Today, the world is constantly creating new technologies, cities, factories, houses are being built. To do this, use the materials that nature gives. Many animals and plants in the struggle for life lose to man. The consequence of this is the disappearance of some of their varieties. If you do not create protection for them, they may disappear altogether, like some extinct species of plants and animals.
Disappeared plants
Disappeared plant species are divided into two groups:
- those who disappeared during the revolution;
- those whose disappearance was influenced by a human.
Because of people, many plants have disappeared, according to various sources of scientific research. Nature is gradually becoming poorer, as industrial waste is emitted into the atmosphere. Many mountain slopes have been deforested by humanity.

There are rare and endangered plant species that are still fighting for life. Vivid examples are:
- yellow water lily;
- dolomite bell;
- cladophoraglobular;
- lilia Saranka and others.
The activities of people have affected nature not in the best way. At the moment, the following extinct plant species can be listed:
- Barguzin wormwood;
- whose shiny;
- Norwegian Astragalus;
- Krasheninnikov's plantain;
- Potentilla Volga;
- Goodyear creeping;
- heather and other plants.
Disappeared plant species are counted every year. Statistics show that every year 1% of tropical rainforests disappear, about 70 species of animals and plants die out. 10% of the biodiversity in shallow water has disappeared, namely coral reefs. It is believed that another 30% will disappear in the next ten years. Such changes occur due to the fact that the climate has changed a lot, the waters are polluted, a large number of reef fish are caught.
Plant protection

Endangered plant species in Russia are under strict protection. These include:
- Amur velvet;
- boxwood;
- common yew;
- Pitsunda pine;
- lotus and other types of shrubs, trees, herbs that are in the Red Book.
If you do not create proper protection of these plants, then in the future it will lead to complete destabilization. After all, there is a food chain in the ecosystem.
It was noticed that as a result of the disappearance of a species, the number of other inhabitants of nature also changes. Every plantcarries a specific DNA molecule. If it disappears, the genetic material will irreversibly disappear along with it. For example, only one-year-old wormwood is able to cure malaria, as it contains artemisinin in a composition that has not been observed in any other plant.
Reason for concern

Endangered species of animals and plants should be known to every person. There are certain reasons for this:
- Biological entities disappear, reducing the richness of nature.
- Destabilization of ecosystems. In nature, everything is interconnected, so the extinction of one species destroys the whole chain.
- Other species are in danger of extinction. After the extinction of a certain species, other plants and animals may decrease in number. This changes the ecosystem.
- Unique genetic material is being lost.
List of some endangered species

Distinguish such endangered plant species of the Red Book that need protection:
- Lily curly. This is an elegant plant that can please itself for several years in a row. Flowers appear in summer. They are pink with purple stamens. The leaves are very original, speckled.
- Strodia high. The plant is classified as an orchid species. It is in danger, as it may soon add to the list of "Disappeared Plant Species". Photos can be viewed in different sources, each of them depictstall herbaceous perennial up to 1 meter long. The plant does not have leaves, but pleases with flowers collected in a brush. In autumn it bears fruits with seeds.
- Japanese beard. The plant is able to grow 20-40 cm in height.
- Reviving Lunar.
- Nymphoflower. Belongs to the shift family. The plant has oval leaves and floats in the swamp.
- Dwarf euonymus. It is a beautiful shrub that constantly pleases with its green leaves.
- Vasilek Taliyeva. It has amazing pinnately dissected leaves that adorn baskets of cream-colored inflorescences.
- Ginseng. Considered a real miracle of nature.
- May lily of the valley. A flower loved by many is on the verge of extinction.
- Astrantsiya big. The plant lives for several years. It is very tall, growing up to 70 cm.
- Thin-leaved peony. Belongs to the Peony family, pleases the eye with its raspberry-colored flowers.
- Helmeted orchis.
- White water lily. Is a very beautiful plant.
Red Book

All endangered species of plants in the Red Book were grouped into sections and categories depending on the status, degree of protection. There are five of them:
- The first category includes species that are subject to extinction. If people do not apply security measures, then it will be impossible to save them. These include: great horsetail, royal fern, white fir, high primrose, upland wolf, lady's slipper.
- Secondcategory. Here are recorded plants that have a high number, but it is rapidly decreasing. This can lead to the disappearance of a number of plants. These include: common lamb, bear's onion, lake polushnik, European bathing suit, white water lily.
- The third category includes those plant species that grow in limited areas. They have a small amount. They are not yet threatened with extinction. This list includes: water fern, yellow rhododendron, small egg capsule, Siberian iris, forest anemone, common ivy, water chestnut, dwarf birch.
- The fourth category. Here are described plants that are poorly studied, but their numbers are small. These are: curly lily, marsh violet, common hogweed.
- The fifth category includes species that have undergone a restoration of numbers. This was facilitated by special security measures. But there are very few such species among plants.
Some species requiring special attention
There are some rare plants that require human attention and protection. One of these is the Arizona agave, the number of plants is rapidly declining. Some species grow in the National Forest in Arizona.
It should be noted that the bush Enrubio is close to extinction. This is due to the fact that many animals eat it. But the number of these plants is not as deplorable as the western steppe orchid. She is on the verge of extinction. Now it grows only in 5 states of the USA, mainly in wetland conditions. Due to global warming, animal grazingthe plant is gradually disappearing from the face of the earth.

Disappearing species of animals and plants are replenished with new ones every year. If a person does not take action, this will lead to destabilization in the ecosystem. As a result of the disappearance of some species, others will die, since in nature there is a chain of life, everything is interconnected.
In the future, the extinction of species can lead to a big catastrophe around the world. Therefore, it is required to create proper protection for all plants and animals, but pay special attention to rare species. After all, their existence depends on humanity. Everyone should think about this and protect nature!