What I fought for - I ran into something, or a story about initiative and motivation

What I fought for - I ran into something, or a story about initiative and motivation
What I fought for - I ran into something, or a story about initiative and motivation

Speech turns, or phraseological units, are wise and concise, this is not only an inexhaustible source of life experience and folk wisdom of our ancestors, but also an opportunity to get inspiration or advice, and sometimes this is an occasion to think about your own life. In our publication, we will consider the meaning and meaning of one of the many set expressions that we often and with great pleasure use in everyday speech. In addition, we will analyze those situations that are associated with the expression "for what I fought for - I ran into that." So let's get started.

what I fought for and ran into
what I fought for and ran into

The meaning of the expression and its synonyms

You are an active, purposeful and proactive person, any work is argued in your hands, the results of your work completely satisfy you,but you always want something more; The "rationalization proposal" you made at the meeting is about to bring its long-awaited fruit. Sometimes in life, not everything depends on us, whether to accept this fact or not is your business, but something, let's say, went wrong. And what to do next?

what you expected, moreover, the result brought you tangible inconvenience.

Besides, let's note similar expressions, for example, "you can't jump over your head", "the best is the enemy of the good".

what I fought for and ran into what it means
what I fought for and ran into what it means

Parent motivation

There are, say, millionaires and oligarchs who perfectly understand what it means "what you fought for - that's what you ran into." And they, as responsible and loving parents, do what? Yes, that's right, they disinherit their children! Material inheritance, but the spiritual and eternal that was invested by them in their own children is unshakable. Bill Gates, Jim Simmons, John Arnold, Michael Bloomberg, Gina Reinhard - all these people, whose fortunes have so many zeros that it's simply breathtaking, have come to the general idea that bequeathing their such solid fortunes to their own children would be the wrong thing to do, since big money can spoil even the best person. Moreover, they believe that this act will becomethe strongest motivation to achieve their own goals. Bill Gates said in an interview that money would not be good for his children and for the whole society. As Vladimir Vysotsky sang: "The giraffe is big - he knows better!" So in this case, the expression “what I fought for - I ran into that” for people of this level is not an empty phrase. Yes, of course, money solves material issues, but I would like to recall the expression we mentioned earlier that “the best is the enemy of the good.”

So, “what they fought for, they ran into” is an expression that is like an indicator, that is, it is able to measure those deviations that are designated by society as the norm.

hammer and sickle
hammer and sickle


In conclusion, summing up what has been said, it can be noted that the phrase "for what they fought for - they ran into" is best suited as a reminder to the present and subsequent generations about the painful, bitter, instructive history of the country that once occupied one sixth of the planet and which no longer exists. Yes, we are talking about the Soviet Union, where, based on only the best intentions of the political leaders of that time, a revolution was made. The result of this revolution, which turned the life and fate of the whole country upside down, was not justified, moreover, something irreparable happened for millions of Russian people of that difficult historical period - they lost their homeland.
