Einstein is one of the founders of the current theoretical physics. However, in addition to science, the eminent scientist was also engaged in social activities, actively advocating for peace and respect for human rights. Einstein is the author of many different statements about humanism, science and religion.

Great physicist and religion
A lot of Einstein's phrases refer to such an area as belief in higher powers. At the same time, these quotes are the most mentioned in our time. Throughout his life, Einstein tried to explain how he understood God. Writer W alter Isaacson in his book about the great scientist describes an interesting case. Once a party was held in Berlin, where Einstein and his wife were also among those present. One of the guests said that he believed in astrology. The scientist ridiculed this guest, saying that such beliefs are completely unfounded.
Another guest entered the conversation, who began to speak disparagingly about religion. The owner of the house tried to stop him, noting that Einstein also believed in God. The skeptic was surprised and turned to the scientist to find out if he was really religious. Einstein's reply waslike, "Yeah, you can call it that." The great scientist emphasized that it is impossible to understand the laws of nature, using only the limited capabilities of man. After all, behind all those laws that science can discern, there is something elusive and absolutely incomprehensible. "Reverence for this power is my religion," replied the scientist.

Attitude of a scientist to life
In normal situations, Einstein was always calm. Some considered him even retarded. Self-satisfied cheerfulness was one of the scientist's favorite emotions. He did not pay attention to those things that he did not want to notice, and he did not take trouble seriously. Einstein's phrases about happiness testify to this. "He who is not deceived does not know what happiness is." The scientist was sincerely convinced that life’s bad weather “dissolves” from jokes. Einstein also believed that these difficulties can be translated from a personal plan into a general one. For example, divorce can be compared to the grief that war brings to people. La Rochefoucauld's "Maxims" helped Einstein suppress emotional experiences. The scientist often reread them.

Einstein's notes on happiness
Not so long ago, Einstein's "recipe for happiness" was submitted at one of the auctions for an impressive amount - 1.56 million dollars. The words of the great scientist are written on small pieces of paper, which Einstein handed to the courier of one of the Tokyo hotels instead of a tip. When the messenger knocked on the door, the scientist did not have change for a tip. Instead of moneyEinstein decided to hand the courier a note on a notepad with the logo of this hotel. The note was written in German. It contains Einstein's phrase about what happiness is for a person: "A calm and modest life will bring more happiness than the endless pursuit of success and the excitement that accompanies it."

Unusual Habits
The scientist always remained focused - even while babysitting the children. He was very fond of relaxing, playing the light melodies of Mozart on the violin. And in order to remain independent of generally accepted opinions, the great scientist often became isolated in solitude. This habit accompanied him from an early age. It is known that even Einstein learned to speak only at the age of 7. The great scientist built his own worlds that could be opposed to reality - this is the world of his family, the world of friends and like-minded people, the universe of scientific research.
Originality of statements
Einstein's unusual phrases were said by him in various life situations. In them, the scientist shone with his originality. For example, once Einstein was at the reception of the King of Belgium himself. After tea drinking, a short amateur concert took place, in which the king's wife also participated. When the concert came to an end, the scientist approached the Queen and asked her a question: “Your Majesty, you played excellently. Tell me, please, why do you also need the profession of a queen?”.

Opinion about science
The great scientist spoke about his belief in intuition and inspiration. Sometimes he was sure that he was on the right path, but this confidence could not be justified, as it came from intuitive understanding. In 1919, a solar eclipse confirmed one of his scientific guesses. The scientist wrote that he was not at all surprised by this; rather, amazement would have overtaken Einstein if this had not happened. This position is evidenced by one of Albert Einstein's catchphrases: "Imagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited." It was the power of imagination that the great scientist considered the basis of the progress of civilization, as well as the source of evolution.
The scientist emphasized: "Strictly speaking, imagination is the real factor in scientific research." Science was one of the main values of the scientist. “If you want to live a happy life, then you must be attached to the goal, and not to people or things,” said Einstein.

The role of imagination in life
The basis for this belief was the idea that the whole world is a kind of ordered entity. And this conviction is based on that religious feeling of the scientist, which reflected admiration for the universal order. This harmony reigns in that small part of the world that is accessible to human understanding.
Einstein emphasized that violin playing and physics research are completely different in origin. However, both music and science have the same goal - to express the unknown. As forcreative component, here the great scientist agreed with Schopenhauer. The philosopher believed that the strongest motive for creativity and science is the desire to break away from the monotony of weekdays, to find refuge in a new world filled with images created by man. Agreeing with Schopenhauer, Einstein emphasized: “This world can be woven both from musical notes and from mathematical formulas.”
Einstein's phrases in English
Those readers who are fond of learning a foreign language will also be interested in quotes from the great scientist in English.
- All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. This phrase can be translated as "All religions, sciences and arts are branches of the same tree."
- In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. “At the center of the difficulties are the opportunities.”
- Once you stop learning, you start dying. “Once you stop learning, you start dying.”

Attitude towards family
Albert Einstein's phrase about marriage is also known: “What is marriage? It's a drive to create something solid from a fleeting episode. As for the family life of the great scientist, relative stability characterized his second marriage. In fact, life with Elsa Einstein was both for the wife herself and for the great scientist a mutually beneficial cohabitation. Elsa was a rather active woman who highly appreciated the recognition and fame of Einschnein. When a scientist plunged headlong into work,it was Elsa who took care of the main household chores. She cooked Einstein's favorite dish, lentils and sausages, and made him come down from the office to eat.
The scientist's marriage to Elsa, as opposed to trying to start a family with Mileva Marich, was stable and peaceful. Einstein, Elsa and her two daughters from their first marriage lived near the center of Berlin. Violating all existing building codes, they decided to rebuild three attic rooms, turning them into one solid office. So the great scientist worked, creating his equations. With their help, he hoped to give an explanation to the incomprehensible structure of the boundless cosmos. One of Einstein's most famous phrases reflects his attitude to scientific research: “You can live as if miracles do not happen; or as if all life is a miracle.”
Conciseness of a great explorer
For the great scientist, as for many ordinary people, faith in higher powers has become one of the most important feelings. It was this faith that engendered in him conviction and humility, as well as the desire for social justice. The slightest signs of hierarchy or class differences aroused the scientist's disgust. As a consequence, Einstein was wary of excess and sought to help the refugees and the downtrodden.
In an interview with scientist George Virek, Einstein was asked if he believed in immortality. In response, one of Einstein's catchphrases sounded: “No. One life is enough for me. The scientist has always sought to express himself as clearly as possible. This helped both him and those who wanted clear answers from him.to the most important questions of human existence.
Einstein on morality
The great scientist spoke quite strictly about the changes that are happening to humanity. Einstein wrote that people lose their desire for justice and dignity, forget about respect for what previous generations gained at the cost of huge sacrifices. The great scientist said: “The basis of all human values is morality. The realization of this speaks of the greatness of Moses even in that primitive era.”