This, well-known word, has its own history. In this article we will consider the etymology of this concept. Find out from which language the word "folklore" is borrowed. Let's analyze the lexical meanings of this term. And at the end we will select synonyms and examples of use in context.

By the sound of this term, you can understand that it has a foreign origin. From what language the word "folklore" is borrowed, we will now find out.
It was first used in 1846 by the English historian William Thomson. He combined the British "folk", which translates as "people" with the word "lore", which means "knowledge, skills." Literally translated as "knowledge of the people" or "folk knowledge".
William Thomson coined this term to make it more convenient to denote the totality of the traditions of a people and its special way of life.
Now the answer is clear from which language the word "folklore" is borrowed. This is English.
Lexical meaning

According to the direct translation from English, the described term means "folk wisdom". And it covers the entire volume of legends, legends, folk crafts, sayings, signs, songs. That is, in general, folk culture.
According to the explanatory dictionaries of S. I. Ozhegov, N. Yu. Shvedova, T. F. Efremova, D. N. Ushakov, the lexical meaning of the word "folklore" is defined as the totality of folk art - both oral and subject.
There are three meanings for this term:
- Creativity of some people, which is passed from mouth to mouth.
- Beliefs, rites and rituals, special dances inherent in this people.
- Science that studies the creativity of different nations.
Folklore is an art that was created not by one person, but by a whole community. Oral traditions and legends served not only as an entertainment tool, but as a means of teaching children how to live correctly.
Synonyms and examples of the use of the word "folklore"
It is difficult to find words similar in meaning to this term, but still possible. So, the concept of "folklore" has the following synonyms:
- creativity;
- literature;
- tales;
- traditions.
To better imagine how the word works in the text, examples of its use will help:
- The Russian people have their own special folklore: tales of Baba Yaga and Koschey the Immortal, folk songs and dances.
- Domovoy is a representative of Russian folklore,to which many traditions and legends are dedicated.
- Folklore is important for ethnographers who study the mentality of people of different nations.
Thus, in the article we managed to find out from which language the word "folklore" is borrowed and what it means.