Every language has its own territorial dialects. They can be explained by social stratification in society, the historical past of the people. Those modern languages that are now used are the old territorial dialects. The maximum number of them is found in the Russian language, they are summed up in a variety of dialects. Dialectology, which is a special branch of linguistics, studies the monuments of oral and written speech.

Social Species
In our time, social and territorial dialects are distinguished. The social type implies a variation of the national language, which is used only by a separate social group.
In some cases, the term "jargon" is used to explain this phenomenon. For example, there are social dialects that are associated with a profession. Representatives of information technology use the "language" of IT people.
In the Middle Ages they used the Offenian language of peddlers. Social dialects are considered the result of social isolation, they have lexical language features.
Territorial views
Based on the name, territorial dialects have a different naturerestrictions. They mean the "dialect" used by linguists to describe the oral form of the language, the use of which is characteristic of a certain territory. This part of the national language, which has certain phonetic, grammatical, lexical, syntactic features.
Territorial dialects of the Russian language are associated with the period of development of the ancient East Slavic tribes. The Ukrainian and Belarusian languages are also represented by such dialects that appeared in the Old Russian period.

Historical background
How are languages and territorial dialects related? They are distinguished among the non-literary varieties of the national language. In Russian, they were formed during feudal fragmentation. In the last century, as the influence of the literary language increased, the process of their degradation intensified. Nowadays, there are not only oral territorial dialects, examples of expressions characterize their use in everyday communication. Increasingly, people are using phrases whose meaning is clear only to a certain circle of people.
Territorial and social dialects differ from jargons in phonetics, syntax, vocabulary.

Phonetic differences
Let's consider territorial dialects. Examples of phonetic differences are related to territorial features. For example, the Southern Great Russian dialect is characterized by akanye, the use of a soft “t” in third-person verbs.
In SVN sounds okanie, solidvariant "t" in 3rd person verbs. Some dialects allow the replacement of "xv" with the sound "f". Dialectisms and lexical features are most visible in dialects. In the Kaliningrad region, residents call a path a globka, and in Ryazan it is a stitch.
The same vegetables sound differently in different places, as there are territorial dialects of the Russian language. Examples of such differences:
- borkan and carrots;
- beetroot and beets;
- tebeka and pumpkin;
- rutabaga, german, gnaw.
Let's consider territorial dialects from a historical point of view. Examples of words that came into the language from the last century: arrogant, kids, tyrant, little boy.

The Importance of Learning Dialects
In order to get a complete picture of the versatility of the Russian language, it is important to analyze the processes of merging the St. Petersburg and Moscow dialects.
From a social and psychological point of view, we note the need to establish contact with native speakers of the dialect. Only when considering all the ways of forming dialects, describing the main expressions, can we conclude that the Russian language is specific depending on the territorial feature.

As a non-literary form of the national language are vernacular. They are characterized by less defined, wider boundaries. Vernaculars are rightly called urban mass language.
They do not have their own signs of a systemic organization, explainedthe sum of various linguistic forms that violate the classical norms of the literary language.
Colloquial is a laid-back, rude variety of colloquial Russian. There is its development in two main directions.
One is connected with ignorance of the peculiarities of the application of language norms. The vernacular has typical differences in the field of phonetics, morphology, syntax, vocabulary.
For example, adverbs are used in conversation: always, yesterday, away. Some people decline nouns incorrectly: in kin, on the piano.
Currently, vernaculars are being replaced by the literary language, so they can only be found among older people.

Specific vernacular
A distinctive characteristic of vernacular is their emotionality. For example, you can hear such words: shy away, image, clothes, drape.
In the speech of the inhabitants there are commonly used words and various dialects. In fiction, they are used to convey the specifics of the territory that the author uses in his work.
Such words can be found in the novels of Bunin, Gogol, Pushkin, Nekrasov, and other writers. Dialect words that are used in works of art are called dialectisms.
Each region, region of Russia has its own dialects. Here are some examples:
Let's go.
Shabol - backpack, trunk.
Odnerka - one, one.
Drilling - talking.
Bulldyka - chicken foot.
The guy is a young man.
Zhor is food.
Zyr - look.
To strive is to fear.
Shkandybat - go.
Joking is offending.
Classification of dialects
In the twentieth century, detailed dialectological maps of the native language were compiled, it was at this time that monographs of their division were published. In Russian, there are two main dialects and one dialect:
- South Russian;
- Northern Russian;
- Middle Russian dialect.
In addition to such a large division, minor divisions are also distinguished. For example, Muscovites are characterized by “akanye”, and Vologda residents are characterized by “okanye”.
In the Northern Russian dialect, groups are distinguished:
- Vologda;
- Ladogo-Tikhvinskaya;
- Kostroma;
- interzonal;
- Onega.
For each group, a lot of dialects and adverbs are distinguished. For example, Tver, Pskov, Moscow, Ivanovo, Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir regions differ in the Central Russian dialect.
Linguistic feature
It includes vocalism, phonetics, syntax. The southern and northern dialects differ in their own dialectical features. Some features of the southern and northern dialects are combined in Central Russian dialects.
In the dialects of the Russian language, six-form, five-form, seven-form systems of vocalism are noted, as well as “akanye”, “okanye” in the form of types of unstressed vocalism.
Main differences in syntaxare associated with the use of various cases in the structure, the combination of nouns and prepositions, the use of various forms of the verb. The difference can be traced in the structure of simple sentences: the use of particles, the rearrangement of words.

In conclusion
Currently, the Russian language is considered one of the richest in the world. Greatness is given to it by a wide vocabulary, versatility of words, unique possibilities of word formation, many synonyms, mobility of stress, harmonious and clear syntax, versatility of stylistic resources. Professionals single out the national and literary Russian language.
National speech covers all areas of speech activity of the people, regardless of upbringing, education, place of residence, professional activity. It contains jargons, special vocabulary, numerous dialects.
Villagers speaking different dialects, know the literary language, know how to write, read, know the cultural traditions and characteristics of their people. Often jargon is used in conversation without thinking about its true meaning.
A special role belongs to folklore. With the careful preservation of folk works, the transfer of Russian traditions, you can count on the respectful attitude of the younger generation to the national heritage.
A regional component is being introduced in Russian schools, which is aimed at acquainting schoolchildren with the unique possibilities of national dialects. As part of this additional course,Russian children have a real opportunity to understand much deeper the beauty of their native language, its distinctive features.
Dialect expressions, with which the language is rich, can be an interesting topic for your own research work, a unique project.