An unusual word, reminiscent of the mysterious world of medicine and magic, is "drug". This means something seething, from which smoke stretches in all directions - most people are sure of this. In fact, everything is completely wrong.
Definition of the word "drug"
From the explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language authored by T. F. Efremov, you can find out that the drug is:
- Medicine made from special herbs or other medicinal substances.
- Homemade infusions or ointments used for a specific purpose.
- Spice mixture, an analogue of modern seasoning, for cooking.
Short description of the word

Drug is a noun, neuter, singular. It consists of the basis of the word - "drug", which is also the root, and the ending - "e". The drug is declined in cases like this:
- Nominative - drug (singular), drugs (plural).
- Genitive -potions (single), potions (plural).
- Dative - drug (singular), drugs (plural).
- Accusative - drug (singular), drugs (plural).
- Cerative - potion (single number), potions (plural number).
- Prepositional - potion (singular), drugs (plural).
The transcription of this word is as follows: [snadab'y'e]. The sounds included in its composition have the following properties:
- s - [s]: acc., par. deaf, couple solid;
- n - [n]: acc., not par. ringing, sonor., par. solid;
- a - [a]: vowel;
- d - [d]: acc., par. chime, par. solid;
- o - [a]: vowel;
- b - [b']: acc., par. chime, par. soft;
- b - no sound;
- e - consists of two sounds [th']: acc., not par. ringing, sonor., not par. soft, and [e]: voice
Origin of the word

The Latvian word zāle has the meaning of a well-known drug. These are plants or herbs. But with the help of prefixes, it could take on completely different forms. For example, the word abiszāles, where the prefix bise means a gun. Such cases are not isolated. In ancient Greek, βοτάνη (plant), with the help of additional words, was easily transformed into an expression denoting gunpowder.
It is known that the meaning of the word "drug" - herbal infusions made to cure any disease. Researchers suggest that under the influence of this factor and additional word-formation methodsthe word zāle easily changed into units, meaning both grass and plants, as well as a drug and everything related to weapons.