Applicant's Handbook. Colleges in Almaty

Applicant's Handbook. Colleges in Almaty
Applicant's Handbook. Colleges in Almaty

Alma-Ata is a city in Kazakhstan. It is considered one of the largest and has the status of the southern capital. It is currently home to over 1.7 million people.

The city of Almaty proudly bears the title of a scientific center. There are many research institutions, academies and institutes here. It is also worth noting the colleges of Almaty. After the 9th grade, everyone who wants to get a demanded speci alty continues their education in these educational institutions, of which there are about 100 in the city. Many of them combine the use of advanced information technologies and the national peculiarity of this state.

Aviation College

colleges in almaty
colleges in almaty

Every year, new applicants are invited by the Academy of Civil Aviation. This college is state licensed. Graduates of grades 9 and 11 can study in it in two forms: on a budgetary and paid basis. It should be noted that the requirements for the firstthe group is slightly higher than for contracted students.

All colleges in Almaty, including aviation, conclude agreements with higher educational institutions. After graduation, there is a prospect to continue studying at the university under a reduced program.

Future specialists can choose one of three main speci alties directly related to the organization of transportation and the operation of rolling stock, as well as the technical operation of civil transport.

Almaty College of Architecture and Construction

colleges in almaty after grade 9
colleges in almaty after grade 9

The need to open a college was due to the desire to have a continuous chain of training of young professionals who will be fluent in the latest architectural technologies. It was at the beginning of the twentieth century that many colleges in Almaty were opened. The professions most in demand at that time were related to the transport and construction sectors.

Now this educational institution has not lost its popularity. Students do practical work in various municipal structures of the city. After receiving a diploma, they are provided with jobs and a large volume of orders from government agencies. It is worth noting that not all colleges in Almaty employ their students.

In this educational institution remote enrollment is carried out. With its help, it becomes possible to select the most deserving young professionals from all over the country.

Almaty College of Polygraphy

speci alty colleges in almaty
speci alty colleges in almaty

If we consider the colleges of Almaty, then this educational institution is the only one in the country that trains future specialists for the printing industry. In addition to its own printing house, where students do practical work without interrupting the development of the theoretical base, this institution has the most advanced equipment.

College specialists are in demand not only at the enterprises of Kazakhstan, but also abroad, including in Russia. Successful students receive grants and scholarships from partners of the educational institution (Western European organizations). They are paid financial incentives for academic performance, and are also offered an internship in the largest high-tech concerns.

If we compare all the colleges in Almaty, then this educational institution is an example of a symbiosis of a high-quality European standard of education and a specific method of office work focused on a local student, in accordance with traditional values for Kazakhstan.
