Acquaintance with some words causes a real culture shock. In everyday communication, they rarely appear: either they have long been out of use, or they have never been part of a literary, official speech. Therefore, for a contemporary to hear the characterization of “crazy man” in his address is a real miracle! But how to deal with such an appeal? Depending on the context, the concept can take on negative and positive meanings.
How did it originate in the language?
The sound definition is parsed into morphemes in an instant, which allows you to read the underlying meaning without much difficulty. The key message lies in the roots -um- and -broad-. The first indicates conscious activity, the ability of a person to logically comprehend his actions and the world around him. The second one denotes movement, and the prefix s- suggests a departure from a certain reference point, for example, from the mind. A related verb is "brand".

Why is it not considered offensive?
There are many capacious, and therefore rather rough concepts. But it's not offensive in the slightest. traditional meaningthe madcap breaks up into related interpretations, indicates a person:
- acting recklessly;
- not guided by common sense;
- driven by whim, etc.
Where the average member of society stops and thinks carefully about the problem, weighs the consequences, the odious person will do it without hesitation. However, it is actions that are judged!
What are the positive and negative aspects?
Madness becomes bad when it negatively affects the lives of other people, leads to material losses, to physical or moral injuries. Among its most striking manifestations can be found:
- drunkenness;
- gambling;
- temper;
- laziness, etc.
A person follows a momentary whim and disaster strikes. On the other hand, there are really good crazy people in the world. These are those who refuse personal gain in the desire to follow the call of the heart. They can at any time:
- jump into icy water to save a drowning man;
- protect a passer-by from hooligans;
- donate a large amount to charity, etc.
Even to the detriment of myself. Which allows us to point out the illogicality, the unjustification of a kind, humane deed in its essence.

When do they say that?
It can be called extravagant only in the framework of colloquial speech, such a definition is not suitable for business negotiations. The word appeals to spiritual impulses, and therefore oftenfound in fiction to present the hero as sincere, albeit reckless. This is not about stupidity, but about the desire to follow your own desires!