Higher education at Plekhanov University: faculties, cost

Higher education at Plekhanov University: faculties, cost
Higher education at Plekhanov University: faculties, cost

The headache of the average school graduate is to pass exams, decide on the choice of profession and higher education institution. High-quality higher education provides a competitive advantage in the labor market and is the key to a successful future employment.

The choice of a university depends on the following factors: ranking, offered educational areas, opportunities to study in English, cost of programs, recognition of a diploma by Russian and foreign companies.

The article will focus on Plekhanov University, whose faculties annually produce professionally trained personnel for work in the fields of business, economics, finance and law.

Coat of arms of the university
Coat of arms of the university

Educational programs

Faculties of Plekhanov University offer future students training in 50 areas that have state and international accreditation.

Programs cover exact applied sciences, high-techengineering, corporate finance, accounting and analytics, project management, law, advertising and design, innovation and much more. Training is conducted in Russian and English. The list of faculties is as follows:

  1. Financial.
  2. Institute of Digital Economy and Technology.
  3. Economics and law.
  4. Hotel, restaurant, tourism and sports business.
  5. Marketing.
  6. International Business School.
  7. Management.
  8. Trade and commodity science.
  9. Faculty of Business "Captains".
  10. Governance and socio-economic design.

The university has educational programs for the preparation of bachelors, specialists and masters. Forms of education are divided into: full-time, part-time, part-time and distance learning. In addition, there is an institution for retraining personnel. The term of preparation of bachelors is 4 years for full-time and 3.5 years for part-time, specialists 5 years for full-time and 5.5 for part-time. The term of study in the master's program is 2 years.

Tuition fees

University auditorium
University auditorium

Education at the faculties of Plekhanov University differs in cost. The price depends on the chosen educational program and the form of education. The average price per year of study, for bachelor's programs: full-time - 280,000 - 290,000 rubles, for part-time - 100,000 - 135,000 rubles. The average cost of training a specialist is 260,000 - 290,000 rubles.

For example, the cost of educationat the Faculty of Finance of Plekhanov University is 320,000 - 360,000 rubles a year, and the cost at the Faculty of Hotel, Restaurant and Sports Business is 220,000 - 305,000 rubles a year.

International programs

Plekhanov University cooperates with international universities and business schools in 40 countries around the world, therefore it offers "double degree" and "student exchange" programs. In order to study abroad, a student must pass an exam and receive a language certificate, as well as have a good academic record. Such programs are a powerful language practice and a rewarding experience that is essential for building a successful career.


Plekhanov University
Plekhanov University

Reviews about the faculties of Plekhanov University are positive. For example, in 2013, the Department of Project Management of the Faculty of Management graduated 30 qualified specialists who today work in highly paid positions in investment and construction, development, consulting and financial companies, such as Absolut Investment Group, PIK Group, Ernst & Young, Sberbank, Russian Railways and others.

Education is multidirectional, graduates note in their reviews that in the learning process a full range of knowledge was obtained, which covered engineering, economic and financial disciplines. In addition to the theoretical foundations, the course included a large number of practical work relevant to real business using AutoCad, ArchiCad, MSProject, Primavera programs.

Manystudents are very positive about the additional study of disciplines in English at the Upper Intermediate level.

The quality of education at Plekhanov University has been tested by more than one generation of graduates. Specialist graduates are highly valued in the labor market and have successful careers.