Most people associate indigo with deep blue. However, not all. Others, at the mention of it, recall the secondary meaning of the word "indigo", which is used in relation to children with unusual abilities - child prodigies. What does it really mean and why did it get such a mysterious figurative meaning?
Indigo - blue dye

This is an indeclinable word. Indicates blue dye. It is extracted from the tropical indigo plant, which grows in India. The yellow juice of the shrub is left to ferment. Through this process, the juice acquires a rich blue color, which is then used to dye fabrics. In English, it is called so: Indian Blue. Modern technologies make it possible to extract it synthetically.
This color can be described as a rich blue, somewhere between purple and dark blue. Newton in the rainbow spectrum singled out indigo as a separate color, however, modern science does not include it in the classicalseven-color spectrum.

It is rather unusual in the usual sense. Many are familiar with the meaning of the word "indigo", which is used in relation to children with unusual abilities. A popular film called "Indigo Children" is fueling interest in this issue, making gullible viewers think that there really are children with superpowers among us.
Esoteric theories claim that every person on Earth has an aura of a certain color. This is a kind of glow emanating from people and characterizing our personality in a certain way. Psychics claim that it is impossible to see this energy phenomenon with the naked eye. However, recent scientific research in this area has allowed scientists to observe it in humans and investigate.
Experts say most babies are now born with deep blue auras. The definition of the word "indigo" and its meaning are closely related. So scientists say. That is why children with this glow color are commonly called "indigo children". How are they different from ordinary guys and do they really have superpowers?
How to tell?
Sociologists and child psychologists identify the following features of indigo children:
- they are precocious and smart, but unwilling to conform to established norms;
- do not tolerate rules and restrictions, do not recognize the authority of adults;
- their behavior can be characterizedas "royal", they do not doubt their significance and value;
- if an indigo child has no friends who share his views, he grows up withdrawn and uncommunicative, feeling that no one understands him.
This is the meaning of the word "indigo", it can be used in different areas of life, and not just in relation to color.