature of modeling and their application is not drawn. This reportwill focus on both the quality of process modeling techniques and the models to clearly delineate the two. Various frameworks have been developed to assist in understanding the properties. This structure also has the advantage of providing a uniform and formal description of a model element within the same or different types using the same modeling techniques. In short, it can make an assessment of both the quality of the product and the process, which were previously defined.

Properties related to business process modeling methods:

  • Expressiveness: the degree to which a given technique is able to denote prototypes of any number and types of applications.
  • Randomness: degree of freedom when modeling the same zone.
  • Acceptability: The level at which a given technique is specifically tailored to a particular application area.
  • Clarity: The ease with which participants understand how things work.
  • Consistency: the extent to which the individual submodels of the modeling method are cohesive.
  • Completeness: the level at which all the necessary domain concepts are represented in the prototype.
  • Efficiency: The extent to which the simulation process uses resources such as time and people.

The structure evaluation for DEMO modeling methods is said to have revealed shortcomings of Q-ME. One is that it does not include a quantifiable metric to express the quality of a business modeling technique, making it difficult to compare the properties of differentmoves in the overall ranking.

There is also a systematic approach to measuring the nature of products, known as the complexity metric, proposed by Rossi (1996). Metamodel methods are used as the basis for calculating these parameters. Compared to the system proposed by Krogstie, the measurement is more focused on the technical level than on the individual model.

The authors (Cardoso, Mendling, Neuman and Reijers, 2006) used complexity metrics to measure the simplicity and understandability of a design. This is confirmed by later studies by Medling. He argued that without the use of quality metrics, a simple process could be modeled in a complex and inappropriate way. This, in turn, leads to reduced comprehensibility, higher maintenance costs, and possibly inefficient execution of the process in question.

Quality of models

process approach to management modeling
process approach to management modeling

Earliest designs reflected the dynamics of the process, with a practical option obtained by implementation in terms of relevant concepts, available technologies, specific environments, constraints, and so on.

A huge amount of research has been done on the quality of models, but less attention has been paid to the work itself. These issues cannot be exhaustively assessed, but in practice there are four main guidelines for this. This is:

  • top-down quality structures;
  • upstream metrics;
  • empirical reviews;
  • pragmatic recommendations.

Hommes said that all the main characteristics of the quality of models can be divided into 2 groups according to correctness and usefulness. Correctness ranges from conforming to the layout to the phenomenon that is modeled by its syntactic rules. Simulation is also goal independent.

Whereas utility can be seen as a model, Homms also makes an additional distinction between intrinsic correctness (empirical, syntactic and semantic quality) and extrinsic correctness (validity).

Furthermore, the broader approach should be based on semiotics rather than linguistics, as was done by Krogst using a top-down system known as SEQUAL. It defines several dimensions of quality based on the relationships between model, knowledge externalization, domain, modeling language, and learning activities.

However, this framework does not provide a way to define different levels of quality, but is widely used for business processes in empirical tests. New levels of quality have been identified based on previous studies conducted by Moody using the conceptual model.

Three designs

  1. Syntactic: evaluates the degree to which the model conforms to the grammatical rules of the modeling language being used.
  2. Semantic: Finds out if the application exactly meets the user's requirements.
  3. Pragmatic: Specifies whether the model can be sufficiently understood by all stakeholders in the modeling process. That is, she mustlet interpreters use it to suit their needs.

The study found that the quality system was easy to use and useful for evaluating process models, but it had limitations in terms of reliability and made it difficult to detect defects. It was they who led to the refinement of the structure through subsequent research by Krogstie.

Three more aspects of quality

process approach to management
process approach to management
  1. Physical: Is the external model constant and accessible to the audience to understand.
  2. Empirical: Whether the application is modeled according to the established rules for that language.
  3. Social: finds out if there are agreements between stakeholders in the field of modeling.

So, we have considered the category of process modeling. We analyzed the methods and stages known today.
