Hanging tongue: the meaning of a phraseological unit

Hanging tongue: the meaning of a phraseological unit
Hanging tongue: the meaning of a phraseological unit

You can often hear about a person who quickly and, more importantly, cleverly tells something, they say: "Hanging tongue is his gift." Natural talent or acquired skill - we will understand today. We will also touch on the question of how to develop talkativeness.


hanging tongue
hanging tongue

"Hanging tongue" is about someone who talks interestingly or philosophizes cleverly. Naturally, when it comes to "well-suspended language", the measure of wit is determined by the audience. If, for example, you are too smart, then no one will appreciate how a person says: good or bad. Just because no one will understand. Let's not torment the reader and say right away: a "suspended tongue" is not a natural talent, but an acquired quality of a person. Of course, this skill can grow on the basis of fantastic inclinations. For example, a person from early childhood is drawn to talk, and he is not at all afraid of speaking in front of an audience. In other words, such a child is not only not afraid to tell a rhyme on a Christmas tree, he is happy. The child truly enjoys this.

In the cohortthere are others with a loose tongue who, on the contrary, experience a panic fear of the audience, and therefore decided to “pump” their oratorical ability, having previously familiarized themselves with the imperishable works of Dale Carnegie on this issue.

The conclusions are as follows:

  • "Hanging tongue" is the praise of people when they observe a person who easily and quickly converges with his fellows and is able to support a conversation on any topic. At the same time, the speech of such a subject is always light, fresh and smart.
  • A person can "hang" his tongue on his own, possessing a certain set of qualities.

About them later. First, consider the emotional coloring of the expression and examples from books and movies.

The tone of the expression

Of course, if you characterize someone with the help of the expression "hanging tongue" (the meaning of phraseology was discussed a little higher), then you can do this only in a narrow circle, but not at an official event. Phraseologism has too informal connotation.

hanging tongue what does it mean
hanging tongue what does it mean

But the main thing here is different, namely: not to confuse the phrase in question with the expression "language like a pomelo." And this is quite possible, because in both expressions the language works quite briskly, but when it is “suspended”, it speaks smartly and smoothly, and when it “sweeps”, it works idle and talks nonsense, offends people.

Cinema and literary illustrations

suspended tongue meaning phraseological unit
suspended tongue meaning phraseological unit

Now the meaning of the expression "hanging tongue" is clear, which means it is no longer toointeresting. It's time for illustrations.

Mikhail Bulgakov and his landmark novel The Master and Margarita. The scene when Yeshua was brought to Pilate, and after Yeshua had a heartfelt conversation with the procurator, he said to him: “I don’t know who hung your tongue, but it is hung well.”

suspended tongue idiom
suspended tongue idiom

If we take movie examples, then the film "Inveterate Scoundrels", released in 1988, comes to mind. The film tells about two swindlers who pretend to be we althy and not so people, and the goal is the same - to deceive rich women. Agree that in such a case one cannot do without a suspended tongue, although the goals of the heroes of the film are not the most noble. But they will teach them a lesson, they will definitely teach them a lesson.

Nofelet or telephone

hanging tongue how to learn
hanging tongue how to learn

I also remember the Soviet film - "Where is the nofelet" (1988 release). The plot is as follows: one middle-aged brother cannot get married, and then his cousin arrives for a furniture set. Parents, concerned about the fate of their son, ask their nephew to help in finding a bride. Gena (that's her cousin's name) is very eager for a female, so she gladly agrees to help. The playboy's only talent is the instant rewriting of words, reading them backwards. The method of the love game is that he approaches the girls and asks where the nofelet (telephone) is, meaning: to start a casual conversation with the lady. A hanging tongue is indispensable here.

What qualities should a natural speaker have?

What qualities distinguishspeaker:

  • Love for people. Indeed, if a person wants to magnetically bind and enchant people with his speech, he needs to love them, or at least be interested in them. You can feign sincerity, but it's not as effective.
  • Medium level of empathy. Empathy is the ability to empathize and sympathize with another person.
  • Intellectuality, erudition. You can't hang your tongue without books. But not always book lovers are lovers of “juicy” talk. Words, sparkling phrases, vivid comparisons - all this either comes from books or is inspired by them.

Exercises for the development of "plasticity" of the language

Inner qualities are fine, but the reader is more interested in how to master the skill called "hanging tongue", how to learn this magic. There are exercises for those who are thirsty:

  • Sometimes a person finds himself in an unfamiliar place, whether he wants to or not, he will have to ask passers-by for directions. This, of course, is not a stadium audience of many thousands, but you have to start somewhere.
  • If a person speaks bored, then this exercise will help him. Make many, many cards, write on them words from different areas: science, philosophy, religion, slang, jargon. Then mix, then pull out one at a time and make 5 or 10 sentences with each. Exercise remarkably trains intelligence, and also makes you develop. Exercise repeat every day for 60-90 minutes or more.
  • Stream of consciousness. Say a phrase, another one clings to it, and this is how a person’s dialogue with himself is built. The longer the exercise lasts, the more suspended the person's tongue.
  • Madness together. You can cross two streams of consciousness and thus develop a skill. Take a suitable person from the environment and start a spontaneous conversation with him. The skill trains both talkativeness and self-confidence at once.

These simple tricks will help you get closer to the ideal of a person who doesn't mince words. Our time is greedy for people who can produce the desired effect, and skillful use of the word is one of those skills that so many people need.

Most of the set expressions, when considered, suggest curiosity based on a pure, uncomplicated love for the Russian language, but in our case, the phrase “hanging tongue” (phraseologism) implies a specific skill, so the article was also published with some practical bias.
