Psychic facts are things like perceptions, feelings and judgments. Ultimately, they are caused by physical facts that depend on the physical and biological functions that are necessary for consciousness. It is these processes that allow conscious people to recognize the physical and mental facts that are necessary for the construction of social reality. They may be intentional or unintentional, depending on their focus.

Mental State Facts: Perception
Perception is the organization, identification and interpretation of sensory information in order to present and understand the presented information or environment. All perception involves signals that pass through the nervous system, which in turn is the result of physical or chemical stimulation of the sensory system. Perception is notonly passively receiving these signals, but also shaping the recipient's learning, memory, expectation and attention.
Perception can be divided into two processes:
- processing touch input that converts low-level information into higher-level information (such as extracting shapes for object recognition);
- processing that is related to a person's concept and expectations (or knowledge), restorative and selective mechanisms (such as attention) that affect perception.
Perception depends on the complex functions of the nervous system, but subjectively seems mostly easy because this processing takes place outside of conscious awareness.
Since the emergence of experimental psychology in the 19th century, understanding of the psychology of perception has evolved through a combination of different methods. Psychophysics quantitatively describes the relationship between the physical qualities of sensory input and perception. Sensory neuroscience studies the neural mechanisms that underlie perception. Perceptual systems can also be studied in the computational field in terms of the information they process. Perceptual problems in philosophy include the extent to which sensory qualities such as sound, smell, or color exist in objective reality and not in the mind of the perceiver.
Although feelings have traditionally been considered passive receptors, research on illusions and ambiguous images has demonstrated that the brain's perceptual systems actively and consciously try to recognize their contribution. Still going ondiscussions about whether perception is an active process of testing hypotheses, similar to science, or whether real sensory information is rich enough to make this process unnecessary.

The word "feelings" is used to describe a physical sensation, touch, experience or perception. The term is also used to describe experiences other than the physical sensation of touch, such as a "feeling of warmth". In psychology, this fact of mental activity usually describes conscious subjective experiences of emotions. The perception of the physical world does not necessarily lead to a universal reaction among the recipients, it varies depending on their propensity to cope with the situation. Feelings are also known as a state of consciousness, such as those caused by emotions, feelings, or desires.

Such a fact of mental life as judgments is an evaluation of the evidence to make a decision. The term has four different uses:
- Unofficial are opinions expressed as facts.
- Informal and psychological - used in reference to the quality of an individual's cognitive abilities and capabilities, commonly referred to as wisdom or discernment.
- Legal - Used in the context of a trial to refer to a final finding, statement or ruling based on a weighted evidence.
- Religious –used in the concept of salvation. God's valuation of a person's worth: Defining "good" conveys great value, while "evil" conveys no value).
Also, judgment can mean judgment of the individual, the psychological phenomenon of a person who forms the opinions of other people.

Mental he alth
Mental he alth is the level of psychological well-being or absence of mental illness. This is the psychological state of a person who is functioning at a satisfactory level of emotional and behavioral adjustment. From a positive psychology perspective, mental he alth can include a person's ability to enjoy life and create a balance between the needs of life and efforts to achieve psychological resilience.
According to the World He alth Organization, mental he alth includes subjective well-being, perceived self-efficacy, autonomy, competence, intergenerational dependency, and self-actualization of one's intellectual and emotional potential. The well-being of the individual includes the realization of one's abilities, overcoming the mundane stresses of life, productive work, and contribution to the human community. Cultural differences, subjective judgments, and competing professional theories influence how “mental he alth” is defined.

Do psychic phenomena exist?
Are all mental phenomena,are mental facts generally accepted? How about telepathy and extrasensory perception? Many see these things as superstitious nonsense, remnants of an irrational view of the world that has been replaced by modern materialistic science. However, some "paranormal" psychic phenomena and psychological facts are genuine, telepathy in particular. Here are some of the evidence:
- Philosophical reasons are that a person simply does not want to believe that the apparent reality is all there is. Many believe that the current vision of reality is quite reliable and objective. They like to believe that the world is as they see it, and that there are no forces, phenomena, natural laws, except those that are now known. This is stupid and arrogant. In fact, it is extremely unlikely that human awareness is complete. One day there will be sentient beings who have a more intense awareness of reality than humans. It is extremely probable that there are forces, energies and phenomena in the Universe, in addition to those that are now discovered, perceived and realized.
- Consciousness. According to materialistic scientists, this is a type of brain activity, which is an illusion created by cognitive activity. There is no hard evidence for this - it's just a guess. Perhaps the function of the brain is not to produce consciousness, but to "receive" the consciousness that exists outside. This theory considers consciousness as a fundamental property of the universe, which can potentially be everywhere and in everything.
- Quantum physics. Materialists sometimes say that things like telepathy cannot exist because they are against the laws of physics. If they really existed, then we need to completely rethink our understanding of how the universe functions. Can telepathy be explained in terms of quantum physics? A debatable issue, but the vagaries of the quantum world are consistent with psychic phenomena to a certain extent. For example, there is the phenomenon of "quantum entanglement", in which seemingly "separate" particles are interconnected, reacting to each other's movements, so that they cannot be considered as independent units, but only as part of a whole system. This suggests that at the microcosmic level, all things are interconnected, which would also provide the possibility of exchanging information through telepathy. At least quantum physics supports the argument that the world is infinitely more complex than it seems to normal awareness, and there are phenomena that cannot be understood or even imagined.
Materialists are materialists, but to understand this world, science needs spirituality.

Psychic phenomena and psychological facts
Psychic phenomena are the internal or subjective experience of a person. This can be understood as follows: look around, what do you see? it can be a variety of things. Consciousness perceives all this in the form of a mental image. For a better understanding, look at something, such as a tree or a telephone, close your eyes andimagine it in front of you. This will be the mental image. They can be very different, relate to the past or the future, cause joy or regret.
There are 4 groups of phenomena:
- Psychic images.
- Motives.
- Emotions.
- Words (meanings).
All these items are interconnected and interdependent. The mental life of a person is characterized by a holistic nature.

Wide range of mental manifestations
What is a psychic fact? This is what is objective and available for objective study. Among them:
- acts of conduct;;
- body processes
- unconscious mental processes;
- psychosomatic phenomena.
S. L. Rubinstein once said:
Every psychic fact is both a piece of reality and a reflection of reality - not one or the other, but both; the originality of the psychic lies precisely in this, that it is both the real side of being and its reflection, the unity of the real and the ideal.
Thanks to these aspects, the psyche is manifested, hidden properties are revealed and it becomes possible to study it in detail. If mental phenomena are subjective experiences, then mental facts are an even wider range of mental manifestations. These are not only feelings, perceptions and judgments, these are various bodily and mental processes, the results of human activity, socio-cultural phenomena, allwhat psychology uses to study the psyche.