It can appear almost out of the blue. From raindrops pounding on the roof, from a steel-gray sky, or from all sorts of information. Sadness is a special emotional state of a person, which has been sung by poets, writers and artists more than once.
What is sadness?
Under sadness is meant a negative emotion that occurs when one feels dissatisfaction in various aspects of life. That is, when a person has problems at work or he quarreled with one of his relatives, it is likely that he will feel sad. It is worth noting that sadness in a clinically neglected case can turn into depression, although dictionaries say the following: “Sadness is a state similar to melancholy or languid despondency. It can also be said that this is a phase in which accumulated negative emotions - irritation, petty resentment - cannot find a way out.”
Sadness often becomes the basis of lyrical or artistic works. Sadness is an integral part of human life, and, like every phenomenon, it can perform positive and negative functions.

Whyneed sadness?
It is not always possible to understand what exactly caused sadness. Sometimes it happens that in the evening a person is in a great mood, and in the morning he wakes up with a feeling of sadness. Nothing changed in his life overnight, nothing unforeseen, unexpected and destructive happened. But he woke up sad…
Being in a state of sadness is unnatural for a person. Someone may argue, they say: "I'm always sad" or "I like sadness." But sadness is a kind of signal that the subconscious mind sends, prompting action. For people who are not inclined to succumb to negative emotions, it is something alien, unusual and hostile. Accordingly, you want to get rid of this feeling, so you have to get up from the couch, make decisions, answer calls and change your life. As practice shows, proactive, result-oriented actions are the best cure for sadness.

Similar words
Speaking of sadness, many people associate it with different concepts, such as resentment, longing, grief, despondency. These terms are rather vague, so it is difficult to outline their boundaries, but it is important to understand that in some cases they have nothing to do with sadness. Here are some of the most common terms that are often used instead of this word:
- Longing. The feeling is stronger and deeper, often expressed more intensely than sadness. It arises from very unpleasant experiences. Most often they are associated with parting with someone.
- Disappointment. If sadness orlonging can make a person do something, despondency does not have such motivational power. Despondency is characterized by a decrease in performance and a bad mood over a long period of time.
- Sorrow. The ultimate sadness. We can say that grief is an emotion that also affects the physical state (headaches, insomnia, heart problems). Occurs after the loss of a loved one, physical or mental capabilities.

Good qualities
Sadness, sadness, melancholy - these states are often perceived negatively by others. But, as in all aspects of our being, there is something positive to be found in them:
- Order. Light sadness is useful, as a person begins to think about his life, trying to find the source of this emotional state. Along the way, he reconsiders his values, principles and behavior. It helps put things in order.
- Motivator. As already mentioned, such a state is unnatural for a person, so sadness can be an excellent motivational tool on the way to what you want.
- Sympathy. A person who stays in a bad mood for a long time is mostly fixated only on himself. But those who not so long ago felt a slight pang of sadness understand that there are people who can feel even worse. Sadness breeds sympathy, and sympathy breeds "Man".
- Relief. Sometimes sadness leads to tears, and that too has its merits. Tears help to calm down and find peace of mind.

How to overcome sadness?
A. Rosenbauman had these words: “Sadness always comes suddenly. Go for a walk, because there is no one to share them with. Of course, sometimes sadness is considered a manifestation of certain human qualities. It helps you improve yourself and understand yourself better. But when a state of bad mood drags on for months without a hint of enlightenment, this is already a diagnosis. Therefore, you need to be able to take the best from sadness, and then get rid of it without a twinge of conscience:
- Sweet. Glucose and chocolate energize the body, and this is always uplifting.
- More life. Another dreary morning? Have breakfast at the nearest cafe or go to a place where you have long wanted to visit. New impressions will make you forget about a bad mood.
- Less urgency, more joy. Being in a bad mood, it is better to postpone all important and urgent matters. If possible, turn off your work phone and do things that make you happy: blow bubbles, ride a bike, watch comedies.
- Exploit. Sadness does not always need to be driven away. Sometimes it can be used in creativity. Try writing a poem, an essay, or playing a tune.

What are others saying?
You can often hear a lot of statements about sadness that will tell you better than any definition what its essence, benefits and dangers are:
- Your sadness is proof that your soul has not yet hardened.
- Strong people get sad, weak people get depressed.
- Sadness and longing are like children - if they are well taken care of, they will grow up quickly.
- A cup of tea and a pillow are the things that will share any longing.
- There is a lot of sadness in the world, but no one forces you to look into her eyes.
- Sadness cannot be treated with wine, otherwise it will turn into despondency.
It can also be said that sadness is a temporary phenomenon, weak and shallow. Experiences are less unpleasant for a person, so in this state you can create a lot of really amazing things. A feeling of slight sadness always comes suddenly. And so I want to hide from the whole world and just relax in silence. Yes, sadness is a negative emotion, but with many positive qualities.