Cultural rights are Definition, varieties and legal regulation

Cultural rights are Definition, varieties and legal regulation
Cultural rights are Definition, varieties and legal regulation

The rights and opportunities of a person in any country determine the conditions of life, relations in society and show the degree of protection of a person. Cultural rights are the development of every individual in a country. The rights may differ, but cannot be less than the rights enshrined in international instruments.

What is cultural law?

The spiritual development of a person depends on the rights that he has in the country. They allow you to develop in the political, spiritual and social arena. Cultural rights are:

  • for education;
  • for access to cultural property;
  • to participate in the cultural life of the country;
  • to use the results of scientific and technological progress;
  • for creativity;
  • for development.

Rights are the same for all citizens, regardless of skin color, race, religion, language and gender. One of the cultural rights is the right to education, which is available to everyone in the country.

Russian culture
Russian culture

It is considered part of the cultural right to be able to participate in any kind of creativity andhave the protection of moral and material interests arising from the presence of intellectual property, artistic or scientific creativity.

The development of the culture of one's own country depends on the people who live in it. Cultural rights are the opportunity for every person to have access to the art of all peoples, to promote the quality of cultural life and to have a guarantee of participation in public cultural life.

Social rights

A person has the right to dispose of himself, determine the type of activity and develop his personality. In socio-cultural rights, it is indicated that every person has the right to property, and no one can be deprived of this. The right to economic activity is not a separate clause in the constitution, but this clause is derived from the basic right of economic activity.

The constitution of many countries enshrined the human right to work, but the state is not obliged to provide all citizens with jobs. To ensure this opportunity, methods are being created to influence entrepreneurs to increase jobs.

economic rights
economic rights

Cultural rights of the citizen

Economic, social and cultural human rights are closely linked. The dignity of a citizen lies in freedom. Freedom of conscience and thought promotes spiritual development. The relationship between a citizen and society within a country determines the possibility of realizing human rights. In some countries, collective law takes precedence over individual law.

Speaks about the worthy realization of cultural rights in the countryrespect for a person regardless of his views, beliefs, religion, culture, social status and nationality. The right enshrined in the Constitution is not always fully realized. For example, it is not always possible for a person to live in a favorable ecological environment in large metropolitan areas and near factories. But interested parties can demand compliance with the law and improve the ecological condition.

Right to cultural life

Cultural rights and freedoms of a citizen must be realized in all spheres of creative activity. The state must provide effective norms for the protection of rights. The guarantor of human freedom is the bodies of state power of the Russian Federation. An important aspect of freedom is the non-interference of power in the creative activities of citizens, with the exception of propaganda of violence, war, cruelty, racial hatred and any other intolerance.

right to education
right to education

A ban on cultural development can be introduced if there is a violation of the current legislation or the rights of other citizens are violated. The media cannot be used to commit a crime, disseminate state secrets, call for the seizure of power, religious or racial hatred, pornography, violence and cruelty. The development of an individual person can occur according to his will. The choice of the sphere for creativity lies on his shoulders. In this way, the cultural rights of all citizens are respected.

Children's Rights

Social, economic and cultural rightschild are observed in order to protect he alth and realize moral, spiritual needs. Part of the rights are given to the child upon reaching the age of 14. However, there are some amendments. For example, it is possible to engage in entrepreneurial activities from the age of 18, but upon marriage, this threshold can be reduced to 14 years. A child can own property from birth, but cannot manage it alone. He gets the right to dispose as he grows up.

motherhood and children
motherhood and children

A child after 14 years of age has the right to work, he can choose his occupation or profession. Forced labor is prohibited. The Labor Code protects children and mothers in the event of a lack of material resources for raising a child. Social guarantees are provided to the poor, disabled, survivors and families with many children.

The child has the opportunity for free medical care, education and personal development. He has the opportunity to participate in the cultural life of the country, to gain access to cultural values. Freedom of choice is guaranteed when determining the type of creativity. Instilling the cultural traditions and customs of the people from childhood allows you to form a full-fledged personality and instill patriotic education.

Implementation of cultural rights

Cultural rights are an opportunity for the spiritual development of a person. The right to he alth, safe working conditions, and leisure in Russia are legally protected. The prerogative for a he althy environment obliges to monitor the ecological state of the planet and imposes an obligation to protect nature. When harming the environment, citizens or businesses must be held accountable.

culture of peace
culture of peace

All citizens who for he alth reasons or other reasons do not have the means to live have the right to social security. The state guarantees assistance from its side until the person's situation changes for the better.

The right to he alth protection includes free medical care under the CHI policy. The right to education is the most significant right that creates a prerequisite for the spiritual and cultural development of a citizen. The formation of society contributes to the development of achievements in the economic and cultural life of the country.

Economic rights

Economic cultural rights are the development of natural human cultural rights. All citizens are equal and have the same rights. The chapters of the Constitution of different spheres are closely interconnected. These include:

  • private property;
  • to choose the type of activity;
  • free trade;
  • to strike;
  • to rest;
  • to living standards;
  • for medicine;
  • to support family and motherhood;
  • for social security for old age, disability, survivors;
  • author's.

Economic rights have the same effect as everyone else. Any human rights impose additional obligations.

cultural rights
cultural rights

International concept

International cultural law is necessary forestablishing interaction between peoples and creating favorable conditions for peace on the planet. Development occurs in film, theater, print and media.

The development of international cultural relations takes place with mutual respect for the sovereignty of the country, laws and traditions. One part of the culture is the issue of copyright protection at home and abroad. Exported historical and cultural values outside the country are not deprived of the opportunity to own items.

Copyright for the creation of a literary work or scientific development is limited to the country in which it was created. But in another country, this possibility is not recognized, so a foreign book can be translated into another language and published without paying a fee to the author.

International relations are governed by the 1967 WIPO Convention. The Russian Authors' Society, which participates in the development and protection of copyright licenses, has played a huge role in expanding international relations.
