At the defense, the applicant presents his work, completed over a long time. There is always enough time for a report, but it is better to focus on seven minutes. In reality, you will definitely get at least thirteen. It makes no sense to "lull" the commission's vigilance with an hour-long lecture on the merits of the work done - this is an unpromising idea. The ideal solution is to make a brief, extremely capacious report from the main provisions, and transfer the defense itself to the area of controlled issues from the members of the commission.
Classic wording
Provisions submitted for defense are independent conclusions and suggestions made by the student (applicant) as a result of the study. This is new knowledge about the subject, allowing you to evaluate the contribution of the author to the development of an existing problem or studied topic.

If in the dissertation the requirement of novelty is indicated as a categorical condition, then during the defensediploma it is only mandatory. The classic wording contains three points that should be noted, since all commissions for the defense of all universities and councils for the defense of dissertations are used to them and are expected to:
- newness of the wording: the author's expression of the meaning of each provision submitted for defense;
- own work: the applicant did all the work himself, from collecting and analyzing sources to justifying all decisions made;
- relevance of research: fundamental knowledge from sources has been improved personally by the applicant, is different and in demand.
If you do not go into the intricacies of the process of preparing for the defense and the defense itself, you should attach importance to how to express exactly your thought, in your own words and show that all the research was done personally.
These three main provisions, formulated very clearly, concisely and succinctly, are half the success in defense. In other provisions, you can write about novelty, economics, mistakes or achievements of predecessors.
Resources for work
Research is always based on the "beginnings" and predecessors, any work is based on the acquired knowledge, and choosing the right range of sources to include in the diploma (thesis) is important.
The members of the defense commission are far from always competent in the topic of the diploma (dissertation), but they know how to ask questions and look at what is quoted, they consider it their duty.
Important: protection is not a competition of equals, but an assessment of the author by a commission capable of understanding the logic of copyrightthinking and evaluate the significance of what he did against the background of the previous one.
Sources are the foundation on which the work is done, so the provisions submitted for defense must contain an accurate description of the information studied in the process of writing a diploma (dissertation). In this sense, the spectrum of what is quoted is important, with systematization according to the level of importance and meaning.

Work content
The text of the work defines what was done and how. It is very good if the work was carried out in production and has a significant social and / or economic effect. Even if it doesn't exist, it should be written about. The essence of the work and the economics of the proposed result are the main provisions put forward for defense.
Any work should be relevant, new and meaningful. The text of the work should justify this.
For the dissertation, the relevance and novelty of the result, its economic viability are of decisive importance. It is difficult to imagine a brilliant dissertation defense based on only one source without numerous practical experiments and application of the proposed solutions in practice or in production.

The main provisions submitted for the defense of a dissertation cannot be complete if they do not contain the practical value and significance of all the conclusions and results obtained. A beautiful text of the work and beautiful theses of the defended positions are too few for success in the defense.
Conclusion and Introduction
Thesiswork and dissertation do not differ too much in the context of what they mean to the author: this is the author's result, satisfaction from what has been achieved. For the protection commission, this has a different meaning - it is an assessment of the knowledge achieved by the applicant, the ability to show and protect them.
The conclusion includes conclusions on the work, and its content is entirely determined by the results achieved. It cannot be abstract, it depends entirely on the text of the diploma (dissertation) and is written on the basis of the work performed.

The introduction is compiled as a result of the completion of all work, although it is written (specified) all the time: from the moment the topic was taken into work. It is in the introduction that it is necessary to indicate the provisions submitted for the defense of the diploma. An example of a goal statement: “The main objective of the study is to improve the efficiency of the company's personnel management.”
Tools to achieve any goal can be radically different. For example, regarding this topic: if a sociologist comes to the defense, this is one option for research, if an expert in the automation of power plants is a completely different field of work. The content of the work, the conclusions and provisions submitted for defense will be completely different.
Introduction in the process of doing the work is a dynamic development of the author's ideas about what the goal looks like and what is included in its content.
Speech and questions
Writing beautifully and with high quality is important. But the most important thing is to get it right. The text of the diploma, and even more so the dissertation, will be skimmed throughmembers of the commission, the abstract with the main provisions submitted for the defense of the diploma, “can be read”. A characteristic feature of the sphere of creativity, namely the behavior of members of the commission: it is not customary to waste time here. Reading is not for a professional who trusts only his sight, word and intuition.

Quality speaking, not sophisticated writing, is what matters to every applicant. You need to be prepared for the fact that a beautifully designed diploma, a chic dissertation with 100% novelty simply will not be awarded attention, but a “deadly” question will be asked.
- Yes, it is important to do all the work well.
- It is essential to correctly define the provisions to be defended.
- It is much more important to move the defense into a managed issue.
A clear “stupidity” or an obvious mistake made by negligence is a good reason to ask a question, but if a student (dissertation candidate) did it consciously, then he has a correct and worthy answer.
If the applicant strives for a brilliant defense, he must do the job with dignity, draw it up with high quality, clearly formulate the provisions that he submitted for defense and answer all questions of the commission.
It's hard to say what questions will be asked, but if the speech is based on special moments and contradictions that cannot be ignored by the members of the commission, and if you yourself know the correct answers, success will be guaranteed.
Organization of information
Working with sources isreference work and the ability to process data from predecessors. The list of selected literature and what exactly in it is important for the author's work is important. The algorithm for studying sources and the logic of quoting is the basic system-forming foundation.
Actually, the text of the work is the system and logic of the disclosure of the topic, the headings are the key points on the topic, and the content of each heading is the essence of such a moment. The system in the performance of work can be correctly formed in this way: there is a topic - general semantics, there is a heading - a piece of the general meaning, and all the headings together - the work done.

With this execution logic, only what is really needed and important gets into the sources, accurate and correct content goes into the headings, and the totality of headings is the basis for writing the introduction and formulating the provisions submitted for defense.
Performance and defense
Effective performance - a confident speech in the face of the commission. Sight-reading is not the best idea, but writing and thinking through the text of the speech is very important. Significant points should not be described in the speech, but they must be clearly marked.
Drawing, slides, presentations - any way of presenting the essence of the work done - these are the provisions submitted for defense. The example and format of the speech is quite different. The speech should pay attention to significant points and create precedents for the “right” questions from the members of the commission.

The result of the work is a beautifully and visually presented material of a job well done, accompanied by a confident performance of the applicant, a guarantee of a successful defense.