Kaluga is the center of the Kaluga region, and also has a convenient location near Moscow, which makes it an attractive city for young people. Thanks to the presence of Kaluga institutions, the younger generation can stay and study at home.

Kaluga State University named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky
One of the oldest institutes in Kaluga. It was founded in 1948 and until 2010 was considered a pedagogical university. Now includes 6 blocks and 2 faculties. KGUiC includes institutes:
- Institute of Natural Science. Includes training in medical disciplines, as well as various natural sciences.
- Institute of History and Law. Established in 2014 and has the Department of Jurisprudence, Historical Sciences and Customs.
- Institute of Pedagogy. One of the oldest in KGUiTs, it was founded in 1957 and after its formation changed its name and closed several times.
- Institute of Psychology. Established in 2014, designed to study various psychological and mental practices.
- Institute of Social Relations. Initially formed in 1991 asfaculty, then in 2001 it was transformed into an institute
- Physico-Technological Institute. Formed by the merger of several faculties.
Also, the structure of the university includes the Faculty of Philology and the Faculty of Foreign Languages. In addition, the university has a system of pre-university training. Scientific activities are carried out, there are own museums, and a journal is also maintained.

Kaluga Orthodox Theological Seminary
This institution is a professional seminary of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is the oldest institute of Kaluga, founded in 1775, during the reign of Catherine II. The best of the students were transferred to Moscow, and at the end of the 20th century they began to focus on the Moscow Theological Seminary and introduced 4 years of study. And in 2002, 5 courses were introduced. The seminary performs the task of shaping the personality of a true Orthodox Christian, there are networks of faculties for the study of iconography, local history, the Russian language, history and church singing. The seminary is accepted at the end of grades 11 and 9.
Other public universities
Other public educational institutions include:
- Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. It was formed in 2012 as a result of the reorganization of several institutions. Profile education is aimed at studying the financial and economic sphere, there are also departments of tax law, accounting and management. It is one of the Kaluga management institutions.
- MoscowState Technical University. N. E. Bauman. It is considered one of the best technical institutions in the country. There is a graduate school, a master's program, a system of military training and pre-university education. Training is provided in almost all technical speci alties, such as mechanical engineering, computer science, robotics, etc.
- All-Russian State University of Justice. This institute is aimed at obtaining legal personnel. In addition to jurisprudence, recruitment is also conducted for the speci alties of taxation and management.

Other commercial universities
Among the private institutions of Kaluga are the following:
- Institute of International Law and Economics. A. S. Griboedova. This educational institution provides education in the field of law and international finance. Despite the status of non-state, the quality of education has been tested over the years.
- Institute of Management, Business and Technology. Founded in 1998, despite its youth, it is one of the most sought-after business institutions in Kaluga. Conducts training for all speci alties related to business and management.
And these are only the main educational institutions, there are also colleges. Only there you will receive a secondary education.