Drops are The meaning and use of the word "drops"

Drops are The meaning and use of the word "drops"
Drops are The meaning and use of the word "drops"

What are drops? Is it shape or volume? Liquid or something solid? Or maybe it's something intangible? In short, all of these statements are true.

What do the dictionaries say?

Literally, this word means a small volume of liquid that forms a round shape. This is how S. I. Ozhegov interprets the basic meaning of the word. But Ushakov's dictionary explains that the rounded shape is obtained due to the interaction of fluid particles. The author of the book "The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Drop" M. S. Volynsky specifies that the form is obtained by the action of surface tension forces. In physics, there is even such a term - "drop".

drops it
drops it

This is the conditionally accepted amount of a substance that forms its volume. In zero gravity, you can form large drops, but not on the ground.

There are drops of liquid, there are - molten metal or paraffin. As long as the substance is in a liquid state, it can be given any shape. There is a technology for spraying metal on plastic products. When the metal film hardens, it becomes solid. This plasticity property of the drop is used by housewives who decorate the cake: by dripping liquid icing on the surface of the cake, you can create a beautiful pattern.

Falling from the skyraindrops have a slightly elongated end, this is the result of the forces of attraction and rotation. It's a perfect shape, with perfect streamlining. Therefore, the teardrop shape is the most ergonomic version of the body of a car or aircraft.

The word has other meanings, figuratively. Let's take a closer look at them.

A drop in the ocean and other phraseological units

In proverbs and sayings, in catchphrases there are comparisons. The images they draw thus emphasize the thought they convey. Everyone is familiar with such expressions:

  • A grain of sand on the shore.
  • A speck of dust on the scales.
  • A drop in the ocean.

This is a symbol of something small, which easily loses its significance in a large volume. In fact, such expressions mean that the drop can be neglected, it is nothing, zero.

A drop, as the smallest volume in everyday life, is also part of other expressions:

  • I'm not afraid of it one bit.
  • There is no common sense in this undertaking.
  • Ready to defend to the last drop of blood.

This is an amplification technique used to give more weight to what has been said.

Using the word in medical terms

In medicine, "drops" is a medicine, and the word is used in the plural. For example, "the doctor prescribed drops in the nose." This is the well-established name of a suspension, emulsion or solution with an active substance, which causes a therapeutic effect. Often the bottle has a built-in pipette in the lid for convenience.use.

drops on glass
drops on glass

Not all medicines taken in drops bear this name. Preparations such as valerian tincture, valocordin and corvalol are taken a few drops in half a glass of water. But it would be wrong to call them drops. This term was fixed only for some recipes, among which there are the legendary drops of the Danish king. They have been known since the 17th century as an invention of the Dane Ringelmann and were widely used to treat colds, especially in children, in the last century.

The application of this word should be said separately. Some drugs are instilled (in the eyes, ears, nose), while others are added to the drink. If it is intended to prepare a solution taken orally, it will be correct to say "take drops." Separately, one can single out the drip injection of the drug into a vein. They say about such treatment “put a dropper with such and such a medicine.”

How to decline the word drops?

This is not an idle question. When it comes to doctor's prescriptions, competent speech will give respect to the doctor and weight to his words. A common mistake is to use the instrumental singular instead of the genitive plural. That is, when instead of "drops" they say "drop".

Perhaps confusing the ending of the word. After all, some words with the same ending have the right to end with “her” when declined. For example, the word sleigh: in the genitive case would be:

No sleigh

Why is the ending -el instead of -ey used in our case? The fluent vowel rule applies here. The stem of a word ends in two consonants:


Besides, the word is plural. The rule prescribes when forming the genitive case form to insert a fluent vowel e:



There is a beautiful word drops in Russian (not to be confused with a font - a vat for ablution in a temple). When the spring sun begins to warm the snow on the roofs, icicles appear, hanging in a fringe. At first they grow, merge with each other, but then there comes a moment when the sun already gives so much heat that the snow and ice melt before our eyes. Drops falling from numerous icicles are drops. She even has a special song - sonorous, cheerful. Whether drops knock on the tin window cornice, fall into a puddle, which they themselves formed - in any case, the sound is cheerful. Summer is coming.

tears dripped
tears dripped

The declension of the word drops in cases, in general, does not cause difficulties. But, since this article discusses in detail all the features, it should be noted that the accusative case in this case coincides with the nominative. The genitive, dative, and prepositional endings are -and, and the instrumental will be in the form of a “drop.”


When it comes to precipitation, in Russian there are several synonyms for the action of these natural phenomena. The rain drums on the window pane, it pours like a bucket, it drizzles, cries, drips … Raindrops are not inferior in the number of poetic images:

  • When they fall on the surface of the water, they leave concentric circles.
  • Falling on the asph alt, nailing the dust.
  • The sunbeam, refracted in the droplets of the fountain, causes a rainbow glow.

When it is not clear whether the rain has stopped, just look at the puddles to see if there are still traces of drops.

a drop in the sea
a drop in the sea

Rain has been praised many times in literature, music and art. Its drops are a symbol of sadness, tears, grief and longing. Sometimes not only a symbol, but also a reason.

Surprisingly, the physical processes taking place in them can bring literally tears to the farmer. The water droplets remaining after the rain are exposed to low temperatures. Evaporation of moisture does not occur, and there is enough time for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi. It turns out that the rain that fell on a cold August night can ruin the crop: the plants are infected with phytophthora. In 1845-1849 this disease caused a famine in Ireland.

Can you see rain marks on clothes? Unfortunately, some coats, down jackets and leather jackets show white streaks or dotted drip marks. Modern fabrics are treated with water repellents to prevent this from happening.

On glass

After the rain, droplets are everywhere. But there is a slight nuance in the use of this word, if the drops are on the glass. It so happened that these drops are negotiated separately so that the meaning of what was said does not change. For example, if you say “drops on a car”, we will talk about traces of rain on the body. About the windshield should be discussed separately. The same goes for glasses, and windows, and a microscope, andbinoculars.

drops medicine
drops medicine

Drops on glass necessarily require clarification on which glass, where it is located, what it refers to. If the nature of drops is considered, their physical properties, how different substances behave on different surfaces, then it is another matter. But in ordinary life, do not forget about the addition, otherwise the phrase will get an abstract meaning.

Tears dripped

There are two kinds of tears: physiological and emotional. The first wash the eye, moisturize it, remove bacteria. Scientists have discovered that they contain the enzyme lysozyme, which has a negative effect on viruses. Some of them enter the nose through the lacrimal canaliculus. Therefore, so many handkerchiefs are required for colds. But it is not this kind of tears that interests us. Emotional tears are a distinctive feature of a person. Of course, some animals can "cry", but rarely. And the man? It is enough to observe the child during the day to make sure that tears are an expression of emotions, relaxation and consolation. Why is this happening?

drop sentence
drop sentence

American scientist W. Frey proved that the mechanism that triggers emotional tears signals the body to produce enkephalin. And he, in turn, suppresses pain. So there is no escape from tears.

People have noticed this for a long time and phraseological units have entered the language, reflecting emotions that are accompanied by tears. Sometimes there are no words to express all the pain of the soul, only tears flow down the face and drip. That's right - "Tears dripped" - the painting is called George Danelia. This is a modern interpretationFairy tales of the Snow Queen. When a magic fragment of an evil mirror hits the eye, everything is seen in black.

If rain reminds of tears of grief, then drops of drops are a symbol of tears of joy. As if at the wedding, during the solemn speech, all relatives and guests shed tears. Scientists say that they even have a different composition. Under a microscope, it can be seen that the substances dissolved in tears form various patterns. A specialist can easily distinguish tears of grief from tears of joy.

How to make a sentence with this word?

There are two options:

1. Drops - a medical preparation, the word is in the plural.

2. Drops - genitive singular.

First of all, you should specify the number of the word. It depends on how it will change in cases. We have already covered case endings in detail, so this should not be a problem.

If an adjective is used in a phrase with this word, it will also change by case. Examples are given for the genitive case:

Large drops

If it means a part of something larger, expressed by a noun, or a proper name is used in a phrase, only the word “drops” will change in cases:

  • Raindrops.
  • Vochala drops.


Such a simple word and so many nuances in its use. We analyzed several of its meanings and declension by cases. Now you know how to make a sentence with the word "drops" and how poets andprose writers.
