The importance of the education system cannot be overestimated. This is not only the accumulated baggage of skills and abilities, it is the results of the formation of attitudes to reality, the acquisition of life experience. Public education is a necessary, lengthy process, because it is necessary to familiarize students with the wisdom of many generations, to substantiate universal human values in order to make them a priority in independent life, and, of course, to give the most complete knowledge about the nature of the universe. The great German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck rightly argued that wars are not won by generals, all victories belong to school teachers.

Principles, structure and requirements of the state standard of education
First of all, it is necessary to reveal such a concept as the educational system, which unites educational work in all social institutions of this profile,operating in the country. Different states have their own education system, but each of them is built on the same principles. The educational system includes educational organizations, work plans according to state standards and management bodies.
Universal human values in all programs have priority, the basis of national culture is obligatory, and only in third place are the scientific components of education. Almost all public education programs are guided by world scientific achievements, in which humanism and eco-orientation are in the first place.
With compulsory basic education, continuity, consistency and succession are ensured, where spiritual development is inextricably linked with physical culture, where talents are encouraged. All institutions of public education should be those structures where a scientific, carefully designed program for study and education triumphs.
The education system includes educational institutions - kindergartens, schools, lyceums, colleges, universities, and social groups - these are preschoolers, schoolchildren and students, as well as their teachers. In addition to the federal state education, there are non-state institutions that complement it, joining the general network and also having a beneficial effect on the economic and social components of the country.

Education legislation
The education system is constantly under state control. These actions are regulated by Law 309-FZ onpublic education, which was updated on 01.12.2007. Monitoring is carried out in relation to educational and extracurricular activities, achievements are recorded, as well as a contingent of talented participants in education is identified and the conditions under which the most successful educational activities were carried out are studied.
In the same way, the success of graduates is studied, which is projected onto this educational organization, and best practices are also introduced into the entire network of institutions. Literally all the components of the plan laid down by the federal state educational standards of education are the main ones, none of them can be called secondary. Here it is necessary to note the close relationship between all components of the system, which ensures work in the only right direction, and this is the upbringing of a real citizen and a good person.

Continuity of education and upbringing
The state standard of education provides for a gradual transition from the very first level to the highest. Only pre-school education is optional. But, starting from six to eight years, a new stage follows - one of the most important in the education system. This is already a mandatory component adopted in all developed countries, and it concerns absolutely every citizen. The federal state education standard prescribes that schooling starts at the age of seven, on average, immediately after the end of kindergarten.
In elementary school, students study the structure of society, the whole country,receive the first information about man, about nature, learn to read, count and write. Along with this, they join a he althy lifestyle, they are taught hygiene skills. Exemption from primary, basic and secondary education can only be for medical reasons, it is mandatory for everyone else.
Secondary school graduates must accumulate the necessary amount of general education knowledge that will help them form as full-fledged citizens. After passing the final exams, each student receives a certificate - a document of the sample established by state educational standards. Education may not continue, but the current stage of technological development will not allow a person to work fully if there is a lack of knowledge.

Special Schools
This area is mostly hidden from the general public. In these educational institutions, the amount of knowledge is given to a minimum, since the children of special schools have various deviations in he alth. There are eight types of such correctional institutions in our country, and all of them are part of the same system of special education for schoolchildren.
These are schools for the hearing impaired and late deaf, schools for the blind, for the visually impaired. Children with speech disorders study separately. Separately - with problems of the musculoskeletal system. There are also schools for the mentally retarded for children who are difficult to learn, with developmental delays and mental disabilities.
For such educational institutions by federal state educational standardshave their own training programs. This education is quite enough in order to subsequently be able to get affordable professions. There are quite a few cases when, after graduating from a special school, graduates successfully enter a university and receive an appropriate diploma.

Vocational training
This type of education has been undergoing reforms in recent decades, as the demands of the country's economy are changing. The optimization of vocational education plays a leading role here, and both primary and secondary vocational institutions are participating in these transformations.
Multi-stage education is a constant improvement from entry-level institutions (formerly vocational schools) to specialized colleges, universities, postgraduate and doctoral studies, as well as a variety of courses where the employee's skills are improved.
The state educational system will not function fully if there is no financial support from the state. Budget allocations are directed to all educational structures. The Public Education Act requires at least ten percent of the federal budget to be allocated to support educational institutions.
This funding works on an estimate that cannot be constant: the size of the budget changes every year, and therefore aid is not always the same. Citizens of the country have a state guarantee for free and public education, the costs are compensated by each regional budget,providing subventions.
Quality evaluation
The quality of education is assessed at the regional and federal levels. These are personal achievements of students and assessment of the educational process as a whole. This determines the level of education at each of the stages with a stepwise transition, where the quality of education is assessed through monitoring research. The measuring system for all users is the same.
This ensures that all curricula comply with federal state standards. According to the Federal Law on Education, each standard identifies three types of requirements: structural (main educational program - volume, ratio of parts, formation of the educational process), implementation (material and technical base, finances, personnel) and performance (development of educational programs - results).

Educational Standard
Educational standards are programs of different levels and different directions, implemented in a network of educational institutions, and together they make up the country's education system. First of all, these are the common goals of education and training, the fulfillment of mandatory requirements, which are enshrined in legislative documents.
The Law on Education has been in force since 1992, and in 2007 some changes were made to it. It is on the basis of legislation that educational standards have been established, which include regional, national and federal components.

General education and professional programs
The first includes programs for training in pre-school education institutions and, in the subsequent ones, programs for school primary, basic and complete (secondary) general. All of them are successive, which means that each of the programs is deeply connected with the previous one and the next one.
Programs for vocational education are created in accordance with each of the levels - primary, secondary, higher and postgraduate. They are already solving much more complex tasks aimed at raising both general educational and professional levels, since the training of specialists must be of high quality.
In addition, each educational institution has the right to implement additional educational programs. But it is educational standards that are the basis for the development of educational and methodological documents that are guided by certain technologies of the learning process.