There are formally no contradictions between the technological and methodological approaches to the educational process. However, their assessment by different scientists is carried out in different ways. Some researchers say that the method of education is a broader concept than technology. Others support the opposite view. In particular, scientists consider educational technologies in a broad sense, including technology in them. The latter, in turn, involves mastering certain methods by the teacher. Let us consider further what modern technologies of education are. The article will consider their signs, forms, features.

Pedagogical practice
As part of the methodology, the means and techniques of interaction between the teacher and children are studied. At the same time, they are not lined up according to a specific algorithm, in a certain logical sequence. Educational pedagogical technologies differ from methodology in their focus ongiven diagnostic result. At the same time, they are not limited to reproducing actions according to an exact algorithm. This is due to the fact that pedagogical practice involves the creativity of teachers and children within certain limits. In accordance with another approach to the differentiation of these phenomena, the technique is considered mainly as a system of specialist activity. Educational pedagogical technologies, in addition, describe the behavior of children. The methodology is characterized by a "soft" recommendatory character. Educational technologies more strictly illustrate the sequence of actions of teachers and children, deviation from which can create obstacles to achieving the planned indicators. Methods are mostly based on intuition, personal qualities of a specialist, existing educational traditions. In this regard, it is rather problematic to reproduce them.
Educational technologies: concept
The definition can be viewed from different angles. In the classical form, educational technologies are components of teaching skills that provide for a professional, scientifically based choice of a certain operational influence of a specialist on a child in the framework of his interaction with the world. These elements of activity allow children to form an attitude towards the environment. Educational technologies should harmoniously combine the freedom of individual manifestation and socio-cultural norms. These teaching components form a certain system. It contributes to the establishment ofinteractions between the participants in the process, in which the planned goal is achieved in the course of direct contact. It consists in familiarizing children with cultural universal values.
Modern school makes different demands on specialists and the entire education system. In this regard, at the scientific level, the development of components of professional activity that best meets the real conditions is being carried out. School work today is based on certain principles. The key ideas underlying the development of schemes and models include:
- The transition from the formation of personality within the framework of the command-administrative system to the creation of conditions for individual self-actualization.
- Democratization and humanization of the institution of education.
- The ability to choose techniques, positions, ideas, organizational forms, means in the implementation of professional activities.
- Introduction of experimental and experimental-pedagogical work of specialists and institutions, formation of author's concepts.
- The opportunity to realize creative potential.

Innovative educational technologies are different:
- Systematic.
- Conceptual.
- Efficiency.
- Drivability.
- Humanity.
- Democratic.
- Reproducibility.
- The subjectivity of pupils.
- The presence of clear techniques, stages,rules.
Key elements of technology include:
- Child friendly.
- Psychological and pedagogical support.
- Positive perception of children.
- Game activity.
- Use in the work of techniques and means that exclude mental and physical pressure, coercion.
- Appeal of the personality to itself.
- Parenting situations.
Working at school involves two levels of mastery of professional components:
- Elementary. At this level, only the basic operations of the key elements of technology have been mastered.
- Professional. This level assumes fluency in several different educational technologies.
Manifestations of the educational culture of teachers approach technologies under certain conditions. First of all, these should be well-known, relatively mass methods and forms of interaction with children. Secondly, in professional activity it is necessary to identify typicality, stability, which could be identified and described. Thirdly, the mode of interaction must include the potential to achieve a specific result. These criteria, according to Polyakov, correspond to such modern educational technologies as:
- Creative teamwork.
- Dialogue "teacher-pupil".
- Communication training.
- Show technology. These include the organization of competitions, contests, etc.
- Problem work in groups. As part ofsuch activities they discuss situations, disputes, discussions, develop projects, etc.

There is no technology separation as such. However, scientists classify them depending on certain criteria. For example, Selevko defines technologies:
- People oriented.
- Designed to cooperate.
- Assuming free upbringing.
- Authoritarian.
Modern school conducts the following division of components:
- Private methodical.
- General Teaching.
- Local.
The latter include systems:
- Make an educational requirement.
- Creating nurturing conditions.
- Information impact.
- Organizing activities in groups.
- Shaping success situations.
- Ethical protection.
- Reactions to an act, etc.
Among the particular methods, technologies are distinguished:
- KTD I. P. Ivanova.
- Individual support for O. S. Gazman.
- Moral education of A. I. Shemshurina.
- Discovery and development of individual creative abilities of I. P. Volkov, etc.
The general educational systems include the systems of Sh. A. Amonashvili, L. I. Novikova, V. A. Karakovsky and N. L. Selivanov.
Custom designs
The educational process in personal interaction with the child involves:
- Researchintegrative characteristics of individual properties.
- Creating the image of "I".
- Research on the tendencies and interests of the child.
- Development of individual methods of influence.
This group includes schemes:
- Creating success situations.
- Conflict resolution.
- Ethical protection.
- Pedagogical assessment.
- Reactions to complicated behavioral acts
- Dialogue "teacher-student".

Group interaction
The educational process in the team is based mainly on interactive forms of communication. Debates, discussions and other techniques are very effective and can be used when interacting with parents. Separate components of the systems can be used in relation to elementary school students. The most popular systems include:
- Making a claim.
- Creating moral and psychological conditions in the classroom.
- Problem activities in the group.
- Show technology.
- Game interaction.
Activity Forms
They are the outer expression of the process. Forms reflect its content, means, goals and methods. They have certain time limits. The form of educational activity is understood as the order in accordance with which the organization of specific acts, procedures, situations is carried out, within which the participants in the process interact. All its elements are aimed at the implementationspecific tasks. Modern educational technologies can be conditionally combined into several categories that differ from each other in specific ways. In each of them, in turn, there are several types of forms. They can have a huge number of methodological modifications. Researchers name 3 main types of forms of educational activity:
- Ira.
- Events.
- Case.
These categories differ in the position of participants, target orientation, objective capabilities.
These include classes, events, situations in the team, which are organized for children for a direct educational impact on them. One of the characteristic features of the events is the contemplative-performing position of the younger participants and the organizational role of the older ones. New educational technologies include types of forms of activity that, according to objective criteria, can be attributed to events:
- Disputes.
- Discussions.
- Conversations.
- Cult trips.
- Excursions.
- Educational activities.
- Walks.
Events can be organized when:
- It is necessary to solve educational problems. For example, children need to be informed of valuable, but difficult to understand information from the field of ethics, ecology, etc., to acquaint them with the political or cultural life of society, works of art.
- There is a need to turn to the content of the educational process, which requires high competence. For example,it can be the solution of problems related to issues of public life, economy, culture, politics of the people. In these cases, it is advisable to carry out activities with the involvement of experts.
- Organization is a big challenge for kids.
- The problem is solved, connected with the direct teaching of pupils something - cognitive skills or practical skills. In this case, it is advisable to conduct trainings, workshops, etc.
- It is necessary to take measures aimed at improving children's he alth, physical development, maintaining discipline, etc.

The use of educational technologies, which include the above activities, is inappropriate in the case when children, independently, with the support of older teachers, are able to organize the development and exchange of actions and information. In such cases, preference should be given to another type - cases. They represent a common work, an important event that is organized and carried out by team members for the benefit of someone and themselves. The characteristic features of this type of form of activity include:
- Active-creative position of children.
- Participation of pupils in the organization process.
- The socially significant nature of the content.
- The autonomy of children and the mediation of adult leadership.
In practice, things can be implemented in different ways, depending on the organizer and the degree of creative developmentparticipants. By the nature of the incarnation, they can be divided into 3 groups:
- Cases in which the organizational function is assigned to any body or person. They can be expressed in the form of simple productive common work. For example, it could be a concert for parents, planting trees, making souvenirs, etc.
- Creative deeds. In them, the organizational function is assigned to some part of the team. She conceives, plans, prepares and conducts anything.
- Collective creative work. Everyone is involved in organizing and finding the best solutions in such cases.
Teachers-educators try, on the one hand, to use various technologies, types and forms of activity, on the other hand, they single out one type among the existing variety and consider it as a backbone. With its help, specialists build a scheme of interaction with a specific team, form the individuality of the class. In order to make the activity and its impact on the personal development of each child more focused, teachers combine individual activities and cases into larger blocks. As a result, an extensive topic on educational work, a social and educational project, a key issue, etc. can be formed. Among the most common options for implementing this approach are:
- Development and implementation of targeted programs "Communication", "Leisure", "He alth", "Lifestyle", etc.
- Combining cases into large blocks forfamiliarization with universal values on the topics: "Man", "Earth", "Labor", "Knowledge", "Culture", "Fatherland", "Family".
- Systematization of events and affairs in areas related to the development of such potentials as value, cognitive, artistic, aesthetic, communicative, etc.
- Formation of the annual spectrum of traditional classroom activities, through which the optimal distribution of the efforts of the participants in the process and the educational impact over time.

General algorithm for organizing and holding an event
Any educational technologies in the school are implemented according to certain schemes. They differ depending on the forms of activity included in them. So, when organizing and holding events, it is important to pay attention to the name of the type of work, since certain methodological ideas can be laid in it. For example, a teacher decides to organize an erudite tournament. The specialist should have an idea how this form of event differs from the competition. The tournament is a round-robin competition, when all participants have one or more meetings between themselves. The competition, in turn, is a competition aimed at identifying the best participants. When organizing an event, it is necessary to take into account the level of development of the class and the upbringing of children, their interests, environmental conditions and objective opportunities. The teacher must clearlyformulate tasks. They should be specific and result-oriented. The wording reflects the key idea, the focus on the development of feelings, behavior and consciousness of pupils. At the preparatory stage, it is necessary to create an initiative group. Its activities are carried out on the principle of cooperation. The position of the teacher will depend on the organization and degree of formation of the team. At this stage, it is necessary to create the right psychological attitude - to form the readiness and desire of children to take part in the event. The beginning of the direct conduct should activate and set up the pupils. Among the key methodological requirements, special attention should be paid to the clarity of the implementation of the event. In the final part, it is necessary to strengthen the positive emotions of children, motivation, evoke feelings of belonging, satisfaction, and promote the development of self-esteem.

Educational technologies are of great importance in educational activities today. The currently existing schemes for influencing the consciousness and behavior of children contribute to their faster adaptation in the world around them. At the same time, all educational technologies are somehow connected with general educational programs. Forms of interaction and influence can be very different. When choosing a particular technology, the teacher should focus on the individual characteristics of children, the specifics of their perception of the surrounding reality, the level of education. Of great importance will beand conversations with parents.