Conflict situations at school and problems related to the educational process are common. Teachers are not always able to solve such problems due to their workload, and parents do not have enough knowledge in the field of child psychology to competently approach the solution of the problem.
Profession teacher-psychologist
A teacher-psychologist is an employee of an educational institution who monitors the social adaptation of students, works to correct deviant behavior of children, and takes measures aimed at preventing psychological deviations.
The duties of a teacher-psychologist at school include keeping personal files of students, monitoring children and taking measures to eliminate problem situations. The personal qualities of a psychologist play an important role in the organization of his work. Mutual understanding, ability to listen and acceptdecisions are mandatory qualities that an educational psychologist should possess.

Personal qualities of a psychologist should correspond to the position held. A child is more likely to make contact if an educational psychologist has the following qualities:
- communication;
- friendliness;
- justice;
- tolerance;
- modern;
- intelligence;
- optimistic.
Not everyone can become a talented specialist in this field, since the productivity of a teacher-psychologist at school depends on the personal qualities of the person himself.
Responsibilities of a teacher-psychologist
A specialist can hold this position only if he has a higher or secondary specialized education in the direction of "Pedagogy and Psychology". The Federal State Educational Standard, or GEF, for a teacher-psychologist at school is regulated by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
The functional duties of a teacher-psychologist at school are not limited to resolving conflict situations and working with problem children.

Let's list the main job responsibilities of a psychologist:
- Providing favorable conditions for the development, learning and socialization of students.
- Identifying the causes of problem situations between students.
- Providing psychologicalhelping children in need.
- Participation in the development of developmental and correctional programs.
- Control of the educational process.
- Consulting teachers and parents on the development, socialization and adaptation of children.
- Analysis of creative and educational achievements of children, their performance.
- Assessing the performance of teachers.
This is only a small part of the duties of an educational psychologist. A complete list is prescribed in the job descriptions when hiring a specialist for this position.
Educator-psychologist program
The work program is drawn up for one academic year in accordance with the requirements of the Law "On Education". Each program is developed with a specific purpose in mind. To achieve the goal, a list of tasks is assigned, the implementation of which leads to the desired result.
Each program has several areas of work, and the activities of a teacher-psychologist at school are divided into the following areas: correctional development, psychological and pedagogical, analytical, counseling and education. A detailed action plan is drawn up for each category of activity. The means and methods that must be applied to achieve the goal are listed.

The projected results of work for each category of students are indicated. The program is compiled on the basis of the individual and age characteristics of students. The program should include planning for working withparents of students, taking into account the individual characteristics of families, identifying dysfunctional, single-parent families. The duty of the teacher-psychologist at school is also to monitor the upbringing of the child in the family.
Psychological education
In order for socialization and personal development to proceed harmoniously, it is necessary to create all the necessary conditions for this. In particular, take care of the formation of positive attitudes towards psychological assistance to the child among parents, teachers and the children themselves. In most cases, parents who do not have knowledge in the field of child psychology do not know how to behave when conflict situations arise. Sometimes it happens that adults exacerbate the situation with their reaction or inappropriate behavior. The duties of a teacher-psychologist at school include conducting psychological education classes for teachers and parents at regular intervals. In the event of conflict situations, the psychologist should begin individual work with the student and his parents.
Psychological diagnostics
At this stage, the psychologist diagnoses the psychological state of students. It reveals the features of the emotional state, the level of development, and in some cases the degree of social neglect or the presence of mental abnormalities. Diagnostic research is carried out in different variations. This can be testing, an event, a group lesson, etc. The teacher-psychologist processes the information received during the diagnosis and identifies a risk group. Such a group may include children who do not have friends amongpeers, students who create conflict situations, children with weak emotional stability. Any deviation from the norm can be a reason to start individual work with the child and his parents.
Psychological correction
After identifying the problem, the behavior correction phase begins. The teacher-psychologist must prepare a program to correct the existing deviation. The activities of a specialist, teachers should be carried out in conjunction with the activities of parents. The positive result of psychological correction will be the complete correction of deviant behavior.
Deviation correction is done individually or within a group. In grade 1, for example, group correction is practiced, which allows children to get to know each other better and unite in one team. The event of this orientation is held in the form of a game.

Correctional work is aimed at children who have the following deviations from normal behavior:
- hyperactivity;
- aggression;
- excessive anxiety;
- excessive shyness;
- presence of constant fear;
- attention deficit;
- bad memory;
- difficulties in learning the material;
- difficulty thinking.
educational institution.
Psychological prevention
Includes a set of measures aimed at creating favorable conditions for development, social adaptation and learning. An educational psychologist must prevent deviations or problems that a child may have when communicating with peers or teachers.
Preventive measures may include the following behaviors:
- goodwill in dealing with children;
- teaching proper behavior by personal example of an adult;
- showing more interest and attention towards hyperactive children;
- providing a state of rest for children who are prone to fatigue;
- gradually developing children's self-control skills.
Loyal attitude towards children should be shown not only by school staff, but also by parents and relatives of the child. Psychological prevention classes are held both within the class and between parallel classes.
Work of a psychologist with parents of students
If situations occur in the child's family that provoke any deviations, then the educational psychologist is obliged to conduct a conversation with the student's parents. Without an integrated approach, deviant behavior cannot be corrected. The psychologist should pay special attention to children from unfavorable families. Problem parents are not always ready to interact, so it is necessary to choose the appropriate communication tactics, identify the arguments and prospects for effective cooperation.

A psychologist should actively interact with parents, help them resolve disputes with a child. Parenting counseling can take place on an individual basis, if necessary. The tactics of the parent's behavior should not differ from the behavior of teachers at school. The very process of cooperation with the school psychologist parents should consider as an opportunity to replenish their knowledge in the field of child psychology and pedagogy. The psychologist should not load the parents with work, this can scare them away. Interest in such cooperation will quickly disappear.
The work of a psychologist in elementary school
The beginning of schooling is a very important stage for a child and his parents. It is at school that the baby begins to actively develop and adapt in society. Relationships with peers are built on the basis of a certain scheme, which is worked out by teachers and parents. Before a child enters first grade, a psychologist must determine school readiness.
At the stage of the beginning of teaching children, the task of the psychologist will be to adapt the child to his peers and teachers. Gifted children with a high level of development need to be given special attention so that they do not lose interest in learning. Students experiencing difficulties in mastering the school curriculum should be provided with timely assistance. Tracking the school performance of children is one of the duties of an educational psychologist in a school.
If a psychologist observes inappropriate behavior of children or teachers, he should immediatelyreact. The activity of a teacher-psychologist in primary school is based on the characteristics of the perception and development of children of this age. A trusting relationship of cooperation should develop between the child and the teacher.
Extracurricular activities
An extra-curricular activity, depending on its specifics, may have different goals. The teacher-psychologist selects such tasks or games that can provide the necessary information about children. In this case, the purpose of the event will be diagnostics, identification of problem situations in the team, monitoring the communication of children. For this purpose, command tasks are suitable. The guys will immediately determine several leaders who will lead the teams.

If the children already know each other, but there are conflict situations between certain representatives of the class, then the purpose of the extracurricular activity will be team building, the formation of friendly and trusting relationships between students. In this case, the participants in the conflict must be on the same team. It is necessary to create a situation that encourages children to cooperate.
The program of a teacher-psychologist at school should include various activities. They are held throughout the school year in all classes.
Analysis of the work of a psychologist at school
At the end of the school year, a detailed report is prepared. An analysis of the work of a teacher-psychologist at school should include conclusions about the fulfillment of the goals and objectives set. The report lists the activities that wereconducted by a psychologist, a list of problem children is provided, and the progress of work with them is described in detail. In the report, the psychologist indicates the names and surnames of the students with whom individual lessons were held.

The analysis includes the conclusion of a psychologist about the readiness of high school students to choose a profession. A list of academic performance is compiled for each class and a list of career guidance for students in grade 4. This is done if the school provides career-oriented classes. The prospects for the development of children for the next school year are also indicated.
In conclusion
The productivity of the work of a teacher-psychologist is not only in reducing the occurrence of conflict situations, but also in improving academic performance among schoolchildren. This is a very important person in the educational institution.