In the modern world, there are many expressions and jargon that not everyone can unravel and appreciate. Most of the young people are trying to find on the Internet the concept of ganja, the meaning of the word and what it is, but they come across the Wikipedia website, where only a couple of lines are written about it. In this article, we will tell you in more detail and in detail what it is and what this herb is used for.
Word concept
This term was borrowed from the Indonesian language ganja and translates as "marijuana" (aka cannabis). Ganja is short for ganjibas, marijuana leaves, and is consumed in several ways, boiled milk, added to food, or used as a narcotic by smoking weed.
Cannabis is one of the most widely used drugs in the world. This herb has become a "stress reliever" for many. Marijuana itself is made up of the dried flowers, seeds, and leaves of the Indian hemp plant. In street slang, it has different names: plan, marijuana, straw, grass, joint, smoke, ganja. This is a herb that has become for many something ordinary and necessary for life, in the pockets of young people you can always find a little of this substance. It is especially common in America, Mexico, Brazil, Jamaica, Spain.

OutDepending on the name, whether it's cannabis, marijuana or ganja, it's still drugs that have hallucinogenic properties. They have an element that can distort the perception of the outside world. This chemical is called delta 9 - tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Its content may vary depending on the dose and type of grass. But increasing THC content is becoming more common.
Ganja is a yellowish-brownish substance that is obtained from milky juice, it can be dried, twisted and pressed into bars, sticks, joints, balls. This drug gives off a distinct sweet smell when smoked.
Illicit distribution
Marijuana (cannabis, ganja) is the most popular illegal drug in the world. According to a survey in 2002, it turned out that in the US alone, 14 million people smoked it at least once a month. It is usually consumed in the form of cigarettes (joints), or as tobacco in pipes. On rare occasions, ganja is mixed with food or brewed into tea.

He alth effects
The use of ganja is primarily a negative effect on the heart. There is a deterioration in coordination of movement and a sense of balance, a "dreamy" unreal world is created. The climax occurs within half an hour after taking the drug. After some time, the grass begins to have less and less effect, and within 2-3 hours everything goes away. But of course it depends on the amount of drug taken, the strength of the THC and the presence of other drugs.
- Poor resistance to common diseases (bronchitis, colds).
- Suppresses the immune system.
- Growth retardation of the whole organism.
- Increase in abnormally constructed cells in the body.
- Decrease in male sex hormones.
- The fibers of the lungs are destroyed and pathology of the brain tissue occurs.
- Reduced sexual activity.
- Deterioration of memory, fast thinking.
- Apathy, sleepiness, lack of motivation.
- Mood change.
- Lack of clear awareness of the surrounding world.

How to understand if a person smokes marijuana or not?
Signs appear as follows:
- Red eyeballs and lips.
- Rapid heartbeat.
- Dry mouth.
- Speech is confused, hasty.
- Increased fun.
- Brutal appetite.
- An alarm that appears for no reason.
- Anxiety and disorientation.
If an overdose occurs, then you can stop the condition by taking sweet tea. And sometimes a walk in the fresh air is enough.
It is noteworthy that in Jamaica this herb was officially declared part of the national culture, despite the ban on the use, which also operates in this country.