St. Petersburg State University is probably the most prestigious university in St. Petersburg. Every year, thousands of applicants from the Northern capital and other cities of Russia strive to enter this higher educational institution. Almost 70% of SPbU students are from other cities, which is why it is so necessary to have comfortable hostels designed for a large number of students.

General information
In total, there are 22 dormitories in the structure of the university, which are located in the Vasileostrovsky district, Nevsky and Petrovodvortsovy districts of St. Petersburg.

All university dormitories have been renovated. They are comfortable enough to live in. Near all hostels there are public transport stops, which regularly go to the nearest metro stations. Some of the university's faculties are located in Peterhof, as is the huge campus of St. Petersburg State University, so many students get to the academic building in justminutes.
St. Petersburg State University hostel on Vasilyevsky Island
There are 8 buildings of student dormitories of St. Petersburg University on Vasilyevsky Island. Three buildings of dormitories are located on Shipbuilders Street. They have numbers 1, 2 and 3. There are two buildings of the student hostel along Shevchenko Street, they have numbers 4 and 5. On the 5th line of Vasilyevsky Island there is a hostel at number 17. On Kapitanskaya Street there is a hostel at number 19. And the last building is located on the 8th line of Vasilyevsky Island, it has number 18.

St. Petersburg State University dormitories numbered 18 and 19 are apartment-type dormitories. The kitchen in these dormitories is located in the residential block. Dormitories numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 are also apartment-type dormitories, a distinctive feature is the fact that there is a kitchenette in the residential block.
St. Petersburg State University dormitories numbered 5 and 17 are corridor-type dormitories. Dormitories 18 and 19 have two-room blocks in which 4 people live, 2 in each block. Dormitories located on Shevchenko and Korablestroiteley streets have one-room and two-room blocks. In two-room blocks there is accommodation according to the scheme 3 + 2 people. One-room blocks usually accommodate from 1 to 3 people.

Dormitory number 1 offers 759 places, dormitory number 2 has 690 places for students, 694 places have been allocated in SPbU dormitory number 3. In dormitory 4 canaccommodate 702 students, the 5th dormitory is the smallest among all student campuses of St. Petersburg State University, only 209 students can live there. Dormitories numbered 17 and 18 accommodate more than 300 students each.
Dormitories in Peterhof
St. Petersburg State University dormitories in Peterhof form a single campus, consisting of 13 dormitories. In order to enter the territory of the campus, you must have a personal pass, which is issued to all students living in one of the dormitories. For people who come to visit, you need to issue a one-time pass. For registration, the guest must present identification documents.

Dormitories are located along Kh alturina and Botanicheskaya streets. All hostels located in Peterhof have the capacity to accommodate 7610 students.
Dormitories in the Nevsky district
In the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg there is one dormitory of St. Petersburg State University. Its address: Solidarity Avenue, 27/1. Dormitory number 6 has the capacity to accommodate just under 500 students.
All dormitories of St. Petersburg State University have ATMs of the largest commercial banks, such as Sberbank, VTB 24, St. Petersburg Bank and Alfa-Bank. Also, a special student cafe has been created in the hostel 2, where they are always happy to offer complex lunches to students at an affordable price.
In hostels located on Vasilevsky Island, laundry rooms are available, as well as dry cleaning. In addition, next tomost hostels are located grocery stores, pharmacies, Russian Post offices, clinics, dentists and hairdressers.
Several sports grounds have been built near the hostels in Peterhof.
Cost of living
The cost of living in SPbU dormitories varies depending on whether a student is studying on a budgetary or paid basis. For those who study on a budgetary basis, the tariff is 67 rubles per month. For students who study at a paid rate, the rate is significantly higher. A student on a contractual basis of education must pay 3,120 rubles for one place in a dormitory of St. Petersburg State University, which are corridor-type dormitories. 3750 rubles per month, students of the paid tuition basis must pay for a place in a hostel that has an apartment type of accommodation.

Students have the opportunity to pay for accommodation through the official website of the university with a bank card, as well as use various payment systems.
In addition, applicants from other cities who came to St. Petersburg to personally submit documents, as well as pass additional entrance examinations, have the opportunity to live in hostels. The cost of a corridor type dormitory at St. Petersburg State University (single room) is 250 rubles. per day. In the same hostel in a room for 2 people, the cost will be 220 rubles. When placed in a triple room, the applicant will need to pay 190 rubles for each day of residence. The cost of living in apartment-type dormitories varies from 280 to 220rubles for each day of stay.
Check in
Settling into the hostel of St. Petersburg State University occurs by providing documents on enrollment in one of the faculties of the university, as well as providing documents confirming the fact that the student is a nonresident.
To register in a hostel, you must provide the following documents to the settlement department: a contract of employment and a passport. In order to freely enter the territory of the hostel, the student must also issue a personal pass. Registration takes place at the pass office. In addition, to check into the hostel, you must submit a certificate of fluorography.
After settling in, the student is issued a tenancy agreement, keys to the living space are issued, and furniture and bed linen are issued and inventoried. In addition, students are required to be instructed in fire safety rules and the rules for living in dormitories established by the university. According to the agreement, students are obliged to pay for accommodation in a hostel on time.
Most nonresident students studying at St. Petersburg State University in their 1st year are accommodated in hostels located in Peterhof. Students admitted to St Petersburg University on preferential terms, as well as foreign students, are accommodated in dormitories located on Vasilyevsky Island. During their studies, students have the right to apply for relocation from one block to another, within one hostel, as well as for relocation to another hostel.