Many people ask the question: "Why should I read books?". Indeed, in the age of digital technology, this process becomes something outdated. "In life, everything is different than in books," most say. But in fact, reading is a necessity for every person who wants to get a comprehensive development. So what is the benefit of reading books?

Increases vocabulary
As a rule, when reading books, people come across different genres. In such works there are words that you do not use in everyday communication with other people. At the same time, in order to understand the meaning of a new word, it will not be necessary to look for its meaning in the dictionary. Most often it can be understood from the context. So you can not only expand your vocabulary, but also improve your overall literacy.

Help to communicate with people
Practice shows that reading books gives not only an increase in vocabulary, but also teachesspeak correctly. In other words, to be able not only to express your thoughts clearly and clearly, but also to wrap them in a beautiful shell.
Already after a few readings of works by world-famous classics, you can feel the difference. The reader will begin to show the talent of the storyteller, thereby he will make a good impression on many people. This will help you become an interesting conversationalist, which is exactly what people are drawn to.
Sociologists say that reading people will always lead those who have never in their lives held a book in their hands, but preferred the TV process to this process. These arguments are based on the fact that such activities do not contribute to the intellectual development of the individual, so TV viewing should be limited to two to three hours a day.

One of the answers to the question of what gives reading books is self-confidence. An increase in erudition also leads to an increase in one's own self-esteem. You will begin to communicate with more interesting and comprehensively developed people. And your competent and interesting speech will take you a step higher compared to people who do not read books at all. This, in turn, leads to the recognition of the people around you, which also has a positive effect on self-esteem.
Stress reduction
Stress is becoming a problem for almost everyone these days. It has been scientifically proven that the richness of book text is effective in promoting calm and stress relief. Carry out such anti-stress proceduresjust before you go to bed. In addition to peace and tranquility, in addition, get vivid dreams based on which book you read.

Influence on "sleeping" areas of the brain
When a person reads a book thoughtfully, he begins to imagine himself in the place of the protagonist and fully live his life. Thus, there is a complete immersion in the book. Therefore, those areas that are usually not involved begin to work in the brain. This effect does not occur when watching TV or playing computer games.
Development of memory and thinking
When reading books, a person is forced to reason a lot in order to understand the idea of the author of the work. And through reasoning, thinking and the ability to consider one situation from different angles develop. And memory develops by remembering a large number of details that are necessary for a complete understanding of what is happening.
In addition to this, fantasy develops. With slow and thoughtful reading, first images appear, and then whole pictures of what is happening. And no film can convey all the events that take place in the book so brightly, colorfully and fully.

Delays the aging process
This property of reading is very hard to believe, but true. Aging occurs much faster when the brain begins to age. Reading stimulates his work. During this process, the brain activates almost all of its areas, thereby training it. Arisesneurological load, which plays a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. With such loads, the blood reaches the areas responsible for the ability to concentrate and the ability to learn new information.
What gives reading books to a child
Firstly, reading books helps build a strong emotional bond between parent and child. It is better to give preference to children's literature. These are the best books for children to read.
Secondly, the child gets new experience through reading books, broadens his horizons and learns more about the world around him. For example, if a child is afraid to go to the doctor, then he can read a book about the doctor who cured everyone. And then the fear will be much less, and the child's courage will increase. But here it is important to choose the right books to read in order to form the right views on the world.
Third, reading helps develop communication skills. Even if the child listens to an adult, this process contributes to the replenishment of his vocabulary. The need to read books is perhaps obvious. Also, the child learns to build grammatically correct sentences and express his opinion.

List of books everyone should read
Where to start?
- "The Master and Margarita" is a novel written by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov in the 20th century. This is a work on which the author has been working for more than ten years. It became the hallmark of the writer. It intertwines satirical humor, pure love and gambling with evil spirits.
- "Eugene Onegin" - a novel in verse, which was written by the representative of the Golden Age of Russian literature Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Work on the work began in 1823 and ended more than seven years later in 1831. The central plot of the novel is a love affair, and the main problem that the author makes you think about is the struggle between feelings and duty.
- No less famous "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. The book influenced the minds not only of the writer's contemporaries, but also of subsequent generations of descendants. The work can be attributed to the detective genre. It describes the pangs of conscience of the protagonist, a terrible murder, his investigation and there was a place for pure love. The main questions that Dostoevsky raises in his work: what is a person?
- The epic novel "War and Peace" has received worldwide recognition for a reason. The action takes place back in 1805 in Tsarist Russia and continues until the war of 1812. The author captures two polar opposite areas of life at once - military and secular. Here cunning intrigues, true love, doubts and war are intertwined. The fate of the central characters brings them together more than once, which leads to happy and sometimes tragic consequences.
- "The Little Prince" is the most famous work written by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. A distinctive feature of the book are the illustrations that were drawn by the author himself. They do not just visually show what is happening in the story, but are a significant part of it. The main characters discussdrawings and arguing about them.
- "A Hero of Our Time" is one of the most unusual works that was written by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. The work is a biography of the protagonist in the form of diary entries. And the unusual thing is that the parts of the novel are arranged in chronological order. And only after you read the book to the end, you will understand what the author's idea was.
- "One Hundred Years of Solitude". Written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The author tells about the city of Macondo lost in the jungle - from its very foundation to its decline. It also tells about the Buendia family, who lives with this city. The daily life of the heroes is intertwined with magical incidents, which are commonplace for the inhabitants of the town. Through this work, as if through a mirror, you can read the real history of Latin America.
- "Fathers and Sons" - the famous work of the writer of classical Russian literature Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. The life story of the protagonist, which shows how dramatically the worldview and attitude to life and people can change, touches and makes you empathize with the protagonist. The book also raises the age-old question of the struggle of generations and their misunderstanding of each other, otherwise called the problem of fathers and children.
- "Alice in Wonderland" is a children's fairy tale for adults. Lewis Carroll - the author of the book - is known not only as a writer, but also as a professor of mathematics. The story is about a little girl. Following her curiosity, she ended up in an unusual world where they will be waiting for her.unusual adventures, dangers and new friends.
- Harry Potter stories. The famous series of books that could tear adults and children away from TV screens. It has been translated into over 60 languages, including the artificial language Esperanto and dead languages such as Ancient Greek and Latin.
The most popular books have been listed here, but it's hard to say which books are the best to read. After all, each person has an individual opinion on this matter.

Summarizing the above, you can understand why you need to read. Reading fiction is not just a useful habit, but rather a necessity in today's world. More and more people prefer watching TV or playing computer games to books, which slow down brain activity. Scientists in the course of the study proved that in six minutes of reading, the level of stress is reduced by almost half. It is much more effective than walking or listening to music.
Therefore, it is important to understand what gives regular reading of books. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that people are divided into two types: those who read and those who listen to those who read.