Sour sorrel is a widely known and common plant belonging to the buckwheat family. In total there are about 200 species. Most are weed plants. In the wild, they grow in meadows, edges, clearings, in sparse forests and on grassy slopes. Sorrel grows throughout Russia: near lakes, in vegetable gardens. Geographically observed in Siberia, the Caucasus, Ukraine and even the Far East.
Sorrel sour: botanical description
Perennial plant stretches up to a maximum of a meter in height. Its stems are very strongly branched. The leaves, depending on the location, differ in shape. The leaves that are located at the top are called sessile and have a more elongated appearance. And those that are below are petiolate. At the very base of the stem there are arrow-shaped leaves. Sorrel flowers are red and yellow and collected in a panicle. The flowering of this plant occurs at the end of spring and lasts until June. A nutlet on a red leg is the fruit of sour sorrel. The root system is taproot, branched, thin, in the upper soil layer it creates a rhizome.

The size of the upper part of the root in diameter is -10-15 mm, depth - 25 cm. The lateral branches of the root are thin. On its head are formednew shoots, from which rosettes with leaves then appear. They have their own fibrous root system, which consists of thin lateral branches. In length - up to 10-15 cm. The main part of the roots is in the arable line (0-25 cm). Separated branches pierce into a depth of 35-40 cm. The uniqueness of the sorrel root is that it accumulates many nutrient enzymes, thanks to which the plant tolerates winter frosts well. But if it is minus 15 degrees outside and there is no snow cover, then the plant freezes and dies.
Sour sorrel (photo of the plant is presented in the article) - frost-resistant, for its cultivation, the soil must be moist, fertile and clean. It is better if it is sandy loam or loam. He also prefers soil that is well fertilized with humus. It grows well in peat and drained lands. Sowing seeds occurs in the summer, spring and even before winter. In the summer, the plant must be watered regularly. Planting before winter is carried out in October - November. At such a late time, seeds are sown only because the grains will not have time to germinate before the onset of severe frosts. At this time, sorrel is best sown where the climate is temperate. Seeds are recommended to be planted in beds to a depth of 2 cm. After a week and a half, sprouts will be visible, and after another three, the plant can be used for its own purposes.

A year after sowing, the sorrel soil should be regularly loosened and weeded from weeds. Also, the grass must be systematically fertilized, protected frompests. Leaves should be cut a month before frost. In autumn, it is better to pour humus or compost into the soil of the plant. After a year of sowing, mineral fertilizers can be applied, but only in small quantities, otherwise the plant may burn out.
Medicinal and nutritional value
The value of this plant is that it contains many chemical compounds necessary for the human body. Therefore, we should first of all find out and remember what is contained in sorrel and how useful its composition is to a person. Its components:
- water - 91%;
- proteins - 2, 3%;
- fats - 0.5%;
- carbs - 2.6%;
- dietary fiber - 0.8%;
- organic acids - 0.9%;
- ash - 1.4%.
The composition of sorrel sour includes macronutrients: a complex of calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine. Trace elements - a complex of iron, iodine, manganese, copper, zinc, fluorine. The plant is rich in such vitamins as: A, B1, B2, B3 / PP, B5, B9 - folic acid, C, E, K - phylloquinone; H - biotin.

Sour sorrel: plant description, useful properties
Sorrel has an analgesic effect, its infusion is used for painful menstruation. In addition, it can be used for back pain. The chemical composition of this plant allows it to be used for cystitis, and sorrel also has antifungal and choleretic properties. It has long been known that this amazing plant can stop the blood, so feel free to apply compresses to the wounds that bother you.
Sorrel sour (described above) is a good astringent drug that is used for diarrhea and dysentery in young children. A decoction of sorrel can treat furunculosis and other fungal diseases on the head. The juice from it has an excellent effect on the body for preventive purposes: from scabies, rheumatism, fever and other diseases. A decoction of this plant is used as a rinse for sore throats and bleeding gums.

Sorrel in folk medicine
The plant has healing power, so it has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. Rich in organic acids and vitamins of certain groups, it can not only treat diseases, but also prevent their development.
This plant is unique in its essence, therefore it has a good effect on the intestines and has a positive effect on the metabolic process in the human body. Sorrel contains ascorbic acid, which treats beriberi and removes cholesterol. A decoction of the leaves is recommended to be used as an antidote for certain types of poisoning. Sorrel is also used for hemorrhoids, colitis and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
Use in cooking
Sour sorrel (photo can be seen in the article) is very well used in cooking. It is consumed fresh, pickled, canned or dried, added to vitamin salads, soups and borscht, and even as a filling for pies. The leaves of this plant are very nutritious and he althy, and all because of malic and citric acid. It is important to note that it is better to eatonly until July, because in the later period it collects a lot of oxalic acid, which is dangerous to he alth.

This plant should not be used during pregnancy and lactation. Remember that frequent use of sour sorrel (the photo will help to recognize it) can lead to the formation of kidney stones. Not recommended for gastritis with high acidity and gastric ulcer.
Sorrel should not be abused, as it leads to toxic effects on the body. As a result, a person may develop diarrhea, nausea, pathology of the urinary system. Remember that sorrel sour affects the absorption of calcium, which can lead to osteoporosis.

He althy recipes
Let's imagine the most common ones:
- Decoction of roots for the prevention of hemorrhoids. It is necessary to take the root of sorrel, one large spoon, pour hot water, boil for half an hour. After that, remove the product from the fire, filter. You need to drink one spoonful in the morning, lunch and evening. A decoction is also advised to be used for intestinal fissures, colitis.
- Infusion of sour sorrel fruits for bloody diarrhea. It is necessary to take dry fruits - about one tablespoon - and pour hot water in a bowl. Boil for 15 minutes, then insist for an hour. It should be taken for breakfast, lunch and dinner, 50 ml each.
- Decoction of sorrel seeds for the prevention of burns. We take grains, 15 grams,100 ml of water, boil everything for about half an hour. A decoction should be used to treat bedsores. It is advised to take no more than a tablespoon at a time.
- This plant heals ulcers and wounds well. It is necessary to collect the leaves of the plant, rinse them and apply to an open wound. You will notice very quickly how the inflammation will go away, the skin will become better.
- Sorrel is great for treating sore throats. You need to make a remedy that you can gargle with. It is necessary to prepare a fresh stem and leaves of sorrel, then pour boiling water over everything. Then the composition must be finely chopped and a wooden spoon to cook the porridge. Then take gauze and squeeze out the juice. It is necessary to take in strict dosages - no more than a tablespoon at a time.

In conclusion
So, we found out that sorrel has been used as a medicinal plant since ancient times. It is taken orally as a decoction, tincture, juice for various diseases. Sorrel is very useful for external use. It helps to heal serious wounds, burns, bedsores and other skin diseases. Despite the positive properties of the plant, it is still better to be extremely careful with sorrel, as it has side effects.