Researchers of ancient legends and myths mention one mysterious world called Hyperborea. There is also information that this country was sometimes called Arctida. Many have tried to find its possible location, but so far its existence has not been proven and nothing but myths has been confirmed. What is Hyperborea? This is a hypothetical ancient continent or a huge island that previously existed in the northern part of the planet near the North Pole. In those days, Hyperborea was inhabited by a very powerful people - the Hyperboreans, who had a fairly developed civilization. Considering what Hyperborea is, it should be noted that its name means "beyond the north wind Boreas." Some researchers believe that this is the notorious Atlantis.
There is still no evidence that Hyperborea ever existed. What is Hyperborea, we can only learn from ancient Greeklegends and images of this piece of land on old engravings, for example, on the map of Mercator, which was published by his son back in 1595. It has an image of this legendary continent in the center, and around it is the coast of the Arctic Ocean with modern, easily recognizable rivers and islands.
It should be noted that this map gave rise to many questions from researchers who also wanted to understand what Hyperborea is. According to the descriptions of many ancient Greek chroniclers, a favorable climate prevailed on this continent, and 4 large rivers flowed out of the sea or a large lake, which was located in the center of Hyperborea, and fell into the ocean, which is why this mysterious place on the map looks like a round shield with a cross.

Gods of Hyperborea
What else can you say about this place? The ancient Greeks believed that the inhabitants of this continent (island) were especially loved by the god Apollo. His servants and priests lived on the territory of Hyperborea. Ancient legends say that the god Apollo came to this territory once every 19 years.
According to some astronomical data, one can understand the essence of the appearance of this Hyperborean deity. The fact is that the lunar nodes in orbit return to their starting point exactly after 18.5 years. But any celestial body in ancient times was something divine, for example, the Moon in Ancient Greece was Selena. To the names of various Greek gods, including Apollo, as well as to famous heroes, for example, Hercules, a generalized epithet was added -Hyperborean.
Inhabitants of Hyperborea
There are many different books about Hyperborea. From them you can find out that the inhabitants of this country were Hyperboreans. They belonged to those peoples who were close to the gods. The inhabitants of this mysterious place enjoyed joyful labor with dances, songs, prayers, feasts, as well as general endless fun. It was believed that the death of the Hyperborean occurred only because of satiety and fatigue. The rite of termination of life at the same time was quite simple - when the Hyperboreans got tired of their lives, they threw themselves into the sea.
The wise inhabitants of this place possessed multiple knowledge and secrets of Hyperborea. Natives of these lands (wise men Arsitey and Abaris) were considered both hypostasis and servants of Apollo. They taught the Greek people to compose hymns and poems, and for the first time revealed to them the secrets of the universe, philosophy and music.
The city of Pola was considered the capital of Hyperborea.

The birthplace of the ancient Slavs
Localization of this mysterious continent tried dozens of scientists and writers. As mentioned earlier, there is no confirmation of the existence of Hyperborea, but there is a theory that it was from these lands that the Slavic peoples came. That is why Hyperborea is considered to be the birthplace of the entire Russian people. The polar Northern continent once connected the lands of the New World and Eurasia. Various authors and researchers find the remains of an ancient civilization in the following places:
- Kola Peninsula.
- Greenland.
- Ural Mountains.
- Karelia.
- Taimyr Peninsula.
Reality or myth
There are many people who do not delve into history, but are interested in the question of whether ancient Hyperborea ever existed? The first mention of this country appeared in ancient sources. Hyperboreans were described by various writers and historians, starting with Hesiod and ending with Nostradamus:
- Pliny the Elder spoke of the Hyperboreans as inhabitants of the Arctic Circle, where the sun shone for six months.
- The poet Alkey in his hymn to Apollo spoke about the proximity of the solar god with this people, which was also confirmed by the famous historian Diodorus Siculus.
- Aristotle united the Scythian-Russians and the Hyperborean peoples.
- Hecate of Abdera, who lived in Egypt, told a legend about a small island that was in the ocean opposite the country of the Celts.
- In addition to the Romans and Greeks, the mystical lands and their inhabitants were mentioned by Indian peoples, Chinese, Persians. There is information about them in the German epics.

What scientists say
The mysteries of Hyperborea could not be ignored by modern historians. They both put forward and continue to put forward their versions about the inhabitants of the secret place and their culture, comparing the facts and drawing certain conclusions. According to some historians, Arctida is the mother of all world culture, since in the past these lands were a very favorable place for the prosperity and life of people. Previously, favorable subtropical weather reigned there.climate that attracted the advanced people of the time. Therefore, the Hyperboreans often contacted the Romans and Greeks.
Where did the mysterious Hyperborea disappear to
Surely you are wondering where did Hyperborea - the cradle of mankind? The history of this continent or island has more than one millennium. Based on ancient writings, we can conclude that the way of life of this people was democratic and simple. All people here lived as one family, settled near water bodies, and their main activity in the form of crafts, art and creativity contributed to the disclosure of the spiritual qualities of a person. At present, only the northern part of modern Russia is considered the remnants of that ancient Hyperborea, which was once inhabited by people. But why did she disappear? Where did you go? Scientists suggest that the reasons why Hyperborea, the cradle of mankind, ceased to exist are as follows:
- Climate change. Most likely, the peoples who inhabited this continent, due to changing climatic conditions, began to migrate south. Lomonosov also wrote that for a very long time in Siberia and to the north it was so warm that even elephants could feel comfortable there. This is confirmed by the fossilized remains of palm trees and magnolias found in Greenland. The climate could change due to the displacement of the earth's axis. Ice ages also contributed to this. The glaciation came so fast that the mammoths froze to death.
- War of Hyperborea and Atlantis. This version is not supported by any facts or documents. Scientists have onlyPlato's notes. He argued that the disappeared civilization ceased to exist as a result of the disastrous war that was waged between Hyperborea and Atlantis.

Interesting myths
Since the existence of this ancient civilization has not yet been scientifically proven, it is possible to talk about it only in theory, drawing information from various ancient sources. There are many different legends about Antarctica. Consider the most popular of them:
- As mentioned earlier, Apollo himself made his journey to Hyperborea every 19 years.
- Another myth connects the territory of Hyperborea with modern northern peoples. Even some of the modern studies prove that Hyperborea once existed in the north of the Eurasian continent, and the Slavs come from it.
- The war between Hyperborea and Atlantis was fought with nuclear weapons. Perhaps this legend can be called the most incredible.
Historical facts
Historians have concluded that an ancient civilization existed about 20,000 years ago. It was then that huge ridges (Lomonosov and Mendeleev) towered above the surface of the Arctic Ocean. In those days there was no ice, and the water in the sea was very warm, as modern paleontologists say. To confirm the existence of this disappeared continent is possible only empirically. This suggests that you should look for traces of the Hyperboreans, various artifacts, ancient maps, monuments. Incredibly, such evidence is currentlyavailable.
In 1922, a Russian expedition led by Alexander Barchenko on the Kola Peninsula found skillfully crafted stones that were oriented to the cardinal points. At the same time, a blocked manhole was found. These finds belonged to a more ancient period than the Egyptian civilization.

More about the expedition
There has never been a targeted search for this place, but at the beginning of the 20th century a scientific expedition set off to the area of Lovozero and Seydozero (now they are in the Murmansk region). Its leader was the travelers Barchenko and Kondiayn. During the research work, they were engaged in geographical, ethnographic and psychophysical study of the area.
One day the expedition quite by accident stumbled upon an unusual hole that went under the surface of the earth. However, they failed to penetrate it for a rather strange reason: everyone who tried to get there was seized by a wild, inexplicable horror. But still, the researchers managed to photograph a strange passage into the very depths of the earth.
When the expedition returned to Moscow, it submitted a report on the journey, but the data was immediately classified. The most interesting thing in this story is that in the most hungry years for our country, the government quickly approved the financing and preparation of this expedition. Most likely, she was given great importance.
Expedition leader Barchenko was repressed after his return and then shot. The materials that heprovided, were kept secret for a long time.
However, in the early nineties, Doctor of Philosophy Demin managed to find out about the expedition. When he got acquainted with the results of the trip, studied in detail the traditions and legends of the peoples, he decided to independently go in search of Hyperborea.
In 1997-1999, a scientific expedition was again organized to search for the legendary territory on the Kola Peninsula. The researchers were given the only task, which was to find traces of this ancient cradle of mankind.

What we found
For 2 years, this expedition discovered a large number of traces of an ancient civilization on the territory of the Kola Peninsula. Here travelers found ancient petroglyphs depicting the sun. Similar symbolism has also been found among the ancient Chinese and heptanes.
In addition, the artificially created labyrinths aroused great interest among researchers. It is from here that they took their distribution around the world. Modern scientists have been able to prove that these stone labyrinths are a coded projection of the passage of a heavenly body through the polar sky.
The expedition managed to find several petroglyphs in the form of a trident and a lotus. In addition, special interest arose in the image of a man who, according to legend, was walled up in the rock of Karnasurta.
Of course, these findings cannot be considered direct evidence of the existence of a highly developed civilization. However, it often happens thatthe most daring hypotheses, which venerable scientists smashed to smithereens, were later fully confirmed.
What is now in place of Hyperborea
So far, there is no specific data regarding the location of the island or the mainland of Hyperborea. If we turn to modern scientific data, then there are no islands near the North Pole, but there is an underwater Lomonosov Ridge, which was named after its discoverer. Next to it is the Mendeleev Ridge. They both went down relatively recently.
That is why we can assume that a millennium ago this range was inhabited, and its inhabitants could move to the neighboring continent in the regions of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, on Taimyr or on the Kola Peninsula.

Books about Hyperborea
If you want to delve into the study of this ancient culture, you can read books written by foreign and Russian authors:
- "Babylonian phenomenon. Russian language from time immemorial”, author N. N. Oreshkin.
- "Found Paradise at the North Pole" by W. F. Warren.
- “Hyperborea. Foremother of Russian culture”, author V. N. Demin, and other publications.
- "In search of Hyperborea", authors V. V. Golubev and V. V. Tokarev.
- “Hyperborea. Historical roots of the Russian people”, author V. N. Demin.
- "Arctic homeland in the Vedas" by B. L. Tilak.
Currently, Hyperborea is one of the most mysterious and mythical places, the mystery of whichworries humanity. The tales of the mainland may be fiction, but many believe it is real.