Composition-reasoning is a written work, which is a presentation of thoughts on a specific topic or on a presented passage of a work. In this work, the author of the essay not only reveals the problem and the underlying meaning, but also expresses his position in relation to what he read.

For easier writing, it is worth making a reasoning essay plan, following which it is easier to express your thoughts. The plan helps not only to write the text, but to structure your thoughts, which will follow one after another.
Short sketch
Before revealing the plan in more detail, you should draw up a short version of it, which will include the following points:
- Introduction.
- Problem statement.
- Comment on this issue.
- Position of the author.
- Own position.
- Arguments based on text.
- Conclusion.
Introduction, theses
In terms of writing an essay-reasoning, there must be an "Introduction" item, or something with which the story begins. In the first part, a thesis or problem is formed that is related to the mainthought. It can be noted in the plan that you can start writing from a phrase that belongs to the hero, or from your own statement.

At the same time, one's own statement can be expressed as follows: "Today this problem is relevant" or "In our time, the problem is acute." Or you can use stylistic figures, which are divided into several groups: rhetorical question, question and answer, rhetorical exclamation, nominal sentences.
There are more options on how to start an essay - use a proverb or saying that is appropriate for this text.
Main body, arguments
In terms of writing-reasoning on the text, there is a second paragraph, which reveals the whole essence of this work. It is necessary to link the thesis to the arguments, and this can be done using several methods.

In the plan, you can indicate the use of language tools:
- verbs of the 1st person (we will prove, show, tell, clarify);
- unions (because, in order to, resulting in);
- introductory words (first, therefore).
Or use syntactic constructions that should be mentioned in the plan. There are the following constructions, which are often used and help the student to build a beautiful sentence: this is due to the fact; it follows from this that; the reason is as follows; confirmed by that, etc.
You need to formulate your opinion in such a way that it is clear whether you agreeyou are with the author or not. As arguments, you need to provide evidence that you can take from your personal experience or read. It is worth arguing logically, that is, building a certain system, and for this you should understand the essence of the problem well.
The last point in terms of writing-reasoning on literature or on the Russian language is the conclusion that must be connected with the above evidence and express your point of view. Various constructions can also come to the rescue, such as the use of introductory words (so, thus) or syntactic constructions (let's conclude, summarize).
It should be remembered that the conclusion is connected with the introduction, which spoke about the problem posed, which was revealed in the second part, it helps to complete the essay.
Help with writing an essay-reasoning plan
It's easy enough to put together, especially the short version. The plan consists of three parts, and they are easy to remember, so that, following it, write an essay.
It is best to draw up a detailed plan of writing-reasoning, so that writing is easier and you can rely on some tips and tricks. It is worth remembering not only the words and constructions that will be useful when writing, but also the expanded structure itself.

So, the introduction helps to introduce the reader into the discussion, talk about the topic and problem and show the attitude of the author of the essay. The second part reveals the problem with comments or arguments, and is also indicatedthe position of the author in relation to the written with the expression of his own opinion. The last part is related to the beginning and can be ended with a rhetorical question or a quote. But it can look like the result of your thoughts, as a conclusion-generalization or in the form of an assessment.
Reminder for writing
Before you make a plan on how to write an essay-reasoning, you need to carefully read an excerpt from the work or text that is proposed to be analyzed and reason on a given topic.
The next step is to determine what the general question or problem is in the text. When writing, it is worthwhile to correctly distribute the volume of the written text, where the introduction and conclusion will make up a third of the entire work, and the main part will be spent on reasoning.
It is not always possible to start writing right away in order to correctly formulate the problem, so you can start with the second part, perhaps even draw a conclusion and write a thesis at the end.

No need to use too abstruse words, because you can spend a lot of time on them, but introductory constructions, conjunctions will be great helpers when building a sentence. They can be written in advance in terms of an essay-reasoning, in order to be used later.
When reasoning, you need to give specific examples that you can take from your own life, from excerpts from works, from the life of famous people. Do not be afraid to quote the author himself, while expressing your point of view, especially if it differs from the author's and will be givenarguments why you disagree.
At the end, you should definitely reread what you have written, perhaps find spelling and syntax errors, and also make sure that the text is coherent and logical.