Today it is important to promote and strengthen family values in every possible way so that any country and all its territorial units serve as a positive example of the formation and further development of the relevant institution as a socio-economic unit of society. The signs of a family can be fully argued by the following values: joint housekeeping, fair distribution of the budget, worthy education of the future generation, and so on. It would be advisable to consider in detail all aspects of the institute.
An important factor in the socialization of society

If we analyze in detail the signs of family and marriage, we can conclude that this institution is a relatively small public association, the basis for which is consanguinity, marriage or adoption, which is closely related to the community of budgetary funds, life, as well as mutual responsibility, therefore, and a complex of family relations based on biological ties, legal norms and the procedure for adoption (guardianship).
The history of the institute is equated with the actual life path of humanity as a whole. Thus, the conclusion suggests itself that the family is one of the most ancient categories of social type. It is important to note that in the modern world, some primitive societies consider the family to be the only institution capable of actively fulfilling its functions. These include the tribes of Central Africa, Oceania, as well as the peoples of the North.
Main signs of a family

It is natural that with the development of society, marriage and the family undergo some changes. However, the established factors of this issue remain unchanged. Among them are signs of the family as a socially important institution. Thus, the fundamental elements of the category under consideration are the following:
- Union between a man and a woman with official reasoning.
- Marriage by voluntary consent of both parties.
- Community of life as the main link between family members.
- Entry into a marriage relationship.
- Striving for further birth, socialization and, of course, the upbringing of children.
Based on the presented provisions, it is safe to say that the signs of the family fully explain the reason for classifying this institution as one of the most important values of society. So, on the basis of the points presented, it is possible to form a functional family system and identify a number of individual functions that characterize a social institution.
Fundamental functions of the family

In accordance with the traditional classification, it is customary to distinguish the following functions that the family performs during all stages of its activity:
- Reproductive function involves the establishment of sexual relations with the subsequent birth of children. The presented function is the leading one, because it is responsible for procreation.
- The economic function is to form the joint values of material nature, housekeeping and organization of life. This should also include the pooling of capital, but today there is a clear trend towards the independence of spouses in material terms.
- The regenerative function speaks of the preservation of family values and relics, as well as the transfer of experience from the older generation to the younger.
- The upbringing and educational function sets the main goal of realizing the worthy moral and psychological development of children, providing them with education, as well as their upbringing in moral and ethical terms.
Signs of a good family

The quality of the performance of the above functions indicates the degree of success of the formed institution. That is why it is customary in society to classify families into prosperous and not quite. So, it would be appropriate to consider the main signs of a happy family:
- All members communicate with each other, and most importantly, they know how to listen to each other.
- In the process of dispute, the opinion of each family member is taken into account.
- Obligations, as well as responsibility in relative terms, are shared among all members of the cell of society.
- Family members support each other not only in difficult cases (such as illness), but also in everyday life.
- Everyone believes in themselves and has adequate self-esteem. In addition, everyone motivates their neighbor and never loses faith in their success.
- The family is taught to respect other people and try not to criticize, whether it is the choice of friends or the direction of the use of free time.
- Family members have a common set of values, know their rights.
What else?
Positive signs of a family are:
- Having traditions, children knowing their roots.
- Variability and dynamism of coalitions between members.
- Raising an optimistic attitude towards life and all its aspects, respectively, and the formation of a he althy sense of humor in children.
- Giving sufficient attention to the spiritual realm of life.
- Devoting the necessary time to entertainment and relaxation.
- Encourage eating (and sometimes cooking) together.
- Promotion of altruism (gratuitous actions aimed at the benefit of another person, school, etc.).
- Formation of worthy conditions for the personal growth of each of the family members.
- No embarrassment when family members turn to each other for support or to specialists of the corresponding category.
- Signs of a he althy family suggest joint tourism or sports activities. It could betravel, bowling, gym or even basketball. In addition, a regular weekend at the dacha will serve as a wonderful vacation that helps strengthen the family not only in terms of he alth, but also in terms of the interaction of its members.
Types of family organization

As a result of a comprehensive study of the institution of the family, several types of its organization can be distinguished. So, depending on the forms of marriage, it is customary to distinguish between monogamous families, polygamous families, as well as polygyny and polyandry. If we consider the institution according to the gender of the spouses, then there are same-sex and heterosexual families. Such a factor as the number of children classifies the objects under consideration into infertile (childless), one-child, small-children, medium-sized children, and, naturally, large families. Depending on the composition, simple (nuclear) and complex (patriarchal) families are distinguished. In turn, the former are divided into elementary and composite. If we consider an institution from the point of view of a person being in it, then there are parental and reproductive objects. Such a factor as the residence of families suggests their classification into matrilocal, patrilocal and neolocal. And, finally, depending on the type of upbringing of children, it is customary to single out families of an authoritarian type, liberal and democratic.
Features and problems of the institution of the family at the present stage of society

Despite the rapid passage of time, the fundamental characteristics of the family remain unchanged. Howeverless certain adjustments are subject to the features of this institution, in addition, today there is a tendency for the growth of problems inherent in the modern unit of society. Important characteristics of the family today are its nuclear “content” (the family core is exclusively wife, husband and children), as well as egalitarianism (the basis of such a family is considered to be equal and voluntary, independent of material calculations and other people’s opinions, the union of a man and a woman). In addition, the cell of society is exogamous, that is, subject to the ban on marriages of blood relatives, and "symmetrical", in which both spouses work.
The main problems of the modern family

. To solve these problems, modern society must make a lot of efforts, because every year the situation is only getting worse. Everyone knows that every couple goes through several stages of development (regarding personal relationships). Thus, the transition from one level to another, as a rule, is accompanied by a serious crisis, which only the wisest and strongest people are able to overcome. Today, even the impossible is possible. So, you need to believe and act!