Argun is one of the most famous rivers in Russia. After all, it is along it that the Russian-Chinese border passes, therefore, a lot of both industrial, economic and political issues are connected with the river. The length of the river in China is about 331 km, and here it is called Heilar. Merging with the Shilka River, both reservoirs form the Amur River.

Mongolian legend
The word “Kheilar” in Mongolian means “wide river”. Ancient legends say that it was in this river that the Mongolian people gained their power. The legend says that all the Mongols were exterminated by other peoples, only four remained: two men and two women. They took refuge in the impenetrable thickets that then surrounded the wild river.
Since there was a lot of tall grass growing near the reservoir, these people began to engage in cattle breeding. Little by little, the first Mongols began to master blacksmithing skills, built a large number of weapons for defense. Then they defeated all their enemies and settled in the waters of the Onon River, where the great Mongol commander Genghis Khan was born.
The length and other characteristics of the river
According to various estimates of researchers,the total length of the Argun River is 1620 m. However, some scientists estimate it differently: from 1620 to 1683 km. As already mentioned, the Argun is the river that separates Russia and China. The length of the part of the reservoir that runs across the border is 951 km. During heavy floods, which usually happens in the spring, the waters of the Argun River merge with Lake Dalainor. Some scientists are convinced that not so long ago, the Argun was one with the reservoir, because in this territory there is even a hundred-meter channel. True, it has dried up a long time ago.
The total length of the water system of the Amur and Argun rivers is 4445 km. For comparison, the length of the Congo-Zambezi river system is 4700 m. Therefore, the Amur and Argun river system is in tenth place after the African Congo and Zambezi.

Where is the Argun River?
The source of the river is located in the mountain system called the Greater Khingan, at one of its peaks - Guliashan. Upper Argun is located on Chinese territory. Its source flows down from the mountains and begins its journey through the plains, approaching Lake Dalainor. The next section of the river is the so-called Argun depression. It is located between two mountain ranges: Hailatushansky and Argunsky.
From this point on, it is the dividing line between the two states - Russia and China. The largest tributary of the Argun River is the Gazimur River (592 km). The Gazimur channel runs between the Gazimur and Borshchovochny mountain ranges. Another tributary is the Genhe (300 km), which flows into the river from the right side. This is a Chinese river that originates inthe eponymous county of Genhe. With its waters, the river forms many swamps.
From the left bank, in addition to Gazimur, Uryumkan flows into Argun, as well as Urov. The left tributary of the Urov, whose length is 290 km, makes its way along the Trans-Baikal Territory. Uryumkan (226 km long) flows in the same area.

Features of the Argun River
Argun is a river that feeds mainly on rainwater. In spring and summer, it is characterized by strong floods. The water level at this time sometimes reaches significant levels. With the onset of autumn (mainly in early November), the Argun begins to gradually become covered with ice. It is released from the ice masses approximately by the end of April.
Argun is a river with a sandy bottom. In some areas, sand alternates with silt. Argun is a very winding reservoir with a large number of channels, sandy spits, bays. When it overflows during high water, its waters flood all nearby lowlands for several kilometers. A lot of fish come here to feed. It remains here even after the water has subsided, serving, in turn, as food for other animal species.
It is believed that the Argun River is one of the richest in the entire Far East. Its waters contain a true pantry of fish stocks. In total, about 60 species of fish live in the Argun River.

Can I fish on the Argun?
The Argun River in the Trans-Baikal Territory is a favorite place for all fishermen. Particularly preferredlovers of fishing in the middle of the river. It is possible to get to this place along an asph alt road - Akshinsky tract. But for fishermen it is not so simple. There are a huge number of problems, due to which the water artery has already paid significantly with its reserves and even become shallow.
Some hydrologists even talk about a possible ecological catastrophe of the Argun River. The ecology of the reservoir and the surrounding nature is deteriorating very quickly. Large numbers of fish that used to be common in the river are rare today. For example, pike, sturgeon, kaluga. Carp and catfish disappear. In addition, the flora of the reservoir is deteriorating. From the side of the Chinese border, pesticides are constantly being released into Argun. The river may soon become the object of intervention by international environmental institutions.