Which is correct: "cakes" or "cakes"? And why does it matter

Which is correct: "cakes" or "cakes"? And why does it matter
Which is correct: "cakes" or "cakes"? And why does it matter

Buying or ordering cakes for birthdays, weddings and other special occasions is a national tradition in many countries. But to think about how it is correct: "cakes" or "cakes" - this is the task of lovers of the Russian language.

Accentological norms are reflected in dictionaries. Using them, we will once again make sure: the correct stress is "cakes". Let's remember this word and discuss why it is necessary to say it this way.

Does it matter?

No matter how customers pronounce the word "cakes", wherever they put the accent, they will not leave the confectionery empty-handed. No one will tell them how to say this word. What for? After all, the problem will be solved anyway. They will receive masterpieces of culinary art in any case.

Impossible to try all the cakes
Impossible to try all the cakes

Is it really correct - "cakes" or "cakes", is essential only in the exam, when the accentological minimum is checked?

Importanttake into account a circumstance that may affect your career. If you have to communicate with professionals who speak the language very well, then speech errors will surprise them and even cause a kind of anxiety. Although they won’t lose their temper about this, it’s not so rare to admit that “cakes”, “cream”, “beets”, “agreement”, “ringing” cut the ear.

When you work with people, your task is to speak as correctly as possible. This is how you show them respect. The employer wants to hire a competent manager. And this applies not only to publishing, advertising, information activities. The report, report, message must be correct both in writing and orally. There are no small things.

Accentological norms

Cakes are beautiful too
Cakes are beautiful too

Not only the spelling of the word, but also the stress in it are fixed by the rules of the Russian language.

Linguists pay special attention to the development and change of these norms. New dictionaries reflect the established, but actual word usage. Words can become outdated, change meaning and stress.

Accentology is a field of linguistics that explores not only the modern features of the arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables in words, but also the historical roots and types of a particular pronunciation. The types of fixed and free, as well as different types of stresses in languages are compared.

Stress in words is indeed found in various places, but fixed by the rules. Let's say "cottage cheese" and "cottage cheese".

But there will be an unambiguous answer to the question of how the stress of "cakes" is correct: only on the first syllable. The stress is fixed single. The variant of "cakes" is colloquial, erroneous for competent speech.

Always on the first syllable

It would be nice to decline the word "cake" in cases both in the singular and in the plural, paying attention to the mistakes that sometimes occur in speech.

So, it will be correct:

  • Cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake.
  • Cakes, cakes, cakes, cakes, cakes, cakes.

Obviously, the stress O in the first syllable hasn't gone anywhere! Now you do not doubt which is correct - "cakes" or "cakes"? Say it out loud, listen to how it sounds. This will help avoid inaccuracies next time.

From the point of view of theorists, this word refers to words with fixed stress. Compare with mobile: "shore - coast", "city - cities", "nose - noses". But "cake" will remain stressed in all singular and plural cases.

Common mistakes

Yes, the word "cottage cheese" was more fortunate. They buy "cottage cheese" and "cottage cheese".

And some people continue to stubbornly ignore the fixed single stresses in the words "ringing", "spoil", "deepen", "sheet". The prevalence of errors leads to the fact that even educated people stop thinking about what is right - "cakes" or"CAKE"?

What cakes are made for the prince's wedding
What cakes are made for the prince's wedding

What words are spoken everywhere in colloquial form by native Russian speakers? Note that "shops, assistant professors, portfolios" with the wrong accent are in the past. But "beets, sorrel, masterfully, drill, more beautiful" and dozens of other words get along perfectly with the wrong stressed syllable.

Retraining adults is not easy, and not always necessary. Helping children remember the correct accent is much easier.

How to remember stress

Any cakes of your choice
Any cakes of your choice

We have already used one of the effective ways to remember the stress: we declined the word "cake" in the singular and plural in cases. We realized that the stressed syllable is fixed.

Another method is associations. The word "cake" also has a fixed accent: "cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cakes, cakes, cakes, cakes, cakes." In this case, no one is ever wrong. It is necessary to fix the connection between "cake" and "cake". Then there will be no question what is the right thing to say - "cakes" or "cakes".

Teachers offer to memorize the word in verse. There are many options that are easy to harden.

"We won't eat cakes, It's time for us to hit the courts".


"If you love cakes, Shorts won't fit".

Let's play Burim

Rhyming with the word "cakes" is not so small. "Shorts, courts, erased" - fit perfectly. Notplay burim? "Poetry" will bring tangible benefits. Active memorization of the word is guaranteed.

Not only on a long journey or while waiting for an appointment at the clinic, such entertainment is appropriate. Teaming up with children in a fun and useful game is a great opportunity to solve two problems at once: both educational and educational. It's even nicer than eating cakes. Who doesn't love to play?
