From the earliest years, parents strive to develop thinking skills in their children with all their might. And in the vast majority of cases, they resort to a variety of charades. And indeed, what, if not riddles of logic, will help children (and adults, of course) develop the ability to think. But often in life situations people have to face non-standard tasks in order to solve some problem. And it is much better for those who practiced on tasks for the development of non-standard thinking.
Common features

If you solve enough riddles, you can find many similarities in them. For example, in the overwhelming majority of cases, one has to choose one of the three or four options offered. This greatly simplifies the task, but it cannot be said that it has become "too easy" to solve it. On the contrary, you have to use a huge amount of energy to understand what kind of response is required. Another feature can be considered that it is often necessaryuse completely extraneous knowledge in their guesses. But the difficulty lies precisely in knowing which ones to apply.
Tasks for lateral thinking with answers
Sometimes it's really hard to figure out if you've come up with the right answer. This is helped by the presence of answers, especially in the case of logical tasks for non-standard thinking. Below we will consider examples of such puzzles and the correct answers to them.
Sweet mystery

Let's say a person is celebrating a birthday. He was presented with a huge delicious chocolate cake. But he had seven guests. Accordingly, it was necessary to somehow cut the sweetness into eight pieces. And at the same time, for certain reasons, the birthday boy could only make three cuts. How to share the cake for everyone?
Sweet clue

In fact, there are two options. The first is to first divide the cake into four parts with the first two cuts. Then you need to realize that the cake is a voluminous object, it can be cut not only from top to bottom, but also from the side. Therefore, you need to take a knife in your hand (parallel to the surface of the table) and make the last cut along the entire cake. Thus, the required eight pieces are obtained.
The second option is to reverse the sequence of actions. That is, first you need to make a cut across the cake, and then two - perpendicular to each other from above.
Riddle to reveal the excess

The man was given eight coins. Seven of them weighed almost the same. But the eighth, the last, stood out and her mass turned out to be lighter. A person has scales, but there are also a number of limitations. He can only use them three times. It is required to determine which of the coins is the lightest?
Possible solutions
There are many options for finding the answer, but the main ones can be called three. First, a person must divide the coins into two piles - four in each. Then put them on different scales. Of course, after that it will become clear which of the piles contains the lighter coin. Further work continues only with this kit. Then they divide it into two piles and put it on the scales again. Again, it becomes obvious which one will be needed for the third step. Next, put each of the remaining two coins on the scales and find out which is heavier.
But this problem can be solved like this: we select six coins out of eight. We put them on the scales, three in each bowl. If their masses are not equal, we repeat the same sequence of actions as in the first answer. If they turn out to be the same, then the light coin did not participate in the experiment. Now you need to compare two pending ones and the answer will be found.
Medical riddle

The young man is seriously ill. He needs to take two different pills daily. The course of treatment ends in two days. There are four tablets left (two of one type, two of another), but a person accidentallymixed them up. If he does not take the pills every day, and in exactly the combination prescribed by the doctor, he will die. How can he survive?
The answer to this problem lies in the fact that the pills can be broken in half. Accordingly, a person should put one part of the pill in one box, and the other half in the second container. That way, he will take exactly as many pills as needed and stay alive.
The Riddle of Thermal Laws
Perhaps this is one of the most popular examples of out-of-the-box thinking. The action takes place in the apartment of a young man. He stands at the entrance to the room in front of three toggle switches that turn on three different lights in the room. The door to it is closed. How many times do you have to open it to find out which switch turns on each light?
Unbelievable, the answer is only once. A person must turn on two toggle switches at the same time. It takes some time to wait. Then you need to turn off one of them. After that, the person must enter the room. With one of the bulbs that is on, everything is clear. But how do you figure out which switches the other two are connected to? It's actually extremely simple. The one of the bulbs that was not turned on will be cold. The one that glowed for a short time is warm. This is how knowing the laws of physics helps in life.
Tasks for thinking outside the box can infuriate and confuse even educated and smart people. But that's exactly why it's so important to exercise. Logic is required by people of various professions. She iscan help you advance professionally. And tasks for non-standard thinking help to develop this quality.